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Graphic editing and coding done by Fenikkusu

About Me

Hi, my name is Bagilistic123. Sooo...about me:I am... 1. A Scrian... 2. ** years old... 3. part of ResCharity(JOIN NOW!!)... 4. A fan of free stuff! ;)... 5. A fan of Harry Potter(as you can see)... and 6. Awesome!! (Just kidding)... What I like...1. Res!!...2. Friends...3. Harry Potter...4. Cats and other animals (=';'=)...5. Random funny things :P(come on, life gets boring sometimes!)...5. Tips...and 6. ummm...stuff? How do you say it? 7. Warriors is the BEST. The absolute. And Bluestar is awesome. Bluestar Pictures, Images and Photos
What ThunderClan cat are YOU?


You're a trouble maker, and you're not afraid to break rules, but only when you really need to. You are a natural born leader, though few others think so.

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Okay then, you can call me bagilistic, or whatever you want. But my real name is NOT Bagilistic. Don't think I'm THAT weird. (But my friends admit I am slightly abnormal. Heheh.) I'm a noob, so I would love any tips, free stuff, friend requests, or tu. Thank you!!! Sooo... I probably sent ResPal requests to some members, I know that was random, so sorry to them. Oh yeah, thanks to Fenikkusu for the profile layout!! It's awesome! And the stuff on my wishlist, yes, I know some of them are random, but if you would help me get at least one of them it would help. Also, if you are willing to buy Gyps, a sepia female teen valabex, she is 50,000 tu in my Rancher Shop. Please Click!! Back to me: I don't have any goals yet, or kewl things, so that's pretty much it...sooo...yeah. XD