Profile by 3mmique, edited by Reddaysi.


Lions rule.
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Zane waddled around on his chubby cub paws, fluffing out his wings for balance. A cute, feline scowl showed on his face as he tripped over a pencil that had rolled off a nearby table.
Forgetting to watch the placement of his tails, a vase was knocked off that same table, much to Zane’s shock and horror. His ears flattened back and his eyes grew wide as it crashed to the floor. He winced, the scowl gone, leaving only a scared ex
pression as he glanced up at Sangvion, who just laughed.
How could she be mad at this cute little Otachie, with his large amber eyes and silly paws, tails twitching in shame?
"Try again, little one," she crooned.
Zane mewled and continued to bumble across the wooden floor of the cottage, determined to get it right.