Stolen eyes, courtesy of yours truly.

Toxic Masters League of Legends player, Irelia/Camille main. Talon lover.
Garbage Sage main.
The girl who traded 1000 cp for 10,000 orange sodas.
Feel free to hit me up if you want to play League, assuming you're not trash kid B)
SELECTED - Riliane
ID: 2534324
Species: Saruka
Color: lemon
Gender: Female
Age: 3926
Level: 1
Health: 25/25
Hunger: full
Power: 22
Defense: 12
Agility: 11
Intellect: 255
Nourishment: 76
Squishies: 3
Rarity: 0%
Status: Healthy
Emotion: Delighted
Birthday: 2013-06-02 12:38:28

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