Welcome To My Domain

My name is Obsidian, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Due to the fact that I am still quite new there is not much on display here. With that being said I will gradually change that.
Thank you, and enjoy~!

Pulpit rockPulpit rockPulpit rock
Rescreatu goals:
○ Reach 1mil tu [X]
○ Reach 10mil tu [X]
○ Reach 20mil tu [X]
○ Reach 50mil tu []
○ Own a male Shaefu [X]
○ Own a Noctis [X]
○ Own a mutant Otachie [X]
○ Own a black Haberisar []
○ Own a male Uilus [X]
○ Own a black Jaaku []
○ Own an Ebilia [X]
