I'm a huge manga nerd. Usually I'll get obsessed with one for a couple months and learn everything I can about it (without actually reading it) then move to a different one. But Naruto seems to be one constant in my life. The plotline's crap, its waaay cheesy, there's no originality, the writer's are on crack and the main character has the most annoying catch-phrase ever. But do I love it anyway? yes, most definitely yes. Other mangas I like are Orooboe Oroboros (I don't expect you to know it but it has the same artist as Death Note and was only 1 chapter), Bleach, Black Cat, Bara no Maria, Fullme[injection]tal Alchemist, Number, Megalomania and Death Note (my all-time favorite it was so awesome). I like a lot of music too usually off-beat stuff, funny stuff or Pop-punk (not Paramore god, I hate them). My favorite band for two years running, is Nirvana, I love them.

Here are some awesome pictures I like to see every time I check my profile
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Welcome To My Profile
You can call me Nitzer, obviously, or Kealsey I don't care. Hatori's my older brother and we share a computer it's not a double account or anything. According the global advanced personality test: I'm docile and anti-social (it had more but I'm too lazy to put it) (and I'm much more social online though still shy you will never, ever, ever see me in the SB waaaaay too scared)


I just to say a couple things about my personality. I'm quite, quite docile and when selling will probably haggle beacuase I'm just looking to get rid of it. I'm quite shy as well. I talk like a nobelmen from the 1600s even though I'm obviously not. I like doing things in code. I like things only I and my friends would get. And this isn't really a personality trait but I absolutley love yoai and don't care what you think
Profile by The Rescreatu Shack