Heyy everybody! It's Mickey here with some random junk.
Well, I'm 17, vegitarian, and a senior in highschool. I love, love, LOVE roleplaying and draawing Anime. :3 I have a love for Invader Zim, Vocaloids, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy and Guitar Hero. :] Send me an r-mail if you would like a fan art or wanna start a story. :D I will love you forever. :D <3

Sadly my role playing skills have gotten terrible since the last time I've done anything cuz I have had school overload, friends, etc. So, I do those over email or on the forums. I also used to write stories, but I stopped for a while cuz of said problems in previous sentence. ;D
dancing gir Pictures, Images and Photos Nekomimi 2
Here's a picture of me. :3
Rikku Pictures, Images and Photos vocaloid Pictures, Images and Photos hello kitty icon Pictures, Images and Photos music Pictures, Images and Photos
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