What Creatu Species are YOU!?
Your Result: Gondra

resultYou have a big heart and are easy to please. You LOVE to eat, but despite that, you are (or can be) agile and graceful. You may or may not love the outdoors, chances is you do though and you love attention from friends, and crushes.

What Creatu Species are YOU!?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Hello, I'm Foxaly,Medimoo's fox kit! To
get a fox kit of your own, click here.
Hi! I'm Medimoo but you can call me Foxaly if it's easier. I like to roleplay and dragons. I'm also an amateur artist, and will eventually try to post some pictures on my profile.

I'm thinking of doing other people's pet pages for a few TU. Like,100 TU a page. What I mean by that is like if you wanted a story for your creatu, or just wanted a block of text explaining who your pet is, and if they are the ones writing the page, a little of their personality.

Unfortunately, I can only do basic coding with text. So, I can't change the background, make the text bigger, make the text into all kinds of pretty colors or add images. Although, if you look around you can probably find someone to do it for you, or teach yourself.

If you're interested send me an r-mail with your creatu's personality, things they like,anything you want on the page.

If you want some references you can look at Starsong's,Swiftclaw's and Eagletalon's petpage.I also did Jena1234's creatus,Stormwing,Torali,Leafstone,Draq8 and Featherjaw's pages.


Beastly tail-(0/?)

Beastly ears-(0/?)

200 credit coin- (1,252,001/45,000,000

Ahnk Necklace-(0/19,999,950)

Ivik egg-(2/65)

Ginger Narwi-(1,429,001)

Pet profiles-(4/26)

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