
I'm going to be on hiatus for a bit. I'm having some trouble with my laptop overheating, and I can only be on it for three hours at a time. In addition to this my laptop needs about an eight hour rest before I can get on again.

I go by Klotho Jetres on many sites, though I do have a few other pseudonyms I use across the internet. I'm more introverted than extroverted, and tend to be quiet in chat. I talk a bit more when I have time to think over my words such as on a forum or in a private message. Though, even then, I tend not to post often. Just know I tend to be quiet.

Some things I like are video games, drawing and making things in general, and reading. There are other things I like to do, but these tend to be the main things. I'm also on far too many of these pet sites, though I'm not always active. I kind of drift from place to place to be honest.

I came across Rescreatu while looking at what pet sites there are out there. I thought it looked interesting, and liked many of the creatu, so I decided to join.

Here are a few things about me that pertain to Rescreatu:

  • *Most of the creatu I have named will have the last name “Jetres”. I'm a bit lazy when it comes to finding unique names. I also use a name generator usually. To be honest I've never been all that good at naming things.
  • *I don't usually have the chat box open, so if you try to talk to me there I probably won't see it. Even if I have the chat box open I may be slow to respond. I usually think about what I'm going to say before I say it.
  • *I've no problem with people sending me respal requests. I'll usually accept them.
  • *My favorite creatu is the jaaku.
  • *My favorite creatu color overall is cream.
  • *The first jaaku I hatched happened to be cream.

  • Which Creatu Are You?
    Your Result: Easero
    You are an Easero, a creatu known for its dynamic flight and agility. Easeros are excitable and friendly, and love nothing more than soaring through the air - they hatch from their eggs flapping their wings in an attempt to take to the skies, and are so adept in this task that they are almost never seen in the wild.