Which Creatu Are You?
Your Result: Uilus

You are an Uilus - intense, hardy, and adaptable. Uilus enjoy both intellectual and physical pursuits, often excelling at games of strategy, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the impressive power of their agile limbs and curved horns in the battle arena. Though they tend to be loners by choice, most Uilus benefit from the company of others.

Which Creatu Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz
Hi! I'm Infernalbird! Just call me Bird or Inferno. I'm Kinda right now a lonely guy on here. If you want to be friends with an idiot go ahead. I do have emotional issues. And Aspeburgers, I'm stupid when it comes to everything but Art and birds. I know nearly everything about birds and am smart when it comes to science (Biology) And have eaten bird food before. It was not that bad. Me (Not my best pic.) Infernal I listen to all me[injection]tal, Melodic to death (I dun like death that much.) Yeah It would be better to get to know me. Crazy time: My thoughts on alien creation: OMG we were made by Aliens?! According to them, a prototype to "The ultimate race made for war." O_o I'm a freaking prototype?? There must be a "Real Kevin"out there then! I must engage my superior in combat and prove I am the ultimate life form!! *Gets out Fighting Fernif guns* Lets rock!

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