Every day is the same. Every day, Ender would wake up, eat, and run out to the beach. And every day, Ender would wait. Alone. Nobody came up to her. They all tried to create a large circle around her. They thought that Ender couldn't see them. And she couldn't. Ender always stared out into the waves. Never at the people. Never letting people know how much it hurt to be avoided. Never letting anyone see the tears that rolled each time she heard someone almost come up to her and then walking away. Never letting anyone know how much pain she held inside. Or how desperately the pain wished to be shared. Today was different. Today, someone came up to her. The stranger spoke no words, and Ender made no attempt to make him. All the stranger did was put his finger to his lips and handed Ender a slip of paper. 'Atquati forest. 3 in the morning. Beware.' Ender looked up to ask the stranger what the note meant. But he had vanished, as if the sea had carried him away. Was the note telling her TO go to the Atquati forest, or to stay away? She shook her head. It didn't matter which one it was telling her to do. All that mattered was what she was going to do. Ender crept out of her tiny underwater house at about two in the morning. She grabbed a flashlight and swam up to the surface of the water and looked around. Nobody seemed to be up. Ender swam over to the forest. It was a lot creepier by day then by night. Turning on her flashlight, she entered the woods. The forest seemed to be alive. You never know how loud the world is until you're quiet. More than once Ender felt something crawling up her legs. She brushed them away with her hands and continued through the woods determinedly. After about half an hour she came across a little cabin. She cautiously entered. Standing in the middle of the cabin was the stranger she saw earlier. Like before, he spoke no words, only pointed to the corner of the cabin and then seemed to vanish. Ender spun around and looked in the corner. Curled up in a little ball was a Sirleon, shuddering and making tiny whimpering noises. It also seemed to be partially drained of color. Ender ran over to the creatu and picked it up. Its body temperature was really low. Hugging the Sirleon to her chest, she raced outside and through the woods, back to the sea. Carefully, she placed the Sirleon down in the water. It swam around for a little bit, and gradually color returned to its fur. "There you go," Ender whispered softly. "You're back in the water now. You'll be fine..." The Sirleon brushed up against her leg. "Thank you," it said. Ender gave the Sirleon a final pat and dove into the ocean, swimming down to her underwater house. To her surprise, the Sirleon had followed her. "Um," the Sirleon said. "My name is Eglu. My parents were killed by some foreign machine. It picked them up and held them captive in a place without water. They died there. I think, that together, the two of us could find out more about this strange machine and avenge my parents. Would you let me come with you?" Ender squeezed her eyes shut. She thought of all the time the people on the beach had ignored her. All the secrets she needed to spill. And there was only one thing she could say. "Yes."
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