About Me

* I'm 21
* I'm taken, don't ask.
* My Fursona is always a Panda-Ferret, usually blue instead of black :3 My name is CuddleKitten only because everything with Panda in it was taken.
* I'm obsessed with this face :3
* I like to doodle
* I love the color Blue
* Pandas are the greatest things EVER
* I randomly give out things to people just because. I don't give to beggars though so please no begging.


*100,000tu(I tend to over do it when buying things)

Kayoki Colors
* Sepia
* Black
* Ginger

Leverene Colors:

* Sepia
* Black
* Ginger
* Silver

My Babies Below are NEVER for sale or Trade. I worked hard to get each of them and will not sell them to you to sell to someone else just to get a rare creatu. Do that with your own creatu.