I go by Athena, I'm taking a permanent hiatus. If you gifted me a creatu you would like back, please let me know. The ones left in my showroom were gifts. Feel free to shoot me a message on discord Athena#8271

SELECTED - HairyButter
ID: 3586795
Species: Shaefu
Color: lemon
Gender: Male
Age: 765
Level: 1
Health: 25/25
Hunger: hungry
Power: 87
Defense: 10
Agility: 28
Intellect: 85
Nourishment: 557
Squishies: 1
Rarity: 0%
Status: Healthy
Emotion: Delighted
Birthday: 2021-04-03 14:27:04
URL: https://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/?id=3586795