Below are the top collectors for the creatu species of Cetari. This list only includes unique creatu by species and color.
Rank User Unique Pets
#126 Wolf 3
#127 Storm 3
#128 sandduck 3
#129 sacrosanct 3
#130 bugbolt 3
#131 FluzzMe 3
#132 Daniellsback 3
#133 Taiko 3
#134 vallygirl4344 3
#135 Voidbringer 3
#136 Chiquita 3
#137 Zuzu 3
#138 Gryh 3
#139 Lunasparkle 3
#140 Porph 3
#141 squeak77 3
#142 Jazlyn 3
#143 kaymeg 3
#144 Rin_Rin 3
#145 Solanine 3
#146 Greed 3
#147 JetBlackSteel 3
#148 Cougar 3
#149 Bethy 3
#150 Tombstone 3