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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#151 LittleBean 387
#152 PinkParadise 386
#153 rita 385
#154 Crow 384
#155 Vampire 383
#156 Nyx 383
#157 Sapphira 382
#158 Kelpie 382
#159 ruthie22410 381
#160 HappyMomCat7 379
#161 Suz 379
#162 bunnies 378
#163 Thowra 378
#164 Rozi 377
#165 oOVanillaOo 374
#166 jetsam 371
#167 Ashe 370
#168 Dovefeather 370
#169 Leopanda 368
#170 Shinigami 367
#171 Alien 366
#172 LadyArTemiZe 366
#173 FearaLovesyou 365
#174 Euchre 364
#175 Shena 362