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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#13076 wildcat2704 7
#13077 jwinchester 7
#13078 authenticDelusion 7
#13079 Sheepie 7
#13080 DeaneRenata 7
#13081 Cherrystrike 7
#13082 Serenix 7
#13083 Deanmon 7
#13084 Impala67 7
#13085 DemonSqulrrel 7
#13086 undecipher 7
#13087 Popshakes 7
#13088 Duskshadow 7
#13089 Amoria 7
#13090 Verrona 7
#13091 Thornshade 7
#13092 victoriajoyous 7
#13093 Phoenix9 7
#13094 rosiemae 7
#13095 cayrat 7
#13096 Starbucks 7
#13097 Holsety 7
#13098 vampkatlex 7
#13099 DerposTart 7
#13100 kitty123cat321 7