Magical Grab Bag

This Grab Bag contains one Magical Creatu Squishy from the Uldavi or Other categories! Click here to see the contents of each rarity tier.

Magical Grab Bag
Type: Other
Craftable: no
Stocked In: not stocked
Amount in Game: 61
Average Merchant Sale: 537,968,674 tu
not currently in any collections
Contained in the following items:
Most Recent Merchant Sales
2024-12-05 00:59:40 600,000,000 tu
2024-12-05 00:58:32 600,000,000 tu
2024-12-05 00:58:31 600,000,000 tu
2024-12-04 08:22:06 600,000,000 tu
2024-12-04 08:20:57 600,000,000 tu
2024-12-03 08:40:22 750,000,000 tu
2024-12-03 08:40:21 750,000,000 tu
2024-12-03 08:40:19 750,000,000 tu
2024-12-03 08:40:11 750,000,000 tu
2024-12-03 08:37:21 750,000,000 tu
Merchant Shop Price
A Shop 600,000,000
Resale and Exchange Shop 750,000,000
💩 Sins Gluttony 💩 750,000,000
jetsam2010 800,500,500
Thehippis Rare Item Shop 949,000,000