Otachie Hard Candies

These candies get their surprisingly spicy flavor from Reiflem Berries. For those who aren't from Reiflem they might be more of a trick than a treat.

Otachie Hard Candies
Type: Feed (10)
Everlasting? no
Craftable: no
Stocked In: not stocked
Amount in Game: 824
Average Merchant Sale: 506,923 tu
Creatu Hard Candies
Contained in the following items:
Most Recent Merchant Sales
2023-05-02 05:21:57 1,200,000 tu
2023-03-22 21:08:56 3,999 tu
2023-02-22 19:46:56 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:09:02 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:59 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:57 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:56 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:56 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:53 3,000 tu
2023-02-21 15:08:53 3,000 tu
Merchant Shop Price
SALE 7,899,000
Katie 7,900,000
Trixxxs Goodies 8,490,000
Faeyrunns Fine Goods 10,000,000
Le Magasin 10,000,000