What should i do... (need a bit of bully help)

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11:26pm Nov 10 2010 (last edited on 11:30pm Nov 10 2010)

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Posts: 4,355

here is the story:

today at art cla.ss, my friend wanted to sit next to me. so we sat down by a person named Jaxen. lately, hes done some pretty mean things to me, but today, he went to far! i was sitting next to him when... SMACK! he smacked me right across the face as hard as he could, leaving deep, pircing red marks on my cheek. it hurt so bad i wanted to run out of art cla.ss and never come back.

yes. i do not know wether to tell some one or not. i am afraid because, Jaxen will probally will just hurt me whorst. he has punch me in the stomch, almost kicked me in the face, and threw me face-first into a pit of gravle and he calls me exstreamly mean names. i feel really scared everyday, that he will hurt me. so lets get to the point... should i tell someone?


11:37pm Nov 10 2010

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Posts: 4,355
well maybe i should more specific... i was sitting next to him, then i told him something (i forgot what it was) then he told me to shut up, and then he hit me. then he also called me ugly. then he wrote all over my new shirt, hes a nice guy.


12:43am Nov 11 2010

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Posts: 2,046

Tell your Parents. Tell your Principle. That is extremely frightening, and not something you should have waited about. Tell someone now. You'll be called a tattle-tale most likely, But It's worth it in the end.

If not, then kick him in the... You know where. ^^

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

10:25am Nov 11 2010

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Posts: 4,355

i did tell my mom and dad, and some of my best friends. i am just... scared. i am pretty short, and a little weak. this guy is MUCH taller then me, and much stronger. telling would be hard, cause well... he could hurt me whorst.

and kicking him in the... you know where. would make more trouble for both of us.


4:00pm Nov 11 2010

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Posts: 158

Did you say or do something that makes him act this way?

Then say sorry. Even if you dont mean it. Say sorry for your behavior and maybe he'll stop bothering you.

Thats usually what I do. Or, just do nothing about it. The goal of the bully is to make your life sad.

If your never sad because of him, then he might give up.

Or you can just fight back. XD

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5:55pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 5:57pm Nov 11 2010)

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Posts: 1,082

If you did nothing in particular to provoke him, tell your principal NOW.


Even if you did, he had NO right to lash out at you in such a violent manner. That's just wrong.


Don't attack him back. As I said before, tell your principal.

Who cares if he's taller, stonger, and whatnot. Chances are that he will get at least suspended for hurting you. And if it continues, he'll likely be expelled.

Then you no longer have to trouble with him. <3


PS: Please refrain from kicking in the you-know-where. You'll get into trouble if he decides tattle the way you didn't. Not fun yeah?


7:59pm Nov 11 2010

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Posts: 4,355
scar: i said nothing! i just said... like 'hi' or something stupid like that. but yeah, i like your plan best. so heres what i am going to do, i will tell him, 'dont do that'. or something like that. then if he contiues to hurt me, i will tell.


8:11pm Nov 11 2010 (last edited on 8:12pm Nov 11 2010)

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Posts: 5,835
 I would probably pretend like what he did was super funny and didn't hurt at all and start cracking up just to bug him...It probably wouldn't help, but it would be what I would do.


6:03pm Nov 12 2010

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Posts: 1,003
dont put up with that crap >:(
punching some one in the arm among friends is one thing, but this is crazy

if i wasnt going to tell, then at the highest point of rage i would scream something like "what the h*ll!?" (hopefully you dont do this in cl*censored*) i mean full out unleash your furry, you cant do to the dean for yelling at someone, espceialy in your case (unless your in cl*censored*)

when i was a little kid there were these teenagers that were always mean to me, shouting "get out of here monkey!" once they yelled at me in front of my own house

but one day my dog got out (i like you, pet me, personality type) and i saw those boys around my dog
they werent being mean to him, but something snapped in my little brain i yelled at the top of my lungs "GET AWAY FROM MY DOG!!!"
they left my dog alone, they still yelled at me after sometime p*censored*ed, but i felt great, like a won a mini war, and that if anyone messed with my dog, they would have the wrath of h*ll upon them


8:09pm Nov 12 2010

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Posts: 2,282

I suggest telling the Art teacher, to have your seat switched with someone else. maybe this way, he has a less chance  of hurting you in cl*censored*. Also, someone times when a boy acts this way, he maybe LIKES you in the like like way.  Plus, i whoud ignore him.


If he tries to punch you again, try like ducking or blocking.


4:31pm Nov 24 2010

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Posts: 4,355
twilight: yeah, a guy who punches me, slaps me and kicks me, likes me.


6:58pm Nov 24 2010

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Posts: 1,707
God Twi. I'm sure he doesn't like Sona. :U I'd tell someone if I were you. That's horrible by the way. I hope things get better.


11:11am Nov 25 2010

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Posts: 4,355
thanks sugar. i am hoping the same thing.


7:58pm Nov 25 2010 (last edited on 7:59pm Nov 25 2010)

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I've been bullied verbally for four years, starting in grade four and till now. Right after I started school my mom told me she noticed I was getting more shy and very quiet, almost mouse-like. But I was completely ignorant and didn't notice a thing, even when the girl in question called me emo, checked my wrists for 'fun' and insulted me a few times.

In grade six things started changing though. I never really liked her, but for the sake of my other two friends I attempted to be nice, include her and in general be her friend. Eventually she told me that I preferred the other two girls to her, and I answered back that 'Obviously I like them better, _____. You're a selfish and inconsiderate person who's been nagging me for two years about me liking another friend better. You call me names, like emo, and that's not funny.'

But I felt bad, so I tried to patch things up. Finally, in grade eight I went to a guidance counselor and we tried to sort things out. Apparently the girl didn't actually know she was attacking me verbally and hurting my feelings so badly that I occasionally refused to go to school. (>_>)

So, if your school has a guidance counselor, talk to them. If not, try to ask your parents to talk to the boy's parents. Ask what's going on, tell them that their child is being attacked physically at school, etc.

And don't be afraid. If he's punching you, that's serious. After all, slapping you in the face, punching you in the stomach, that's on purpose, not an accident. Trust me, telling will make things better, at least in my opinion. And once he's been dealt with, there's not much he can do to you.


I really hope this helps, by the way, and even though it'd make things worse, I'd totally punch him in the 'you know where' area if he did that to me. :3

But there was an upside to this bullying, you know. I retreated to my computer as something to take my mind of school, got into Kongregate and met Meggie, who reminded me about Res, which I had joined a few years back.

I don't regret telling the counselor either. Best of luck, Sona.


9:44am Nov 26 2010

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Posts: 4,355

aww! thanks det.

but ive got some good news, one day he finally he admitted he was a jerk, and now we are friends! ;D

again, thanks to everyone who helped me with your promlem!


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