The rant of a hatch seller (stopping)

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5:44pm May 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 468

Hey everyone, Dustfire here. I have been selling hatches for quite a while because I am too lazy to search for eggs and incubate them, and I like to earn a little tu every day. But after today, it all stops. *epic face* 

Selling hatches got harder and harder for me. Because many things are irritating me. Hmm, let's see what it is. The customers? Well actually yus! They got super arrogant and just no one can be friendly against me anymore. Of course there are a few people who ARE, and it's fun and all to sell hatches to those who are happy to buy hatches from me, but the majority of customers are just BLARGH.

 First, when I advertised, the people were like ''Can I buy them?'' Or ''Me please Dust'' well, I don't see that around anymore. It's always just a quick 'ME'. It just sounds like a greedy grabby-handed person to me xD 

Also I almost never get a thank-you afterward, or something like that, anymore. They just take their new pets home and disappear. ;-; It's not that you HAVE to say something, but it feels so impersonal, gaiz. ;-;

Oh yeah, and If I hatch natties or fails, I get super arrogant pricky answers. Something like ''Seriously :U'' or just ''Sigh >.>'' As if it is my fault. Well, sorry. But I'm not the res god and I don't decide what's gonna hatch from them. It's as disappointing for me as it is for the buyer to hatch low colors, natties or fails. So I miss the time that me and the buyer just ''Baww'ed'' together. x'D 

Another few points:

Gosh I had it so many times. Waited a few minutes before I got my eggs and 5 seconds after the person sent the stuff, I standardly get the question ''AND? WHAT DID YA HATCH?'' WELL, GEE, I TRY MY BEST BUT I CAN'T HATCH AT THE FREAKING SPEED OF LIGHT. Leave me alone, lol.

Yes, the other kind of people. They instantly shout MEE when I advertise to sell my hatches, and after that I get nothing for a quite while. Or only the amount of tu so I can't sell them to anyone else. A few weeks ago someone let me wait for 15-20 minutes, so I got a little pissed. Then I got excuses about them making toast or something, well, if you buy hatches, you should stay in the chat for a few minutes, because you just made a deal with me. After saying something about it, I got a load of nagging. Well I'm sorry, but I have a life outside Res too so I don't like to kept waiting for so long. :U 

Fuuu one other thing; you hatch a bunch of natties or other poopy things and the hatch buyer is like ''Meh.'' so what does he/she do? Tell you to give them random, pronouncable names. Uh, the eggs and so the new pets are YOURS and so it is YOUR job to name them. I am a perfectionist so I always spend a lot of time on naming pets, I just can't give them junk names myself. It's so frustrating. I'm not a naming machine, people! ;-; It's the least frustrating thing of this whole topic but still, It gives me a lot more work and stress because I am derp D:

I'm sorry for my bad grammar (I'm not English/American) but I had to rant for the first time.
Also, don't feel offended by everything, it's not about a perticular person, but a lot of people. I experienced things like this for months before I got real tires of it and decided to stop selling.

I hope you guys understand <3
Also I would still sell to people who can be nice to me. Just drop an Rmail in my inbox. :3

/Rant mode off


7:56pm May 23 2013 (last edited on 7:57pm May 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 777
Well on some of these points I totally agree with you. I was once kept waiting for an hour when I bought hatches from someone else and they didnt even go offline. Being made to wait a long time is annoying.

Secondly the "ME" thing. Yes that bugs me too and in a way kinda makes me sad that they almost always get hatches over the person who took the extra two seconds to remember manners. Please and thank yous should be encouraged and them getting overlooked for doing it only discourages it furter

The only other thing that bothers me, you havent mentioned; is the few who try to demand refunds for failed eggs. Because a the end of the day you still used the hatch and they paid to use that slot knowing its a riskand we cant refund everyone the cost of NCJBs for everythime someone gets a cream lol


8:14pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Yes. I have to agree with you on all of them, Dust.
It honestly pisses me off when I type out, "May I have the hatches please ______?"
And there's just a few people that go. "Me plz."
Or, "ME"
Another thing that makes me mad is that people go, "Me"
And then like twenty seconds later, since they were the first person, they go,
"*please _____"
Like, could you have NOT have done that in the first post?
How hard is it to type a few extra words?

I mean honestly.
If you're going to be lazy with your manners, then you honestly shouldn't be buying hatches at all.
(or doing anything, for that matter)
These people are more than willing to give you their hatches and sell them to you.
They are willing to wait while you get a name, and they don't get all butthurt when they hatch an albino for you.
So say your pleases and thank yous, and if your going to be the one butthurt because the hatches fail, boohoo.
Life isn't always going to be nice to you, and hatches aren't always going to be great.
You're honestly going to have to have that thought in the back of your mind, and expect a crappy hatch.

Trust me, I've bought tons of hatches over my res lifetime.
The vast majority of them are fails, naturals or sepias.
But out of those, I've gotten 1 albino and 4 calicos hatched for me, all when I wasn't even expected.
Maybe a few blacks, creams, blondes and silvers in there too.

But the people that are nice when buying hatches are often rewarded.
I mean, I've seen people that were nice and polite get refunded, if the hatches were bad.
Because the seller was nice enough and reconized that you took the time to type out a polite sentence.
And you were nice to them, and weren't all like, "HURRY UP I AINT GOT ALL DAYYYYY."
(hehe, I used aint 8I {first time ever true story})

Why I never sell my hatch.
If I do, I'm always like, "Hatch for 100k to the first person who asks nicely."
And still, I get the my plz's and whatnot.
Oh well, they'll never get my hatches. ;o


And aw shucks I like ranted on your thread. ;A;
Sorry about that.


8:28am May 24 2013


Posts: 3,187
I completely agree with you,
If I decide to sell hatches im not going to give it to the first user to shout "ME" 
Im going to give them too the first polite person with manners, I've seen more and more people doing this now which is brilliant. 
Being a naming machine is annoying too ¬-¬ 
As soon as I send eggs and TU I go to my hatch slots where I have an unnamed pet so I can quickly check for names, I usually end up giving them some random name but it honestly dosent take  long and you get a name that you want. 
Ive been pretty tempted to name a pet something along the lines of "Mc* insertSomthingstupidhere*" and just be like 
" :U there its pronounceable, be happeh" 

I barely ever sell my hatches but I really do agree with you

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