Rescreatu Style & Artist Application Resources

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4:39pm Jan 27 2016 (last edited on 4:46pm Jan 27 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 83
This whole guide is really really awesome.


Here's something I did while pretty much following this post as much as I could. I chose a rodi as they're pretty simple.

Any input?

My initial thoughts are that that the pose is pretty uninteresting, maybe a bit stiff. Backlighting MIGHT be wonky as it's not something I've used before. Overall I'm actually pretty happy with it, though. It came out better than I as expecting.


4:57pm Jan 29 2016 (last edited on 4:59pm Jan 29 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 1,938

this thread oh my gosh * v * AND ESPECIALLY THAT TUTORIAL HNNGH;; as a person who's looked up to res art since.. ever?? this is possibly even more valuable than gold?? kirara, you are a wonder ;__; thank you so much


i. uh. alright. tle="" target="">LINK

there's a few res-esque things i've scrapped up over time ;o; i suppose the things i'm most proud of are the fake creatu drawings, although with the tips and guidelines given on the tutorial, i'll surely give a try at some new ones as well! >v>

i'd love to apply for artist training, but as school pressures me rn, i'll have to see if there'll be a more chill times ahead after i graduate ;v;"

(ps. im pretty sure ive got more intricate pet edits somewhere, i'll add them onto the folder if/when i find them.. unf)


5:36pm Jan 29 2016


Posts: 240
@Horrificus: That is absolutely fantastic! Your lineart and proportions are wonderful and your shading is marvelous!
I think you got a little too detailed in some areas of shading, if you took that image and scaled it down to 200px you would notice a lot of those fine details disappear. My suggestion would be to take those tiny fur clumps and group them into larger ones (like you did on the inside of the ears and tail tip). You can combine a lot of those small details into some simplified larger ones.
You've got the idea of backlighting down, but the implementation could use a little rearranging. Remember that backlight should be facing opposite of your light source, and in the case of layering, should be placed on the highest overlapping part of the creatu. For example, I see a nice bright highlight around the fingers of it's outstretched hand. You've got the right idea, but the fingers are on top of the hand, so the backlighting should be placed around the fingers, not behind them on the hand. Backlighting does not go under other objects, it goes on top of them.
Well gosh that was a novel and a half for a few little nit-picky details! Honestly your image is wonderful, and far better even than my first attempts at shading in Res style.

@TARDIS: Friggin Omena... I've been waiting for you to apply your dang butt to the artist team! You've already got the intricacies of VPS style drawing down, from simplified creatures, to smooth lineart, to square canvas posing, and I swear you get better at it every day.

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

11:02am Mar 29 2016 (last edited on 11:49am Mar 29 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 37
Was gonna post the picture but I think it would stretch the forum :P It's a little sized down than the actual canvas size I'm using.
So here's a link. You saw this one in DA Kira but I've worked on it some more xD (it's still a WIP, since it's missing another la
yer of highlights and the backlighting, among some character design details)

p.s do let me know if it's allowed to post WIP or only finished pieces.

3:07am Nov 13 2016

Normal User

Posts: 84
Hello, I was wondering if you must own Photoshop to apply to be an artist here on Rescreatu, or if other similar programs can be used. Thank you.


5:38am Nov 13 2016


Posts: 3,187
Hello, nope as long as your art is up to standard I believe you can use anything.
 It would be very beneficial if your art program could save things in PSD file type though.

Personally, I use Sai. 

(I am going to save up for photoshop |D) 


6:26pm Nov 14 2016


Posts: 240
Another fantastic art program I recommend whenever given the chance is Fire Alpaca! It's completely free and they update it to add new features constantly. I think it's the best program when it comes to lineart, specifically.

p.s. wow Pipsqueak I never saw your comment, I'm so sorry for never replying! You are totally welcome to post WIPs here.

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

3:47am Jul 17 2017

Normal User

Posts: 45
Would you guys mind updating the image links in the main post now that PhotoBucket requires payment for links? 
I wish I had seen this before I applied. 


4:14am Jul 17 2017

Content Manager

Posts: 3,124
I let Kirara know, Del!


4:41pm Jul 17 2017


Posts: 240
Hey guys thanks for letting me know about this! I've been trying to update everything since Photobucket broke, but I overlooked this. 
Hopefully I've fixed all the images, let me know if I missed anything!

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

6:13am Oct 28 2017

Normal User

Posts: 45
Thanks Olly!

And Kira, thank you thank you! It seems you got everything except for the reworked sketch images of the Liyure concept! :'] 

It's awesome to see more of the images now though, I really enjoyed this post. I don't really specialize in any sort of animal art but I really want to start getting into it and I really really want to put the shading tips to use. 


12:50pm Oct 28 2017


Posts: 3,187
If you're interested you could always try for items and clothing :)


2:22am Oct 29 2017


Posts: 240
I'm really sorry, those two images were actually drawn by another artist and were being hosted through a different account :'0 I searched through my files to see if I had a copy and it doesn't look like I do.

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

1:21pm Nov 16 2019 (last edited on 1:29pm Nov 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 376
This is amazing! 
But i have a question - at the current moment i dont have any software or such for the coloring/shading/highlights etc Because of this restriction im limited to original line art on paper or sketches. Do Res accept applicants who only do sketches or line art?

Love your work!


5:03pm Nov 16 2019


Posts: 240
Disclaimer: I no longer work for Res and can't speak on current policies, but I don't know if any other staff keep tabs on this thread so I'll fill in with what I know! 

Unfortunately drawings on paper is just not really up to par with professional or industry-standard graphic art. Sketches CAN be traditional (my original application back in 2010 had traditionally-drawn sketches) but it's most likely always going to be less reliable than digital unless you are able to accurately account for canvas size and DPI. It would be pretty difficult to match the line thickness and clarity in a traditional medium compared to digitally drawn pets, and you'd have no idea what it might look like upon resize to 200px. 

Artists collaborating was a regular thing when I was on the team - one person might sketch, to have someone else line, and another shade, and even a 4th person do all the recolors. However, having someone who could ONLY do sketches or lines would likely be redundant.

If you're in need of a digital art program, I'd like to suggest FireAlpaca! It's completely free, updated regularly, and my favorite program for doing lineart in. I use it alongside Photoshop, and it has many of the same necessary features. 

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

6:33pm Nov 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 66
I'm scared to try 😳😣😂


12:24am Nov 18 2019


Posts: 3,187
Honestly it is a bit daunting at first but it's actually pretty laid back and we're always here to help


9:12pm Oct 8 2021


Posts: 240
I've also added this to the first post, but I wanted to let everyone know that if you ever need to access this tutorial outside of Rescreatu, or send it to someone who doesn't have an account, you can also find it over on DeviantArt:

tle="" target="">

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

10:23am Dec 25 2021

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Username: PurpleKitty
Time Zone: Romania
Site Join Date: I joined like a few weeks ago
Examples on my deviantart
Also, can you pm me if I get accepted?

10:13pm May 28 2022

Normal User

Posts: 166
I would like to show off my WIP of my try at an OAK for one of my pets if that would be okay. I'll keep it at the 200x200pix if that helps


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