Mihashi's Mistakes: Welcome to Hellfest 2017, Kiddos

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5:47pm Jun 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 605
Oof, that sucks.  Hope ya feel better soon!

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

4:47pm Jun 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 218
Pidge's true form is a very, very small pigeon. A Pidgeon.

Pricing things at twice their value even though said things are still in season is a surefire way to display your prowess at making a sale. Ripping people off is the first step to true success, after all.

Sorry if this one is kinda lackluster. Figured I should at least post SOMETHING.

"Noodle boy! I thought I smelled some garbage. Turns out I was right!"

2:17am Jul 2 2017

Normal User

Posts: 218
When Kina is feeling particularly enthusiastic about something, they become Keena.

Trolling a husk of a site is truly the most entertaining trolling experience out there. Weak, blatantly inflammatory comments that everyone and their mother has seen by now are the greatest way to earn you a whopping THREE points of Troll Cred- Y'know, from the only three people who are ever in the SB. Two of which are probably staff. Wow, those two minutes of insulting random users sure paid off!

"Noodle boy! I thought I smelled some garbage. Turns out I was right!"

9:12pm Jul 2 2017

Normal User

Posts: 218
Sagitaurus is a very droopy bull. Saggy-taurus.

13 year olds are extremely fragile snowflakes that must be protected at all costs. Cussing is the absolute worst thing a human being can do (no hyperbole here, folks!) and precious youngling eyeballs must be preserved even if they were probably using the Devil's Language themselves already. So don't cuss! Ever!

Approved Words and Phrases By The Rescreatu Committee Of Social Purity:
- Heck (even this is stretching it tho! use sparingly!!!)
- Shoot
- Fudge
- Gosh doodly
- Shut the front door!
- Cheese and rice!
- Flip flop
- LMBO (Laughing my butt off, because even though 'ass' is technically allowed- praise be unto our benefactors- it's STILL TOO LEWD!!!!!!)

"Noodle boy! I thought I smelled some garbage. Turns out I was right!"
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