how to tell if you're res eLITE

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11:21pm May 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 878
1. You have 20 Albino Retireds
2. You have at least 30 billion in the bank
3. You knows how to word gud
4. Has at least 200 Pieces of art dedicated to yourself
5. You have an R-ray
6. You have at least 50k cp
7. Your stocks are worth more then Bill Gates
8. Your income of tu 7 million/second
9. When you talk in the sb, YOU ARE THE CENTER OF THE SB
10. You are a SUPER STAFF (aka all the staff at once)
11. Everything you hatch is ALBINO.
12. You don't ever BUY food, only RECEIVE FOOD AS OFFERING

(give me more ideas!)


7:29pm Jun 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 732
Then I'm a noob


6:23pm Jul 3 2017


Posts: 1,585
Kir feeds you his creatu.

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