= Received from viewing an Easero creatu on your profile. RETIRED
= Play with a Freaky Green Squishy!
=Play with a Freaky Purple Squishy!
= Play with Freaky Orange Squishy!
= Play with Freaky Red Squishy! = View your inventory with a pair of Robins Kinky Underwear in it!
= Visit the Beverage Shop (May or may not be retired) = Received from a random alert during V1 of Rescreatu! RETIRED = Received from having the item "Scythe" in your inventory and viewing your inventory!
= Received the 1st time you play the Luck game that gives you a random amount of tu!
= View your inventory with female night shirt in it!
= Received while either viewing your inventory with an Emmys 16th birthday present in it or playing with it! BROKEN = Received for visiting res on Relcore Day (Date Unknowned). RETIRED = Received from using Geeky Glasses on your pet to cure an illness! RETIRED
= View your inventory with a male gothic shirt in it!
= Feed your pet Broccoli. BROKEN = View your inventory with a Reiflem Scythe in it!
= View your inventory with a Scria Scythe in it! = View your inventory with a Atquati Scythe in it! = View your inventory with a Relcore Scythe in it! Feed your pet a Chocolate Chip Cookie! = Visit the Ice Cream Shop! RETIRED = View your inventory with the item Ishu in it!
= Be a part of the Rancher Class on Rescreatu!
= View your inventory with a Invader Stim Action Figure in it!
= View your inventory with 32 Pixel Flowers in it!
= Win the Jackpot in the Weekly Lottery!
= Complete the Resurrection quest!
= Visit the Potion Shop!
= Complete the 1st level of kir quest!
= Have your pet drink Milk!
= Have your pet drink a Tropical Blossom!
= Have your pet eat Popcorn!
= Have your pet eat pancakes!
= Have your pet play with the Sunshine Squishy!
= Have your pet play with a Rubber Ducky!
= Have your pet play with an Evil Rubber Ducky!
= Either play with or view a Happy Bear in your inventory!
= Guess correctly 3 times in Clam Game!
= View a lucky coin in your inventory!
= Received in 2013 for getting all the Corn Husk Dolls from Fead the Feast! RETIRED = Use an all Natural Potion on a creatu!
= View your inventory with a Calico Bean in it!
= Use an Egg of Rebirth on a creatu!
= Have your creatu play with an Angry Emote Squishy!
= Have your creatu play with a Grin Emote Squishy!
= View your inventory with a Sugar Easero in it!
= View your inventory with an Uldavia Sword in it!
= View your inventory with Atquati Sword, Reiflem Sword, Relcore Sword, Scria Sword, and Uldavia Sword in it!
= Randomly received when picking an apple from the apple tree!
= Read the book We Come In Peace to a pet (WARNING: Chance of book breaking)!
= View your inventory with a Fire Mirabilis Squishy in it!
= Received from clicking the link in updates on April Fools Day 2013!
= Read the book A Ghostly Tale to a creatu (WARNING: Chance of book breaking)!
= View your inventory with an Easero Feather Sword in it!
= View your inventory with a Neon Mohawk in it!
= View your Inventory with 1 of each color Jelly Bean in it!
= Have Dhani, Iko, Pira, Stoor Treats in your inventory and view it!
= Have an Ebilia Whistle in your inventory and view it!
= Have a Jaaku Whistle in your inventory and view it!
= Have 1 of each color Jelly Berrok in your inventory and view it!
= Have your pet eat a slice of Very Vanilla Cake!
= Have your Creatu read Card of Gwen (WARNING: Chance of book breaking)!
= Complete Tier 50/50 of the Weapons Quest!
= Have your creatu play with a Natural Liyure Squishy (will break)!
= Have an easero on your profile and click pluck feather by edit pet page!
= Complete tier 50/50 of the Squishy Quest!
= Open a Rave Pack!
MAY BE BROKEN = Use an Ageless Extract on one of your creatu!
= Complete Tier 50/50 of the food quest!
= Purchase a Drachid Fan Pack from the Credit Shop Store! REITRED/SPECIAL = Hatch a Galta Creatu Egg!
= Complete Tier 50/50 of the Toy Quest!
= Have your Creatu play with a Natural Omni Squishy (Will break)!
= Participate in FTF 2014! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in 50 points worth of Jaaku Creatu/Jaaku Eggs to Xoria During Halloween event! SEASONAL
= Use a Cosmic Salve on one of your pets!
= View your Inventory with a Mini RSTU in it!
= View your inventory with Kir Apple Squishy, Phaeda Apple Squishy, and Kir807 Apple Squishy in it!
= Have your pet use Envys Curse (will not break item)!
= Find the light at the end of the Ice Tunnels during Christmas Event! SEASONAL = Enter a pet into the Ice Tunnels during the Christmas Event! SEASONAL = Help decorate the Apple Tree during the Christmas Event! SEASONAL = View your inventory with Skaldyrs Favorite Toy in it!
= Complete Round 1 Level 120/120 of Kir Quest!
= Complete Round 2 Level 120/120 of Kir Quest!
= Complete Round 3 Level 120/120 of Kir Quest!
= Complete Round 4 Level 120/120 of Kir Quest!
= Complete Round 5 Level 120/120 of Kir Quest!
= Participate in the Human Avatar contest Halloween 2014! RETIRED
= Participate in the Mask Making contest Halloween 2014! RETIRED
Resurrect a dead named pet using either a RSTU001 or RSTU002 frame! = Resurrect a dead named pet using either a RSTU001 or RSTU002 frame!
= View your Inventory with Painted Omni Egg, Painted Kioka Egg, Painted Aerix Egg, and Painted Liyure Egg!
= Participate in Baking Contest from Christmas 2013! RETIRED
= Participate in Pumpkin Carving contest from 2014! RETIRED
= Participate in Coloring contest Halloween 2014! RETIRED =
= Turn in one of every flower from the Spring 2014 Event to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Perilus to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Chryshaefu to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Paordula to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Snapgondra to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL
= Turn in a Goibit to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in Otachitail to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in Zaphodil to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Orchsearo to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Lumicyid to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Dandysirleon to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL = Turn in a Snapgondra to the Planter! RETIRED/SPECIAL
= Received for Participating in the Coloring Contest Valentines Day 2013! RETIRED = Received for Participating in the Caption Contest Valentines Day 2013! RETIRED = Received for Participating in the Baking Contest Christmas 2013! RETIRED
= Received for Participating in the Coloring Contest Christmas 2013! RETIRED = Participate in Mask Making Contest Halloween 2013! RETIRED = Participate in Caption Contest Halloween 2013! RETIRED = Participate in Coloring Contest Halloween 2013! RETIRED = Participate in Pumpkin Carving Contest Halloween 2013! RETIRED = Purchase Lunar Clothes Set from the Cash Shop!
RETIRED/INACTIVE = Purchase Amira Clothes Set from the Cash Shop!
Purchase Flame Dancer Clothes Set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE =
Purchase Easter Jester Set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE =
Purchase Ghillie Set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE =
Unreleased =
Unreleased = Received from coming in top 20 when guessing how many Kisses were in the jar for Valentines Event!
RETIRED = Received for Participating in Baking Contest Christmas 2012!
= Received for Participating in the Coloring Contest Christmas 2012!
= Received by purchasing the Frost Knit Clothes Set from the Cash Shop!
= Received from Participating in the Pumpking Carving Contest Halloween 2012!
= Received for Participating in the Coloring Contest Halloween 2012!
= Received by having your pet play with a Chewy Brain Squeaky Toy (Will Break)!
Purchase Undead Pack from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE
Purchase Star Gazer Set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE = Have all 5 planet swords in your inventory (Atquati, Reiflem, Relcore, Scria, and Uldavia)!
= Find a Scria Sword from a Random Event (Avvie will not display when found but will Automatically be added to your Hidden Avatars)!
= Find a Relcore
Sword from a Random Event (Avvie will not display when found but will Automatically be added to your Hidden Avatars)!
= Find a Atquati
Sword from a Random Event (Avvie will not display when found but will Automatically be added to your Hidden Avatars)!
= Find a Reiflem
Sword from a Random Event (Avvie will not display when found but will Automatically be added to your Hidden Avatars)!
= Participate in the Scria Comet Festival!
= Have a creatu visit _____ Comet during the Scria Comet Festival!
Purchase Rainbow Breeze Set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE
= Wolfspirit25 Staff Avatar
= Received from Purchasing the Atquati Coral Set from the Cash Shop!
Purchase Refilem Rocker Clothes set from the Cash Shop! RETIRED/INACTIVE
= Have an Easero on your Profile and click Pluck Feather by edit pet page!
= Purchase Shamrock Clothes Set from the Cash Shop!
RETIRED/INACTIVE = Purchase the Queen Of Hearts set from the Cash Shop!
RETIRED/INACTIVE = Purchase Thief Of Hearts set from the Cash Shop!
RETIRED/INACTIVE = Received from a Random Event during the Kir Scanner event!
= Scan one of every type of creatu during the Kir Scanner Event!
RETIRED = Scan one of every findable creatu during the Kir Scanner Event!
RETIRED = Scan one of every Cash Shop creatu during the Kir Scanner Event!
RETIRED = Scan one of every Seasonal creatu during the Kir Scanner Event!
RETIRED = Scan one of every color Zenirix during the Kir Scanner Event!
Scan one of every color Zaphao during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Wyrae during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Vogar during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED
Scan one of every color Veram during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Vaspi during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Valabex during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Zenirix during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Uilus during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Skaldyr during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED ]
Scan one of every color Sirleon during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Sheafu during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Saruka during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Roditore during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Quelis during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Paor during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Otachie during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Omni during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Noctis during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Narwi during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Myotis during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED = Scan one of every color Murren during the Kir Scanner Event!
Scan one of every color Mirabilis during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Meragon during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Meiko during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Malal during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Liyure during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Leverene during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Kurrabi during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Kioka during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Zenirix during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Jahra during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Jaaku during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Intes during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Iluvu during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Haberisar during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Gondra during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Goiba during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Ezahni during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Ebilia during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Easero during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Drindian during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Draqua during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Cyid during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Chimby during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Berrok during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Aukira during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Ardur during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Ahea during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED =
Scan one of every color Aerix during the Kir Scanner Event! RETIRED = Purchase the Ice Walker Clothes Set from the Cash Shop!
RETIRED/INACTIVE = Open a Gold Credit Shop Stocking!
BROKEN = Open a Silver Credit Shop Stocking!
BROKEN = Open a Natural Credit Shop Stocking!