Getting on my Nerves!

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3:34am Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 3:36am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 663
So here's the deal. Look in my showroom and click on the category "Abandoned Pets that I found". Practically all the creatu in the showroom are there!

Want to know why?

Because after these creatu are scanned, the owner just throw them out into the Atqueen Forest.

Please I beg you, stop doing this! Almost everytime I reload the page, i find a NEWLY ABANDONED CREATU!

So please, stop hatching creatu if you have no intention of keeping it!

If you want to get rid of the creatu, send it to an Adoption Agency, rMail me, or sell/auction it off...


(sorry, this rant was swirling around in my head)


5:32am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Yeah, it kind of gets on my nerve too.

Especially when they buy from someone else's Rancher Shop.
And then toss the pets into the forest after they scanned them.

What's the point in that?

You basically threw away money.

Someone did that to three of my pets in my Rancher.
I found them all in the forest not too long after.

I was missing a Uilus for the Seasonal Collector avatar.
I went to buy a natural Uilus, scanned it.
Only difference is that I'm actually keeping it.
It's still going to sit on my profile and grow healthy like all of my other pets.

Not just abandoned into the forest after it's use is done.

i’m such a gamer uwu

6:47am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,326
Well, if they don't want it, then they don't want it. Once they buy it, they're free to do whatever they want with it. Afterall, what's the problem? Aren't people always complaining about the forest being empty? Now some other, more appreciative, user can waltz into the forest and find themselves some nice creatu, no? c:


7:54am Jan 29 2012 (last edited on 7:55am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,314


I'll admit that I've been doing just that. Buying Creatu and then releasing them after I scan them. But, without meaning to boast, I have plenty of TU to spare. And it'll be worth it when I sell or trade the Ivik eggs I buy. It's worth the loss for the overall gain. Not only that, but the majority of pets I attained - found in the Forest - had truly terrible names. I'm not going to keep a natural Sirleon called yyyyyyyyyy because I feel sorry for it. Who on earth would want such a Creatu? Truthfully now. How many of you would resist dyeing/beaning and renaming that Creatu? And devote your time to feeding it and keeping it on your profile forever? Truly? 

I can understand your frustration. But guys... these aren't real animals. They're pixels and data. Numbers and coding. We only feel sorry for them because part of their existence on the game is a pretty 2D image, and because a member of staff went to write up a bit about their nonexistent biology. I only get angry when breathing, bloody, warm animals are misused and abused. But in a virtual pet game? As long as you don't try doing the same thing in real life - which is an evil and selfish thing to do - then you shouldn't feel shame for using digital data for your own personal gain. You're not hurting any living individuals, so why fuss? Make a distinction between real suffering and virtual "suffering".

If you sell something in your ranch, you can't dictate what the buyer does with the pet. This isn't real life, where you assess the future owners of your stock. If you're that desperate to make sure your Creatu has a nice time on someone's profile or in their Showroom, then sell them selectively.

By the way, I'm just voicing my opinion. I am not making out to offend or belittle anybody.


8:11am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 663
sorry random post!

but i have to say, i love your forum signature wolfeira!

where did you get it?

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