11:22pm Apr 14 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 147
~ Embrace the season of bloom and regrowth! ~
Gather here for all your Spring Event needs. Chatting, Questions, Help, Advertising, and Collaborating are all welcome here!
Advertising Rules: - Only one advertisement per page, per person.
- Don't purposefully spam or use single-word posts, as per the rules.
- Please remember when your ad is fulfilled to edit your original post and say so. This way everyone can know what ads are still active, and which are complete/ended.
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 11:55pm Apr 14 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
~ Lemon & Lime Hatches ~
All Creatu can now be hatched in Lemon & Lime while the Spring Event is open!
Will you get lucky?
The hunt has begun for our favorite spring Creatu... { Kurrabi & Easero! }
Both species are known to hide their eggs quite well. However, if you're careful and patient, you will be able to find them! How many can you get?
Remember, once you begin your egg hunt you have 48 hours before you run out of time. So give yourself plenty of time!
The egg hunts will close on May 14th at 11:59 pm Rescreatu time. By then the Easero and Kurrabi will gather up all their eggs, and you will not be able to find these species again until next year.
[ Happy Hunting! ]
You might also stumble across some seeds. Hold onto these as they will be in the Spring Celebration!
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 3:33pm Apr 29 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
The Murren Umbrella has been revamped (and is wearable)! The Fashion Galore is also selling a new permanent stock of Umbrellas, Raincoats, and Rainboots.
[ Check out the shop to get your own! ]
The Egg of Eternity has revealed itself! Don't forget to visit it once each day to see what it will grant you.
Will you find the Ageless Extract that allows your adult Creatu to appear youthful forever? Or will you discover the other wonderful gifts that it holds, new and old?
New prizes this year include: Spring Bunny Umbrella, Spring Bunny Raincoat, and Spring Bunny Rainboots.
[ Visit and find out! ]
Hello, my dears! I'm Phyllis. Isn't Spring just wonderful? The cold is shaking away to let the glorious sun in. It's such an exciting time of year, especially with all the hatching I need to do.
I hope you've got lots of eggs for me! I've got some hatching squishies that will make you squeal with joy! They are so cute!!
[ Hand in eggs! ]
NOTICE: The Egg Quest Leaderboard competition will end in 2 weeks on Friday, April 28th at 11:59pm Rescreatu time.
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 11:44pm Apr 14 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Oh, yes, how exciting! It's egg painting time!!
Karrie, here! I hear that Toby is eager to paint eggs this year. Which is great since I'm opening my shop once again in exchange for all things shiny!
Shinies are my jam! Turn in shiny things to me for points to buy some cool stuff!
One thing you can do is buy Egg Painting Kits from my shop. Then you can learn some patterns to compliment, and finally get painted eggs from Toby to get even more points from me! See? Yay!!
It has been a small while since I've been open, so I've had time to make a special Avatar of Spring Squishy and a Pond Marble. Aren't they neat?!
[ Hop by soon! ]
Looking for more Painted Eggs? Well, we got them--frames too!
Painted Cash Shop Eggs are now available for purchase in the Cash Shop.
Painted Uldavi Eggs and Frames are also found in Kir and K1RB07's Prize Shops respectively.
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 11:50pm Apr 14 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
The Egg Painting Contest is here, my dears.
It's time to get into coloring-mode because we want to see your best elemental egg designs!
The winning entries will be turned into real items in the game!
Toby has selected four very special species: Jaaku, Easero, Iluvu, and Divuin.
Make sure your painted elemental designs are submitted before May 5th 11:59 PM Rescreatu Time! Each winner will receive a complete set of painted elemental eggs, and a Mahina or Iubui Creatu Egg of their choice.
Everyone who enters gets a participation prize: Cute Delicate Glass Flower Wings!
Head over to the Egg Painting Contest page for the full set of rules & the line-art to get started.
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 12:40am Apr 15 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Hello, all! It's my favorite season of the year - Spring!  A time to celebrate all the goodness of nature, and to appreciate the wonders of our planets. What better way to honor this occasion than to start sowing this season's seeds, and bask in the glory of fresh blooms!
Plant your seeds, harvest them, and turn them in for points and milestone prizes. It takes a bit of time for them to mature before you can harvest them, but it's well worth it!
Click here to visit the Charmed Planter
(Seeds can be found while exploring the Egg Hunting areas.)
My fertilizing methods continue to really benefit the planter each spring season. So, I hope you make use of it to get better results! Come and see me if you have some eggs to spare. I'll extract the elements, and with it you'll be able to mix your very own fertilizer. The effects are simply phenomenal!
I have some rather delightful items for those of you who manage to hand in an extraordinary number of flowers.
30 total flowers: Windswept Petals 80 total flowers: Grassy Field 150 total flowers: Field of Flowers
There's also two wonderful, limited edition items to those who turn in the most flowers on the leaderboard: Birds Nest Wig for Top 50, and Bird Wings in addition for Top 25!
~ Good luck in your gardening endeavors! ~
The Charmed Planter Leaderboard competition will end in 2 weeks on April 28th at 11:59pm Rescreatu time.
The Charmed Planter feature itself will remain open until May 14th at 11:59pm Rescreatu time.
11:22pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 12:03am Apr 15 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
{ Shinies & Seeds in Explore } Some seeds and shiny items can be found through Explore! Check it out.
{ Daily Rewards }
Participating in the Spring Celebration will earn you progress towards your Daily Rewards!
Picking up Kurrabi/Easero eggs and seeds in the Egg Hunt. Visiting the Egg of Eternity. Turning in eggs at the Egg Quest. Turning in shinies to Karrie. Making fertilizer. Picking flowers from the Charmed Planter.
{ Cash Shop } The Spring Clothing Bud, Easero Jester Basket, and Peach Blossom Trunk are available in the Cash Shop for 100CP each during the Spring Celebration!
11:23pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 5:28pm Apr 17 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
tle="" target=""> 
I have one final, fun competition with prizes in it for you: Bug Catching!
We'll start on May 6th for a 10 day bug-catching sprint. See you then!
11:23pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 11:59pm Apr 17 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Karrie hopes your Spring Celebration is growing splendidly!
There's now two helpful bundles in her Prize Shop:
Egg Painting Kit Bundles contain 10 kits. Egg Painting Kit Super Bundles contain 25 kits.
She's happy to finally provide this well-needed service for all the Egg Painting fanatics out there! Because having more shiny eggs is always good, right?
11:23pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 11:59pm Apr 30 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Thank you for participating in the Egg Quest this year. I can't believe how many eggs were gathered! I truly am grateful.
Congratulations to the Top 50 winners! An Egg Nest Wig and a Trophy has been given to each placer as a reward.
Thank you for participating in the Charmed Planter this year. The results have been astounding! Flowers are everywhere!!
Congratulations! The Top 50 have received a Trophy and Birds Nest Wig. (PLUS 9 extra winners--11 players had ended up with exactly 150 flowers turned in, for the last spots of 49 and 50!)
The Top 25 have received Bird Wings as well as the latter.
A friendly reminder that all Egg Painting Contest entries must be submitted by the end of Friday, May 5th 11:59 PM Rescreatu Time. Phyllis and Toby can't wait to e(gg)xamine them!
11:23pm Apr 14 2023 (last edited on 12:18am May 6 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Addison here! I have one final, fun competition with prizes in it for you: Bug Catching!      
Find bugs around the site in Random Events and in Explore. (There are 3 new bugs to catalog this year as well!)  
Hand them to me, and I will be sure to give you a precious gift when this event is over... An Inchworm Friend!
They will be happy to come along with you on your adventures. Also, you never know, you may even find one yourself out there!  
I will even reward those who bring the most: The Top 50 of the Leaderboard will get an extra special Golden Inchworm Friend. (Click Addison's icon above to hand in bugs you find.) This can also be found on the event page. This marks the last feature released in the Spring Celebration! Notice: The Spring Event and Bug Collecting will close on May 14th @ 11:59 pm (Rescreatu time).
Reminder: If you've not started your Easero or Kurrabi Egg Hunts yet, you must activate your hunt before end of day May 12th to be able to hunt until the event is over.
1:09pm Apr 15 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 25
when i try and add Spring Bunny Raincoat to my wishlist nothing comes up why?
1:19am Apr 17 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 3
Hello! I'm having a bit of trouble with the egg hunt and explore and was wondering if I could get some insight. I activated my Reiflem egg hunt and have been clicking through for half an hour, I got 12/12 items but 0/0 eggs. Am I missing something or are the eggs just rare? Thanks in advance ;D
6:59pm Apr 17 2023 (last edited on 7:00pm Apr 17 2023)
Posts: 348
@Ann49:I was able to add the Spring Bunny Raincoat to my wishlist, and confirmed it's working correctly. You can double check if there's an extra space in your word search. Another thing you can try is searching the term "Spring Bunny", you'll see that all items with that name attached shows up. That could help you find it easier. :) Remember, once you click the "Add Item" button a search of that item will show up as a link below. You have to click the link to confirm the item you want to add.
@Ruotar: The seasonal egg hunts will have eggs show up quite rarely! So it is possible to play for 30 minutes and not find an egg, depending on how fast you go. Let me know if you're still having issues! Good luck in your egg hunting. :)
11:57pm Apr 17 2023 (last edited on 11:58pm Apr 17 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 147
Karrie hopes your Spring Celebration is growing splendidly!
There's now two helpful bundles in her Prize Shop:
Egg Painting Kit Bundles contain 10 kits. Egg Painting Kit Super Bundles contain 25 kits.
She's happy to finally provide this well-needed service for all the Egg Painting fanatics out there! Because having more shiny eggs is always good, right?
3:01am Apr 18 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 193
Can the Bunny Easter Basket be open?
9:22am Apr 19 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 128
No, the Bunny Easter Basket has no function.
12:43pm Apr 20 2023 (last edited on 12:44pm Apr 20 2023)
Normal User 
Posts: 18
Sorry, I'm super dumb and apparently not very good at reading directions. The coloring for the egg painting competition, is this supposed to be painted onto a real egg or is it something we can digitally paint? I don't have a printer, but it might be fun to try and do something with my tablet/Gimp.
Are there any examples of previous years we can look at? I'm a little lost
2:51am Apr 21 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 193
Digital using the templates in Egg Line-art. To see all the past winners, type 'painted elemental' into item database.
9:01am Apr 26 2023
Normal User 
Posts: 557
Not sure why I can’t produce any fertilisers even though I have all the elements, and haven’t produced any for today.