Slender Man

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12:32am Dec 29 2010

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Snap. That's.. scary and awesome at the same time.

And hah, EverymanHYBRID's confusing. o_o I'm trying to follow this timeline-thing that includes the related sites and accounts and stuff, and it's just. Whut.


12:53am Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 1:01am Dec 29 2010)

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Posts: 556

Yeah, EH is like that. I went through all the twitter posts on the EverymanHYBRID twitter account so now I have to move onto Damsel's. >:U And then I have to watch the rest of the Alex videos. It's a lot to keep track of.

Luckily the other ones are smaller. TribeTwelve can just be so narmy though, and he posts liek nothing evar. Marble Hornets is so good to me though. About a post every two weeks and it always scares the living daylights out of me. <3

Also I want to watch that Yu-Gi-Oh thing again but it's gone. ;c


4:17pm Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 11:39pm Dec 29 2010)

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... I think I might just go watch Tribetwelve instead, for now. I'd rather have narm than superomgconfusion. xD Heck, I don't even get how Damsel's related so far, except that she's a Slender victim or something.

Tribetwelve might even be so bad it's good, eh?

And Concrete Giraffes is on the Yugioh Abridged site. ;o Fancy plugin on this page, second video down.


Ohkay, I have to admit. TribeTwelve's introduction really got me with the faint.. high-pitched noise. Those kinds of noises. Always get me. Buh. xD

It's like how I can never listen to Jade Redd's song Hidden from the Rain without getting all twitchy and chilly. Mostly because of the high noises.

Lolol at all the instant Marble Hornets borrows though.

And Slender Man being on tv.. watching people play golf.


12:05am Dec 30 2010

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This series is now super win. No matter how silly it is. o_o

The guy. Has a Pikachu plush. In his closet.


3:26am Dec 30 2010

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Posts: 556

Damsel is a friend of that girlfriend that when missing I think...Jessica?


Omg I didn't see the pikachu! I always miss stuff like that because I'm trying to find Slendy. I think I need to watch the series again...but tomorrow. It's too late right now.

And did you see the tentacles Son? Just ooommmmggg.  Plus the story the grandpa tells is super awesome.

 I have that same fear of sounds now. My friend was driving me home and there were these vrooming sounds and I was getting really freaked out. Turned out he had a light saber in his back seat.


3:28pm Dec 30 2010

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I.. pretty much forgot about that. xD There's just so much stuff there that who knows whom gets kinda lost.

Hah, I think I just noticed it because I have the same kind of Pikachu, sitting on my dresser. P: It was like, 'Waidaminute yellow ears. Yellow ears? YESPIKACHU.'

Yep. Sexy tentacles. Just like in the original 'shops~

And omglardldakjfalFFFFF. I'm on 6 right now. The one with the sudden distortion and appearances and homg. And randomly, in that spot where it's quiet for a moment, and the guy says he doesn't know when it was filmed.. I heard music for a second.

Music that wasn't coming from my computer, and there are no other electronics on in the house right now. 8(



Silly acting, but homg. Scary scares everywhere.


6:11pm Dec 30 2010

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Posts: 556

You watch too slow Son. >:C But yeah I think if he would play more of an idiot it would make it better. Like he just some dumb, pretentious kid that now has to deal with something super serious. I think this one comes closest to being as scary as marble hornets, although Dreams in Darkness got my heart pumping, even though it's just a blog. That was my favorite blog.


9:39pm Jan 3 2011

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... Well. I was gonna use the fact that I need to pause and do other stuff sometimes so I don't have a heart-attack or something, but. Then my Internets died for three days. So I guess I've gotten plenty of break. xD

I still find myself getting that rushy feeling when I walk through my house though. And all the doors have to be shut when it starts getting dark. And the blinds in my room closed. And stuff. o_o

You're such an evil daddy.

And hah, he already plays an idiot. Just not the right kind of idiot. xD

'Hm. Milo's more paranoid than usual. I'm not going to look into it at all.

I certainly won't notice that man standing in the shot behind me as I chase after him, or that symbol that keeps coming up over and over, or those tentacles coming out of the door.

Nope. Nothing wrong at all except weird behavior and a faulty camera.'


11:34pm Jan 3 2011

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Posts: 556

Well to be fair Slendy only appears to certain people at certain times. And the other stuff he just kind of conveniently forgot, and he's starting to realise a little that this is serious. xD

But the tentacles ommmmg. Made me jump the first time I saw them :C

And I went and had a sleep over with my friends who I had shown Marble Hornets to on my birthday. It was new years and we really weren't going to sleep so we were all talking to each other. And then we look over and we're like "Where's Nick?" and then we heard a crash and my friend screamed and I hid my face under a pillow. We all freaked out but it turned out it was just Nick who had went to the bathroom. xD But then later on facebook one of my guy friends was like "I wasn't scared." and we were all "No way you jumped to." I sufficiently scarred my friends with slender man. One of my friends refuses to watch it. She just complains when I bring it up from time to time.


4:38pm Jan 4 2011 (last edited on 4:40pm Jan 4 2011)

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Posts: 3,642

Lolol. Our poor friends.

You did better than me though, hah. Most of my friends refuse to watch any of the videos. And after seeing poor Amy practically jump out of her skin multiple times, before we'd even gotten to Entry 10 or so, I don't think I'll try. xD May just end up beaten up or something.

But then, it's also kinda funny. After she stopped watching Hornets, Amy started seeing a guy named Slenderman on World of Warcraft. P:


Also. TribeTwelve is so freaking. Gah. The night recording one. I just know it's gonna be like Paranormal Activity, except with Slender Man. And I know something's about to happen. But. Nuhhhh, I don't wanna find out. xD

The mention of der GroBmann was pretty cool though.


6:00pm Jan 4 2011

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Posts: 556
Oh snap not even WoW is safe. The night recording is horrible, especially with the eating noises. :C


10:47pm Jan 4 2011

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Posts: 3,642

Awe. I was gonna come and post that, but I guess you beat me to it. xD

That guy behind him. He might turn into Slendy at any moment!

Just like Agent Smith. :U

... Eating noises? 8( *still hasn't finished that one*


2:33am Jan 5 2011

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Posts: 556

At first I thought that guy in the woods was an accident but he just kept popping up and I was like o_o. But lol I just imagine J peeking over those little trenches.

Oh dear sorry Son. I saw tentacles and thought you had watched it.

Also your Slendy is leveling up quickly :U


5:06pm Jan 12 2011 (last edited on 5:07pm Jan 12 2011)

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Posts: 3,642

Ah. Jay wouldn't have kept looking at him if it was an accident. xD He was just. So paranoid.


Ohwait. He's always like that.

Ah. I hadn't quite finished the one with the Slendy coming out of the doorway when I posted about the tentacles, so I figured that was tentacles instead of actually him 'cause.. I'd only watched until I saw something black. xD And you mentioned tentacles coming out of a door before that.

Then of course, my Firefox suddenly shut down while I was procrastinating, so I had to rewatch it. Saw what was really in the door. He looked so curious. Kinda cute, even though he was purposefully terrorising them.

... Y'know. I keep noticing lately that In the End by Linkin Park has the same kind of voice filter that some of the Hornets videos used. I never even noticed that those parts of the song were any different.. until I heard that peculiar Slendy-sound. x3


5:11pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 15,067
I saw the entries and couldn't sleep for a week after. I thought the shadows were after me. And my jacket gave me a heart attack because I hung it up behind the door.


6:12pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 3,642
High-five for Slendy-stolen sleep? :D


7:14pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 15,067

Yes. High five.

And I almost had a heart attack earlier because I could have sworn I saw him in my window. 


9:55pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 556

There are a lot of things that look like him. God I'll be driving home in the dark and we have all thse spindly trees where I live and ugh...

Also, I saw a railcorssing sign and freaked out. xD


10:30pm Jan 12 2011

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Posts: 3,642

The first or second time I drove to school, I ended up jumping at a light on a black pole in someone's yard. x3 Gladly it was only for a second. Don't wanna end up like the guy in Just Another Fool, runnin' his bike off the road.

Ohyes. Freaking out at random things. Fun stuff. P:


7:12pm Jan 13 2011

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Posts: 3,642

Well. I was certainly wrong about Jessica.


Also. Jay looks really weird with a beard.. stubble-thing. o3o

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