Slender Man

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11:56pm Oct 27 2010

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Posts: 556
I love how you rename your friends xD I used to do that.


7:06pm Oct 28 2010

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Posts: 3,642

... Masky is so mean when you're trying to draw him. The man NEVER looks straight at the camera and in decent light at the same time.

I even went and took a screenshot from Entry ###### for reference, but no. It's too dark to tell what's amazing sideburn and what's just shadow. :U

Anyway. Hah, we do it all the time.

The last renaming thing we did was hooker names based on foods. Mine was Ripe Pastry. ;o

I can't quite remember the others.. except Smooshed Cracker. I know there was one that was really funny, but it's just not coming to me. Something to do with a pumpkin, I think..


7:31pm Oct 28 2010

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Posts: 556

lulz at epic sideburns

I did that once. I named my friend Whipped Cream and he named me Candy Snapper. xD


9:09pm Oct 30 2010

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Posts: 3,642

They are epic. ;o

... Whipped Cream is very fitting. In multiple ways. xD

All righty, so. My dad took several pictures and a couple videos of Slender Costume. I'll try to upload sometime. ;o


3:07pm Oct 31 2010

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Posts: 556
omg Son I want to see pix. lol that would be awesome.


11:40pm Dec 5 2010

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Posts: 3,642

Bumping for the sake of


27. 28.

I.. kind of got all teary at the end of 28. There was a sound that reminded me of 23.

23 was so.. alkdfjalj.

Hah, sorry for not having pixplz. I guess I've just been forgetting and forgetting. And it just feels a little weird, getting on my dad's laptop to grab files. x3 I'll try to get 'em tomorrow after school though.

Oh, and I had a Slender dream last night. It was the first time since I finished the first season that I've been truly terrified of him.

I was like. In an attic.. and suddenly he was there on the wall, like some faceless, business-suited spider. Even had tons of arms and legs, all clinging to the wall.

And I ran.. pushed through door upon door, went around corner after corner in this house I didn't recognise, until I reached a bathroom. I jumped in the tub and flattened myself to its bottom. Last I saw was the blinding white of his face. I screamed. 8(


12:09am Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 4,093


Slender Man spoof with Yu Gi Oh references. <3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

3:45pm Dec 6 2010

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Posts: 3,642

... lolololol.

That's even better than leather pants. xD


9:34pm Dec 9 2010

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Posts: 3,642


Hay, guess what I remembered. |D Those pictures from, like. Halloween.

Plus, I made everyone else Maskies~



First picture's Masky is my sister. Second is all friends. ;o

And hah, don't those stilts just look so authentic. |D All that.. electrical tape and lol.

Really should have spraypainted 'em black.

... And remembered to get a tie.


8:32pm Dec 12 2010

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Posts: 556

Ha, still awesome though, especially the face covering.

And omg I was watching this model of DNA replication and there was this wooden tapping noise in it and I swaer I freaked out so bad.


2:45am Dec 14 2010

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Posts: 853

Haaah awesome costume. xD

Also. Updates. Man I am slow.

this is what i get for not checking.

ugghhh why did you give the strange obviously evil woman your name?! Also how 'bout you call staff and tell them the lady next door is hammering things? noooo, gotta solve the mystery. Also is the S Man outside the window on 27? He must be. But I can not see him. D:


That parody. That is great. "It needs more explosions. And dead children. I mean Kurt Russell."

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

8:26pm Dec 15 2010

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Posts: 1,082
Marble Hornets made me poop rainbow bricks. :c


9:22pm Dec 15 2010

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Posts: 3,642

Hah, yah. The face covering.. was such a pain to put on. 'Cause I waited 'til the last minute to buy everything. Didn't have time to ask my grandma to sew something up.

So, every time I wanted to put it on.. lots of tape and time. xD

But if Jay had common sense we wouldn't get to see his adventuresss.

I didn't see Slendy there, but hey. He always might be. P:

Yay for bricks. :D

Alsoooo. Kind of unrelated, but hah. I found another awesome creepypasta-type thing.



3:17am Dec 17 2010

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Posts: 556
Entry #29 should not be watched before going to bed.


7:34pm Dec 18 2010

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Posts: 3,642

... o_o


That.. that's scary.

Three entries into season two, and they're already into the omgaldkjfal 8(.

And the blood. It's never been fresh before.


11:43pm Dec 23 2010 (last edited on 12:25am Dec 27 2010)

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Posts: 3,642


I bet Jessica's a Masky. :U She doesn't cough like Tim did, but she's obviously important in some way - and seems like she might have a bit of a lacking memory.

Also. Poor Jay. xD

'Lonely holiday, but not as bad as last year. At least I didn't have to climb a rotting tower this time.'

I guess that answers my wonderings of how he feels with being in a random faraway land for Christmas.


12:52am Dec 27 2010

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Posts: 556
I think we should keep on when the other series post something, like EverymanHYBRID or Tribe Twelve. Though marble hornets is amazing, I think these guys need some love too. :o


1:04am Dec 27 2010

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Posts: 3,642

... I haven't even gotten around to looking at those others. xD Heard of 'em, but. I guess I'm lazy.



12:17pm Dec 27 2010

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Posts: 556

EverymanHYBRID is good, but it's a little all over the place right now, but I still haven't gone through an archive binge of all the twitter and youtube accounts *censored*ociated with it.

TribeTwelve is kind of lame in it's ing but I've actually jumped out of my seat while watching it. Slender tentacles coming into the door for two  seconds...;_;


7:28am Dec 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556

Ugh, I've been having slender dreams for the past few nights. There's one about this girl and she's in a hospital, where she meets this guy. They like each other but then the girl says she has to get out of the hospital. Her room is on the top floor and she bolts out of it down flights and flights of stairs. Once she opens the door to one of the floors and Slendy is standing there, so she closes it and tries to go back up a floor but then he's there too, so she just runs untill she gets to the lobby which is brightly lit and earthly looking with pretty flowas everywhere. Her boifrand catches up with her and told her to run out the doors. She almost gets to the door and then Slendy appears out of nowhere, grabs her and drags her screaming towards him. The boifrand is all "o_o" 

I wasn't in this dream, which is wierd because usually I'm the prominent figure. I just woke up from one but I don't quite remember what it was, just that it was terrifying.

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