Warrior Cats RP, Anyone?

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5:32pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 1,314

Holy crackers, there are a lot of people here now xD

And thanks, Ivy, for the feedback~ 

I'd prefer being called Eira or Wolfeh here (Wolfeh's been a nickname of mine for a few years now x3), since there are so many "wolf"-named users on Res. Ahh, kinda feels like it puts me in that crowd xD Or make something up, sweeties.


6:30pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Yay, of course Dragon can join c:
And we've got quite a lot of people, so i think we can do a multiple Clans RP, maybe 2 clans? I can reserve a deputy spot, yes? Alright, maybe we should start working on the plot, people. Would you guys prefer those kind of 'clan wars' RP or just... An average WC RP ._.
Silvermist, sorry, I don't think you're literate enough. All you sent me were one-liners, where I expect at least 3+ lines per post :/
Ivypool, I've only ever seen you RP females, and you know my strictness towards the gender ratio ^^'


6:33pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 5,310

-fist pump-

YESH~! I can join. :3

And I am a bit hyper at the moment. Just had a slice of really good pie.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:11pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 4
(Thats Fine Ivypool as for joing im not so sure about it, Since Tld or the other isnt on im not sure but i guess so maybe)


11:24pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Haha, silly Dragon. Is it Christmas pie? :u Food is always yummier during the holidays.
And hey, we should totally think of a plot now. Let's hurry up and get this RP going before the holidays ends :c Just came back from my SAT classes, so I apologize if I'm ever grumpy to you guys in the future - -


11:29pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 5,310

'Twas Gooey Peanut Butter Pie. And it was really good... -drools-

-whips drool away-

Plot... Hrm...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:14am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 1,314

Could I be a deputy? c: I have a kitty who I think would be good enough for the role. If not, then alrighty ^^ And grumpiness will be tolerated :3

I posted earlier an idea I had, which was basically this:

During one particularly harsh winter, cats from both (I assume there are two for now) Clans perished from the severe cold and an unnaturally extreme shortage of food. Lacking enough members to maintain an efficient Clan, both Clans decided to accept strays or loners into their midsts, giving them warrior/apprentice names and other such roles within the Clan. It also supplied the cats with new blood for future kit-bearing. Problems caused by a low population of cats were fewer hunting parties, fewer patrols for the borders, weaker protection against predators, et cetera. The wisest cats are chosen as governors, who specialise in overseeing the activity of the newcomers to educate them in the ways of the Clan-cat and set them right if they go against the warrior code.

If someone else is a deputy, then I'd like to be one of the governor cats xD 

"Scuse me', guv, but what exactly 'ave I done wrong now then...?"


6:32am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 1,576
[ Can't believe I missed this thread ! D: Derp. Any space for teh fattie?]


6:35am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
That's a cool plot, Wolfeh o: But the wise cats would basically be the leaders and deputies, right? ._. Since if they weren't wise, they wouldn't have those positions in the first place? And sure, you can be the deputy in the other Clan. I already reserved a deputy spot for myself in one Clan c:
So, names? My favorites are TideClan, AshClan and ReedClan c:
And of course Twintherp can join :D


7:05am Dec 26 2011 (last edited on 7:06am Dec 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,314

You make a valid point, and I briefly considered it earlier xD But the more I think into my little idea, every time I try to rationalise it, the sillier it seems to have a third cat of authority. I just thought, since a deputy and a leader would already be busy with their own duties, perhaps a governor would help out more. But that's the main role of a leader and a deputy - to look after and take part in every aspect of Clan life xD So this "wise cat" idea seems futile :)

Thank ye xD I'm pretty pleased with ReedClan for a river-based Clan, but I don't want to completely cancel out TideClan, since that's your idea. I don't want to dominate the creative side of the roleplay setup. Shall we decide on the number of Clans present, bio skeletons, and total character count? xD I'm good with 2 Clans, if that's what you're hoping for c: In fact I think it may be easier just to have 2 Clans, and spread users characters' out between them.

Also. If we go with the stray-kitties-turning-into-warriors idea, then we could have the option roleplay the newcomers as well as the original Clan cats, perhaps.


7:39am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Maybe there could be a wise cat in two of the Clans that was originally a stray/kittypet? They could lead the deputies and leaders into areas where cats would be willing to join the Clans, and do the general recruiting, since they would have more influence amongst the none-Clan cats.
Maybe ReedClan and AshClan/MudClan? ._. I'm fine with ReedClan, but I would also want a river-based against a forest-based, and AshClan seemed to be a more shadier-sounding Clan name. MudClan, LeafClan, those are the forest-sounding names off the top of my head, but I don't think they're that good >_>
Bio Skeletons would be the regular type, just asking for name, age, gender, appearance, personality, crush, brief history (optional), etc.
If more people are interested, we can always make a few Clan cats bored of regular Clan life and establish a new Clan elsewhere :D


8:31am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 1,314

I like that idea. They could be ambassadors, of sorts xD They would advise the leaders/deputies on who and where to recruit. "I know a chap, a little way north, who'd love this kind of thing... Shall we set out for him? Slippers, he's called..."

I getcha :D I like LeafClan very much, actually. I associate mud with water or bogs/marshes, so for a forest clan it may or may not work. Also. I made a little error earlier xD I came up with "ash", as in, the grey remains after a fire. It hadn't occurred to me until just now that it's also a kind of tree. I completely forgot about the botanic side to the word xD

And we could also include whether they were/are a stray or not :3

Yah :D Or, they're a group of strays/kittypets gathering, awaiting discovery by the Clan-cats.

I hope this roleplay lasts - there's been a lot of preparation beforehand, I'd hate for it just die so soon. Another roleplay of mine did that before ;_;


9:06am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 733

Yep, I can play male characters, I have a couple right now. Actually I almost enjoy playing them more XD

 They seem a bit more active, that's why.

I like the ideas of having stray cats and kittypets, maybe a bunch ran away, because they lived in a bad neighborhood?


9:16am Dec 26 2011 (last edited on 9:17am Dec 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,314

Perhaps :) Or the widespread famine drew them closer to the region of the Clan-cats, as they sought out more food. A dangerous or changing neighbourhood sounds interesting. They'd have to be pretty desperate, though, to run away from a nice cosy house to face the bitterness of the winter xD A new law could've been imposed on humans regarding the ownership of animals. Or a flood drew them away from their homes? The cats sensed the oncoming danger and fled their human families, never to see them again? 

Aaahhhh. Ramble.


9:20am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Maybe it would just be easier, and make more sense if the Clan cats were the ones seeking the kittypets, loners and rogues, not the other way round? That way it would also pose a challenge to the Clan cats, and also emphasize the purpose of the 'ambassador cats'.
And alrighty then, LeafClan and ReedClan it is c: I really do hope this RP also takes off smoothly, it seems super promising :c


9:35am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 1,314

Yus indeed, Tld. It would kind of draw the focus of the plot away if the Clanless cats became such significant characters too. 

Time to post bios? 8D I have a cluster of kitties for ReedClan - should I spread out a little, and have some characters in both Clans? Would it also be ok if my queen was due to have kits or something, so they could develop into warriors right from the start?

Ohyus. And what time of the year would it be? |D Sorry to keep chucking questions at you, but I don't want to make a mistake that could start confusing or irritating people (considering I'm not annoying anyone right now, ha ha).


9:45am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Since the winter is over, I suppose it's the transition from leaf-bare to newleaf? c: And it's almost midnight, I'll get the board set up ^^ I'll also set up the setting, but I'm busy (with my idiotic SAT class and settling the new cat) so I would appreciate it if someone helped me out? :c Sorry for me being so lazy, gais.
And yes, I would really like it if people RPed multiple characters and spread it out amongst the Clan.
By the way, Wolf, since you came up with the awesome idea, how many 'ambassador' cats should be in each Clan? I don't want like 10, since that would probably degrade the importance if these kitties.
And I'm off to create the board c:


9:50am Dec 26 2011 (last edited on 9:51am Dec 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,314

Goodgood, around newleaf then c: Sort of like they're recovering in the aftermath of the winter. I'll be happy to help out. Ah, I don't like wrestling control from everyone and stuff, but I am a bit of an organization freak xD I overthink stuff, right down to the last detail. So I could do that, methinks ^^ And it's ok, really. No need to apologise.

I think two, minimum. The deputy and leader would remain in the Clan camp perhaps, to keep things running, and they would have two of their most trusted warriors set out and recruit cats and stoof, perhaps led and guided by a stray. Enough to fend for themselves, yet not enough to appear intimidating, and not enough so that they lack warriors back in the territory. They're only advertising, after all xD


9:57am Dec 26 2011 (last edited on 10:22am Dec 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Credit the original photographers, since they're not my own.

Name: Swanflight
Clan: ReedClan
Rank: Warrior
Age: approx. 38 human years
Gender: male

 Swanpelt, An image I found that best fit the deion of my Warrior character, Swanpelt. This photograph is not mine; credit towards the original photographer.

Patient, but somewhat detached. Thoughtful, very taciturn, but watchful and kind – sort of a silent guardian. He normally only speaks when spoken to, yet is more inclined to talk to apprentices than warriors (mainly to correct them of mistakes or to give them words of advice). Swanfur is the one who volunteers to scout ahead – he would not mind endangering himself for the safety of the Clan.
History: The normal life of a Clan cat, I guess.
Other: Not particularly, although he aspires to become a deputy someday. 

Name: Elmrise
Clan: ReedClan
Age: approx. 32 human years
Gender: female

Tortoiseshell cat, Not my photo, please give credit to the photographer

Compassionate, wise and sensible. She is very empathetic to others, particularly Swanflight, her childhood friend. Elmrise adores kits and apprentices, including ones from other Clans. Secretly, she doesn’t view rival cats as enemies – Elmrise would fight viciously against them if required, but is a little gentler to trespassers than the warriors are, especially since she wants her Clan back to the state it was before the famine. 
History: Normal Clan life.
Other: She is currently pregnant, expecting around 3 kits (2 are characters of my own, and the 3rd is available to others)

Name: Spiderpaw (used to be known as Strum) 
Clan: LeafClan
Age: approx. 28 human years
Gender: male

Black cat, Not mine again xD Credit to original photographer

Personality: A little skeptical of the Clan-cats, Spidermask is still willing enough to try and accept this new kind of lifestyle. He is solitary and private, only approaching other cats in order to learn more about Clan life, but in truth he is struggling a little to come to terms with being so open with his new “family”. Spidermask prefers the experienced nature of adult cats, still adapting to being surrounded by younger generations.
History: A lil mystery for now c:
Other: Used to be a stray before he was discovered and made an apprentice.


10:21am Dec 26 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Dur, Wolf, I put the RP on another thread xD

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