Warrior Cats RP, Anyone?

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1:04am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 5,998
So yeah.
Recently I've been itching for a chance to make up new characters and stuff. So yeah, anyone interested in a WC RP?
I don't do canon RPs, so I would prefer it if we stay away from the original Clans and characters. I would like it if everyone is able to RP more than 1 character and both genders c:


4:54am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314

I'm up for it. :) Haven't roleplayed Warriors in a while, let alone anything else on the Forums here. But I'd like to give it a go, so long as you think we could keep it up and not let it die after a week x3


6:42am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 94
I would prefer to play a member of the Snow Clan.

7:45am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 1,314

Hallo, Spikett c:

Is the Snow Clan a part of the Warrior Cats series, or is that something you made up?


9:06am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 94
The Snow Clan is something I made up. I don't think it's actually a part of the warrior cat series but then again I have never read the warrior cat books/manga. I have only heard of warrior cats because of the internet.

9:32am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Hurro guys, sorry I was gone :c
Yay, I remember Wolf c: Hopefully our RP will last some time ono
And hi Spikett c: And you know 100% about Warriors, then? :u Well, nothing regarding the plot of the actual books, but the general apprenticehood, training, hunting and Clan Gathering information? If so then I have no problem c:
I was actually hoping to use another Clan name, since SnowClan seemed a little generic to me >_> Something like TideClan and SwiftClan... But I'm not very good with Clan names, so maybe we can sort that out? o3o


9:44am Dec 24 2011 (last edited on 9:53am Dec 24 2011)

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Posts: 1,314

I'd love to help out coming up with names. c: One idea I have is to, perhaps, name each Clan after a specific plant? Like a water-based Clan could be called ReedClan, or one with a shadowy nature could be called NettleClan? A forest-based group could be named AlderClan, RootClan, EarthClan. A type of tree? Maybe a wind-type one could be GrassClan.

Physical attributes in relation to its theme?
MarshClan, AshClan, SparseClan, StoneClan for a shadowy cast of cats...
DuneClan, GrassClan, CloudClan, or MoorClan for the swift kitties...
WoodClan, for foresty felines...

Ahh, ranting D: Sorry. I just near-never participate in creating a roleplay setup like this. They're just suggestions in case you like the sound of one, to develop or something. I really don't mean for all the Clans to have these names. When I think of an idea, it just grows and fights for attention... <:/ So yah. I'm just jotting down everything that comes to mind.


9:57am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 5,998
ReedClan, AlderClan, StoneClan and AshClan all sound like really cool Clan names c:
But maybe we should settle the plot first o-o
I would usually go with two Clans fighting against each other, but there might not be enough people to fill out two Clans, so I'm not very sure ._.
And of course, I want romance to play a role, though I don't want it to be the sole purpose of the RP.
So would you guys prefer a 'there's a war' plot or a normal, everyday plot? Or something else ._. I'm pretty open to ideas.


10:53am Dec 24 2011 (last edited on 10:59am Dec 24 2011)

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Posts: 1,314

Really? :D I kind of like ReedClan, so that could be a water-based one. AlderClan would be the forest Clan. Which is which for Stone and Ash? Stone, I think, won't go well for a tribe based on speed or agility xD
I'm happy to play a few cats. c: I can do a gender balance as well, as well as varying the age a bit.
Romance is good, although I prefer it when it's a little random and gradual. Ones where the love is sort of organized or planned seem fake and.... lacking? I know this whole roleplay is meant to be fictional but it makes it even more engaging when there are elements of reality or unexpectedness in it xD
Hmm. One idea I was thinking of was that the clans have been newly established or something, and four governing cats are making sure the Clans are sticking to the system of sharing food, working together ect. When some cats break the rules and slack off, the overseers punish them and set them straight or something. Or a lot of cats starved during one particularly bad phase of famine in the year, and stray cats began to replace them in their territories, unfamiliar with Clan life so the remainders have to try and help them adapt. The Clan cats decided to accept these strays because there were not enough cats still around to maintain the borders, feeding them all, ect. Just some little ideas there, I kinda prefer the second one c:


11:34am Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 3,371
(Could I join? :D)


1:15pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 3,950

Omg, I have been wanting a Warriors RP forever.  May I join?

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

1:32pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 733

I might be interested in joining. If you don't mind? :D


3:35pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 1
I'd like to join. :D

6:11pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 4
Hello I am Silvermist, call me Silvermist or Silver. I want to rp as well.


7:18pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 5,998
Of course Kupa and Ice can join! :D
Omg yay, I didn't think that this would generate a lot of interest xD
Guiven, I've only seen you RP solely with female characters :/ If you're capable of RPing males for a long period of time, yes, you can join c:
Shade and Silvermist, I've never seen you guys RP, so could you rMail me an example? :d


5:19am Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 1,314

:3 What shall we do for bios? I've started creating one for some characters I have in mind, and I can always edit it to suit whatever changes you make to it.

Btw, merry Christmas everyone! :D I hope you all have a great day ^^


5:04pm Dec 25 2011 (last edited on 5:05pm Dec 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 4
Hey Tld if this has multipule clans then may i be one of the leaders if possibleespace is open. I sometimes make a bad leader but i am not. I've done most of the ceremonies in the warriors that have been preformed but if the words are edited then I am still up to it.~ Silvermist


5:09pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 5,310

Warriors.... -drools- I haven't done a warrior roleplay in ages...

Can I join, perhaps?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:18pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 4
I don't mind Dragonstar anyone can join so i guess possibly yes. I'm not the thread owner


5:25pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 130
oooo!! Can I join?? I'm Ivypool, but you may call me Ivy. I
have two Warrior RPs, but, hey. Nothing's stopping me from joining more. I have, like, 4 or 5 RPs of my own. My co-owner for all of them(or all the ones she's in) is Dartmith. Ah, sorry. I'm babbling. I'll stop now. c; But I would like to join. And:

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! (sorry for spaming...)

And, btw, if I can join, I liike Wolf's second idea too. Sorry, I was lurking in hopes to join. I'm really good at choosing plots for RPs because I have like 5. So, if you need help or ideas, just ask. ;) And, yeah. So, I like the second idea of Wolf. And the clan names..... hmm. Not so sure. 

Thanks(and sorry for going on and on)~ Ivy

((dont mind my avatar's nakedness. It wont let me save clothes, so.... ya. lol, srry))

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics
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