The Evil Wolf and The Girl {PRIVATE smokey and pancakez ONLY!}

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8:54pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 147
"What's said is said. I guess you should have thought of that before you said what you did." "YEAH!" Tears always had little adds to fights and Kimba delt with them. "Fine, since I feel a bit of sympathy for you, you can stay. But, say anything like that again, and your neck is snapped. No warning. Nothing." Kimba knew two-leg weaknesses and also knew how to instantly kill one.


8:58pm Dec 6 2011

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Erin gulps then says, "Y-You got it Kimba.. I won't say that again. I won't." Erin said this with a worried look. Erin walked back to her seat and sat down and was silent. She was so silent because she was scared of the two wolves.

12:31pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 147

The two wolves viciously continued to eat. Kimba's blood was flowing like a river in a thunderstorm. Fast. She wanted to attcked but wasn't sure. The fight was eating away at her insides. She had fought many wolves before but never a two-leg. Finally, she lashed out. Grabbiung Erin's leg and puuling her outside the den into the deathly cold snow. "I don't care how many times you appoligize, it doesn't help! Now I remember why I left my last family! All you two-legs are retarded. I'm sick of you! SCRAM!" If Erin hung around any longer her leg wouldn't be the only thing hurt. Kimba could see from the corner of her eye Tears, also ready to fight. Always there for her sister.


2:02pm Dec 7 2011

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"Please Kimba!! I'll change!! I won't be like the other humans!! Unlike them I understand wolves. They think that wolves are just beasts, but I think that they are better than that. Please Kimba!" With saying this, Erin was gripping her leg tightly, trying to fight the pain from the teeth marks where Kimba had bit her, and dragged her.

4:11pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 147

"My two-leg mother did not think of me as a beast, nor did the rest of her family! I was forced to leave because of the birth of Tears! Then in the coming of our return, our parents were killed, hit by a car! You should be ashamed of yourself. They understood me more than anyone. I curse the day I met you." Kimba walked away, her fur now covered in little snowflakes. Tears trudged up to Erin. "Mhhhhm. My sister is right. The day we met you is now curse." She whipped her head around and rushed to Kimba, who was lying down on the animals skins they had salvaged from previous hunts. "I can't believe you were a house-pet for a two-leg. That doesn't matter, you're my sister." Tears was right, Kimba was her sister and she knew she had to forgive her for not saying anything before. Tears plopped down next to Kimba. "We're done with you two-leg. I suggest you leave before we tear you to bits." Kimba was excellent with her words and spoke without one doubt or regret about what she was saying. "Yeah, we're done with you,..............TWO-LEG!" Tears though had some pauses and stops, forgeting words often. Overall, they were both good. "SEE YA." Tears spoke in a loud but challenging voice, as if she could kill the two-leg.


4:49pm Dec 7 2011

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Erin walked a few steps into the cave, but not all the way to where Kimba and Tears were, to get out of the snow, and said,"Kimba, please give me one more chance. Please!" Erin begged this with all her might. Erin felt the need to get down on her knees, and did so.

5:36pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 147

Kimba turned and lashed her paw at Erin's face, slashing a large cut in the side of her face. "You've done enough damage. We are wolves, free, wild. Do you know what the other wolves would do if they saw us with you? They would kill us. I don't want you around anyways, my sister has now been destroyed because of her encounter with you." Turning her head towards Tears now she whispered, "Don't worry Tears, we'll be at the other two-leg's house by summer. You know my old house?" "I know, I know." Tears replied then turned towards Erin. "Can we eat in peace? And don't make Kimba too mad, she bites."


8:43pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 1,053
"Kimba, please. All I'm asking you, is for another chance. I will do anything! Please! I have no family. They died when I was young, then I was sent to a foster care, hated it, and ran away to be with some animals because I love them, and would do nothing to hurt them. Please Kimba. Please."

9:55pm Dec 7 2011

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Posts: 147

"i'm also sorry......that you ever came here. You have been noting but useless to us. Not to mention, my spring we will be gone. Off to somewhere else. And all this winter, we will be joining with the pack..." "Hopefully they don't ditch us again." Tears and Kimba spent all last winter in the den, the pack ditched them so they could go faster. "I know Tears. Anywho, we don't need the extra clutter. We are fine alone. I'm sure we will meet again. But we will not nesissarily be so nice next time."


1:42am Dec 8 2011

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"Well, what if I told you this... I could hunt for food for you, and all that good stuff. I have a knife right here in my back pocket. It would work. I'm not saying you both be my pets, more like me being yours, but I'm not an animal." With this Erin started pulling out the knife from her pocket.

8:46pm Dec 8 2011

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Posts: 147

"No, we don't need you to hunt for us. We are wolves, we can hunt for ourselves. Now scram!" "Yeaaah scram!" That was another one of Tears side comments. The two wolves began approaching Erin in the case that she still didn't leave. "Put the knife down Erin." "Yeaah, you might stabby stab us. Hehehe." A giggle let out from Tears. Kimba nudged her to let her know that this wasn't the time to do that.


10:10pm Dec 8 2011

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"Okay. Here is the knife." Erin pulled the knife out of her pocket, and laid it on the floor. "But without me, the humans won't know not to hunt you. I can tell them not to. If they don't listen, I can lead them to a spot, then you both attack them."
With saying this, Erin was very, very slowly backing up.

4:40pm Dec 9 2011 (last edited on 4:40pm Dec 9 2011)

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Posts: 147

"We don't want to attack the two-legs. Now, could you go so we could get back to eating before our long journey to find our mimi and pipi. And we don't want your help to find them either." "Yeaah, we can find them by ourself." Tears always had something to say. "Tears, enough. Now leave two-leg." Kimba didn't want to get ficious. But, she didn't thing Erin would leave, as usual. So, she jumped at Erin, Tears following her. The two wolves lunged on Erin biting and clawing her. Tears pulled her leg and her teeth slipped leaving a large cut. Kimba scratched away at the mark she made earlier. Then they stepped back after making a few large, but not deadly, cuts.


6:09pm Dec 10 2011

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Posts: 147



1:25am Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 6:04pm Dec 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,053
"Owe! That hurts! I guess I won't tell you about my other power... But since you don't want to know, I'll be on my way. But I can tell you, it will save you in the future." With this, Erin started walking out of the cave slowly.

5:19pm Dec 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 147

(( Alyssa? ))

Kimba snarled. "We don't need to know about your stupid other power." With that the stopped letting Erin listen in on their converastion. "Come on Tears, let's go find mimi and pipi, they will surely take care of us." "Yeah, yeah." Tears nodded her head enthusiastically. With that the two jumped on a little bag in the back, grabbed the furs from previous hunts, they were washed by mimi and pipi before Kimba left the last time. "The only reson we're bringing these is because mimi and pipi washed them last time I was there, before you were born." The shoved them in a bag. While shoving Tears spoke. "Was it fun?" "Of course. Always the best meals." Kimba loved it with mimi and pipi. After getting the furs in the bag Tears ran to get some buffalo meat. "Open the little pocket on the front Kimmi." She shouted from the corner of her mouth while ripping some meat off the buffalo. Then they shoved that in the front pocket and dashed by Erin, leaving her in their uplifted snow. "Cum' on, let's go get mimi and pipi." Tears shouted as they ran towards the little town only 5km away from their den. They both let out large howls, letting the members of the pack know they were leaving. The pack left a large howl back, of sadness, also asking if they would ever return. Another loud howl was sent in return as a 'YES SOON, GOOD BYE FOR NOW, LOVE YOU ALL.' And again returned with a 'LOVE YOU TOO, BYE.' howl from all the wolves in the pack. Kimba and Tears continued running by the side of the rock that led to the town. The rock was also what their den was carved in. "HERE I COME MIMI AND PIPI!" Kimba howled the like she did every night. Not one night did she go without thinking about mimi and pipi. And it was returned with the yelling of Nellie, aka. mimi. "KIMBA I HEAR YOU, COME HOME!" Only Kimba thouroughly understood two-leg, Tears was taught from Kimba 6 months prior to their encounter with Erin, but still didn't know well. And mimi learned wolf from Kimba for she had the special talent. Moments later Kimba hear a yell. "KIMBA I LOVE YOU! COME QUICK PIPI AND I MISS YOU SO MUCH!" Kimba smiled at what she heard. "Run quick Tears, mimi and pipi are just 2km away, so about 5 minutes if we go fast." And fast they went, those girls had enough energy to run for hours.  


6:11pm Dec 12 2011 (last edited on 6:12pm Dec 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,053
((sorry about the alyssa thing, it is from a different RP and i got mixed up with the names! lol :D))

Erin was hiding just outside the cave till they left. When they got a far enough distance away from the cave, Erin quickly walked back into the cave to keep warm. She noticed there was still meat left, and some sticks in the corner, and decided to make a fire and cook the meat. She put the sticks in a little formation and rubbed them together to make fire. She took the meat and put it on her knife, and cooked it over the fire. When the meat was fully cooked, she took a bite. "Yummy!" She forgot she still had her cup clipped to her jacket, and got that out. She walked out to the snow, and scooped some up into her cup. She let it melt a little bit over the fire, then drank some. "I wonder where those two were headed." She looked at her leg. "I must clean that off." She took her rag out of her pocket and god it wet. Then she cleaned the cut off her leg. Now that she was finished eating, she decided to get some sleep, and look for more firewood in the morning.

6:39pm Dec 12 2011 (last edited on 6:50pm Dec 12 2011)

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Posts: 147

The wolves of Kimba and Tears pack approached 'THEIR' new den or at least until the two returned. They were ready to eat the meat Kimba and Tears left. Then they encountered Erin. Deep growls came from the wolves, no speaking for they didn't understand two-leg, nor did they speak it.

Back with Kimba and Tears, they had just reached Mimi and Pipi`s house. They were both standing on the porch, arms outstreached, ready for a hug from the two. "MIMI! PIPI!" The two shouted and then leaped up for a hug. "Mimi I missed you so much!" "I missed you too Kimba!" Kimba jumped down. "This is my half-sister, Tears." "Hello, Tears." Mimi and Pipi were glad to see Kimba and glad to meet her sister. The wolves switched and hugged the opposite two-leg. Mimi and Pipi were older so the wolves handled them with care. "She's just like you Kimba." Pipi exclaimed. "Thanks Pipi. I missed you a lot too!" Kimba was glad to see her grandparents again.



Name: Nellie

Gender: Female

Age: 68 years old

Likes: Seeing Kimba and Tears. Smelling the pine trees.

Dislikes: When families fight.

Family: Married to Robert.

Others: Takes care of Kimba and Tears.



Name: Robert

Gender: Male

Age: 69 years old

Likes: Seeing Kimba and Tears. Eating honey on toast.

Dislikes: When families fight.

Family: Married to Nellie.

Others: Takes care of Kimba and Tears.



9:56pm Dec 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 147



12:13pm Dec 13 2011 (last edited on 12:13pm Dec 13 2011)

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Posts: 1,053
Erin was fast asleep and didn't hear the other wolves coming up into the cave. She was dreaming about her parents playing with her in the grass fields when she was very young. When the father got into the car and had to go to the store. The car accident. This made her jump awake with a scream. When she awoke with the scream, she was looking straight into the fire, and could swear she saw her fathers face. It wasn't there. Erin was kind of breathing hard from her dream that scared her.
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