The Evil Wolf and The Girl {PRIVATE smokey and pancakez ONLY!}

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2:34pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 2:37pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 1,053

Name: Erin Peters
Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Blue
Personality: She will do anything to stay alive and well. She loves to go swimming and play basketball.
Appearance: She wears mostly plain t-shirts, jeans, and vans. She normally has her long wavy hair down, but will put it in a lazy bun or a pony tail.
Crush: none


2:42pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 147

Name: Kimba

Gender: Female

Age: 4 years

Likes: Smell of honey as well as the taste and brushing her fur in the pine trees

Dislikes: Other wolves wanting to fight

Family: Brekella (Mother) and Alcalite (Father). Tears (Sister)

Others: All family is dead but her sister.




2:45pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((sorry i couldn't post a pic... i don't know how i just had to describe her :D shall we get started?))

2:49pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 147

Name: Tears

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Likes: Fishing and playing tag with Kimba

Dislikes: The fact that her parents are dead

Family: Natalia (Mother) and Acalite (Father). Kimba (Half-Sister)

Others: No.




2:50pm Dec 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 147

Btw. Kimba and Tears are Half-Sisters. Also Kimba is very good at fighting with other wolves.


2:50pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 147

And yes. Lets start.



2:51pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((awwww so cute are you ready?))

2:58pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 3:01pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 147

  • -Kimba and Tears ran around the Gamilite Forest playing tag. They banged into trees and ran under deer's legs-
  • "Tears! Stop! There's the big buffalo herd." Kimba lurked behind a rock with Tears right behind her.
  • "What will we do?" Tears questioned.
  • "We're gonna get 'um" Kimba was very enthusiastic about the buffalo season. "NOW!"
  • The two leaped out from behind the rock and dashed toward the buffalos. They went for a big bull. Kimba lashed the buffalos back while Tears clung on to one of the kicking legs. As always, the girls one the fight. "Come on Tears. Grab a leg. The den is only about 5 minutes from here and if we go fast we won't get caught in the blizzard." They rushed to the den and hid the buffalo in the back. Before leaving the buffalo Tears started nibbling the neck. "TEARS! THAT'S FOR LATER!" Kimba didn't like when Tears ate without asking. She swatted Tears with her paw and very deeply stared into her little eyes. 


3:02pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 3:06pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 1,053
Erin was shocked at what she had just seen. She was only taking pictures of the buffalo when the wolves attacked them. She decided to throw her camera down and follow the wolves to their cave to get away from the blizzard as well. 

She finally reached the cave, and smelt the yucky smell of the dead buffalo and said, "Yup. This is the place alright." She looked into the dark cave with curious eyes. She wasn't sure weather to go all the way into the cave, or just stay right outside of the cave. Then she heard the teeth chewing the meat and thought, "I should get away from them, but I don't know where I would go."

3:13pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 3:13pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 147

Kimba quickly lashed her head around and tapped Tears. She did the same. The two wolves stared at Erin. Slowly they walked up to her. When they got almost to the end of her toes Kimba started smiling. She wagged her tail and then layed herself down on Erin's feet. Belly up, excited to have a new friend. She could see in Erin's eyes that she was not out to hurt them. Tears slowly backed away and continued eating the buffalo. She was surprised of what her sister had just done a few seconds ago. When she looked back again at her sister, little playful yelps were coming from her mouth. "How could she to this? I thought she was a wolf, not a suck-up dog." Tears muttered little things to herself very angrily. Half of it wasn't even words.


3:20pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
Erin looked at the little wolf and petted her. "What a good little wolf! Aren't you? Yes yew are yes yew are!" She looked into the cave at the other one, then looked at the one at her feet. "I wish you could understand what I am saying. Its to bad your not human like I am. I wish you could talk..."

3:31pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 3:32pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 147

"Pssh, no need to wish. I've seen it in your eyes, you have a special talent. You can hear animals speak and they can hear you. Although you can only hear animal speak when we want you to hear us speak." Kimba was educated on two-legs for she had once been a supposive house-pet. Tears never knew it because she was born after Kimba came back. "You shouldn't talk in-front of the two-legs." Tears wasn't very exstatic about her sister telling a two-leg that she can hear animals talk when they want her to hear them. "Shuush. I like her." Kimba's smile got even bigger and her tongue started hanging out. The opposite happened to Tears. Her frown became even worse. She looked like she was ready to kill the two-leg. Instead she ripped away at the buffalo. Kimba talked so only Tears could hear her, "Give the girl a chance." Tears thought hard about it. 'Give her a chance? I don't know.' Then she came to her decision. She would trust her sister and give the two-leg a chance. She ran toward the two-leg, banged into her legs, and flopped down next to her sister. She gave the two-leg a lick on the hand. "I knew you would come around." Kimba was now happy. Tears wasn't frowning and they were both playing with the two-leg.


3:50pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
Erin looked at the nice little one. "You..You... can talk?! That is so freaky but cool! What are your names? I'm Erin Peters. But you can call me Erin." Erin reached down and played with both of the wolves till she heard a noise. Erin stood up quickly to see what the noise was. She heard a huge cracking noise, and a tree was falling down not to far away. "Quickly! We must get into that cave! The storm is coming!" Erin ran into the cave, not knowing where to sit, she decided to sit in the corner where she wouldn't bother the wolves.

3:50pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((sorry i was on a lunch break :D))

3:59pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 147

The wolves both yelped in fright. The lunged onto Erin's lap. "I'm Kimba and this is my half-sister, Tears." Tears barked when she heard her name. "Want some buffalo?" Tears asked as she got up and walked toward the carcus. Kimba followed for she was hungry as well.


4:02pm Dec 6 2011 (last edited on 4:03pm Dec 6 2011)

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Posts: 147

((Could my sister, Arrow14 join in? She can be Kimba's full sister. What do you think? And I have to go now. <No more convo on here. Just rMail me.))


4:09pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
"Well nice to meet you both. I don't think I want any of that nasty garbage. It looks disgusting. Plus I'm not hungry." Erin turned her head in disapproval. "I can't believe you both would put that garbage into your mouths..." Erin couldn't watch the wolves eat. It almost made her throw up, although she didn't cause her stomach was empty, and she was hungry. She didn't tell this to the wolves, because she was afraid to.

4:09pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
((yeah sure i don't mind if she joins :D))

8:41pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 147
"Kimba, stop. You're freaking out." Kimba could deal with a few pushes and shoves there but calling her own food garbage was concidered unexceptable to her. "NO! I WILL NOT REST UNTIL SHE IS GONE!" Kimba moved closly in towards Erin. Her teeth bared, she growled deeply and long from inside her stomach. "You dare..." She turned her head away, very upset. "I can't believe it. You of all two-legs. The one with the special talent? I guess I was wrong. Maybe you really don't truly have the power to hear us. Maybe it's just a phase. You discust me." Tears tried to stop Kimba numerous times from getting to Erin. Without anything else to do and since she was also quite angry, she took first move. Lunging at Erin, trying to frighten her out of THEIR den. "You should have minded your own buisness, stupid two-leg."


8:46pm Dec 6 2011

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Posts: 1,053
"I-I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean it that way!! Please!!! I don't want to go out there! Its cold and wet and I don't have any place to go!! Oh Kimba I'm sorry!"
Erin just stood there looking at Kimba and Tears. 
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