Shinghou University (College Rp)

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10:29pm Sep 9 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Hehe, I almost want to make Leondra's crazy room mate.XD))


10:40pm Sep 9 2010

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Posts: 776
Ooc:// lol. You can if you want. I again, am at a loss.


10:42pm Sep 9 2010

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Posts: 5,835
((Hehe. I could always make Leondra and Jaylin go out and hear him singing...Jaylin loves music and singing.XD))


10:46pm Sep 9 2010

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Posts: 776
ooc:// its whatever you want to do. Im bored


11:17pm Sep 9 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 tle="Click to zoom out." cl*censored*="menuTrigger"> 5baacdc5dfb01dad495560ac15e1679b.jpg image by PrinzzezKitten

Name:Jaylin Elspeth Renae

Age: 20



College Major:Dance

Personality:Jaylin is very hyper. She loves to do things such as dance, sports, and other things that take energy. She loves to joke around and doesn't take much energy. She doesn't get angry very easily but she likes to make other people angry.

Likes:Animals, the color white, teasing people

Dislikes:Bossy people, know it alls, spiders


1. If she eats sugar she gets very, very hyper and crazy and overly excited.

2.She doesn't take many things serious.

Dorm Number:13



11:59am Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 776
Ooc:// Aww she's a dance major. ^.^


12:17pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 5,835

((Hehe. I couldn't think of anything else so...Yea.^_^))


 "Complain?" Jaylin asked looking at Leondra. "I guess we are being kind of loud..." Jaylin said. She smiled skipping towards the bedroom and pulled out a jacket. "I'm going to go take a look around., you want to come?" She said grabbing her phone and walking towards the door.

 "Hm...Yes, looking around would be good." Leondra said following Jaylin. She smiled opening the door and walked outside. She looked around making sure Pheory wasn't anywhere. "She must have gone back to prison 14." Leondra said. She walked towards the door leading out of the girls rooms and outside. She sighed closing her eyes as she walked, enjoying the sun warming her shoulders she looked over at Jaylin. "So, where do you want to go?" Leondra asked.

 "Do you hear that?" Jayline asked hearing a someone singing. Her eyes brightened up as she grabbed Leondra's arm and nearly pulled her towards Lyle.


12:30pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 776

Ooc:// you can major in anything in the world. lol. History to english to theater. Hehe.


Lyle stood up from where he was singing and not missing a note. "take me as I am, beleive i'm yours" His words were soft as he reached forward snatching a girls hand who was standing there with her boyfriend. A smirk fell upon his face and she paused breifly in his song kissing the girls hand before carring on again picking up right where he was. "Cause I am your pain, and you are my hurt"

His green eyes softened watching the ice blue glare the boyfriend of the girl was giving off. This wanted to make Lyle laugh but he refraind himself from doing so on account that he was in the middle of his song and it wouldn't be professional to do such a thing.


12:43pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 5,835

((Lol. Yea, but a lot of the other things i thought of didn't seem to fit Jaylin.))

 Jaylin yanked harder on Leondra's hand as the singing got louder. "C'mon!" She said. She smiled letting go of Leondra's hand and walked towards the sound almost as if she was hypnotized by it. She closed her eyes *censored*he walked gracfully towards the singing, it almost looked like she might start dancing.

 "Jay...Where are we going?" Leondra asked watching the girl walk off somewhere. The music didn't speak to her as it did to Jaylin so to Leondra right now the girl just looked crazy.


12:43pm Sep 10 2010 (last edited on 12:43pm Sep 10 2010)

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Posts: 5,835
((Double post.))


1:00pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 776

Ooc:// I didn't know what to put for Lyle...which is why I made music because he does sing on occation. This being one of them. ^.^


"Listening to angels singing, to fade your screams echoing in my ears..." Without hesitation he watched the boyfriend lead the giggling girl away from him off to wherever they were going. Lyle's green eyes focused on the girl before turning away.

"Watching the sun for too long, just to blind myself in the mirrior. 'Cause i'm your pain and you are my hurt. Take me as I am, beleive I am yours" From the corner of his eye something in the distance moved which drew his attention. Across the grounds he seen Jayline comming towards him. Lyle stood up straight and just watched her with soft green eyes as he made every move towards him. "I'm your pain, and you are my hurt. Take me as I am... beleive i'm yours."


1:09pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 Jaylin opened her eyes. She looked at Lyle as he sang and walked towards him. She stopped and just listened to the music. She opened her eyes as she heard foot steps come towards her.

 "So is this where you wanted to go?" Leondra asked eyeing Lyle. "To listen to music?" She asked.

 Jaylin nodded and made a motion with her hand telling Leondra to shut up.

((Sorry, for the short post, I couldn't think of what else to do.))


1:18pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 776

Ooc:// Your fine.


"I'm your pain, and you are my hurt. Take me as I am, beleive I am yours..." Lyles voice softened as he began wrapping up the song. "Take me as I am....beleive I am yours"  Lyle took a deep breath before lightly bowing towards Jaylin and Leondra.

"Hello Ladies" He said softly with a soft warm smile. "I hope everything is to your liking on this lovely day?" He asked curiously.



1:31pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 Jaylin nodded. "Yep, everything is lovely today." She said in a cheery rich voice. "That was a nice song you were singing...I believe I haven't heard it before, what is it?" She asked. She looked over at Leondra who was just standing there smiling.

 Leondra was starting to get impatient with her room mate who had dragged her to listen to someone sing. She looked around to, just wanting to go do something more exciting...Then she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out and looked at the text. A party...Sounds fun! She thought.


3:43pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 776

Lyle smirked before sighing lightly. "It is an old favorite. It's called Yours by a german band called Lovex" he smiled warmly. His gaze turned to Leondra as she looked at her phone. "So...are you two going to that welcome party the campus is throwing tonight?" He asked knowing that was probably the text she had received. It seemed like everyone had gotten the same exact text message.

"Someone got the professors to agree to throw a party tonight. It's by the pool which means its sort of a pool party type thing." Lyle shrugged glancing up at the sky. "Oh, how rude of me. My name is Lyle. I'm a transfer student from a university up north. I'm sort of...procrastinating on meeting my roommates plus out here is so much nicer than bein cooped up inside."


4:02pm Sep 10 2010

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Posts: 5,835

 Leondra looked up. "I will probably go to it." She said showing Jaylin the text. "Oh, and I'm Leondra." She said smiling.

 Jaylin read the text. "I'm Jaylin." She said looking up. "That is cool that they are having a welcome party." She said. "We are roommates but we have known eachother sense we where very young."

 Leondra grinned putting her phone back in her pocket. "I agree, it is much nicer out here." She said.


7:15pm Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,682

((Omg, so sorry for not posting sooner! ))

Nirvana had just laughed at Faye, then said "I'm going to go outside and read a book. See you at the party." She grabbed her purse and a thick novel, then headed into the bright sunshine. She squinted and found a low brick wall, low enough for her to jump onto. She did, careful not to let her skirt fly up, and opened her book. She breathed in the pages and smiled, the ink smell and crisp paper making her feel happier, if that was even possible.

((Short post, fail. ;c))

Image and video hosting by Photobucket Made by Ian (Renaissance)

10:14pm Sep 10 2010 (last edited on 10:19pm Sep 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 486


Age: (19 and up please) 19


Sexuality:Straight?  Maybe Bi?

College Major: Computer Sciences/Detective Work (sorry, not sure what branch, but she wants to work for the FBI).

Personality:She is normally a friendly person around those she trusts.  She seems really cold and distant often, as if she has something on her mind.   She isn't very trusting because trusting too easily has gotten her badly hurt(emotional).  She is pretty intelligent, but has a tendency to make questions harder than they really are, especially in math.

Likes:Chocolate, music, theatre, art,  reading a good book under a tree, weeping willow trees,  math, video games, sarcasm, chess, computers, piano, mysteries.

Dislikes:her occasional failitude, asymmetry, herself, annoying people and really little kids that are noisy (like, under 8) .

Flaws: (At least one but two preferred)She tends to correct people...a lot.  She is pretty boyish, though I'm not really sure if that is a flaw. And she takes thingns too seriously.

Dorm Number:24

Other:She has a little brother whom she loves dearly and a (not so-identical) twin.  

(BTW, sorry for the late bio post, life has been hectic and I am swaamped with homework)

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass "Um, Ryuzaki?" "I'm a corpse." "Hunh?" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC

10:23pm Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 486

Pictures of Raven:,r:3,s:39&biw=1024&bih=574    with ourple eyes and shorter hair.,r:6,s:164&biw=1024&bih=574,r:6,s:164&biw=1024&bih=574

again, purple eyes and shorter hair

 Her Sister:,r:6,s:164&biw=1024&bih=574

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass "Um, Ryuzaki?" "I'm a corpse." "Hunh?" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC

10:24pm Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 486
Sorry for the long posts, my computer doesn't like the clip art tooly.  If it is a problem, just let me know and I'll take it down.  I'll also try to get my intro up tomorrow, because it is really late here.

"If the king doesn't move, then his subjects won't follow."-Code Geass "Um, Ryuzaki?" "I'm a corpse." "Hunh?" "I have become a corpse. I cannot answer. I am dead."-DNAN:LABBMC
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