Shattered Souls

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5:59pm Dec 27 2011

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Posts: 5,310

Imma go rmail Ty and remind her to post. I am also thinking about how to introduce how Mizuki uses her magicked swords. :P

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:03pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(That's cool, but I just rmailed her m'self. XD And I still haven't started on that picture, I regret to tell you, I've been busy.. May start tomorrow though. ^.^)


6:07pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Hey, take your time with the pic. It makes the wait worth it. :]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:10pm Dec 27 2011

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Posts: 2,378
(I warn you now it may just be a pencil sketch with some bits heavily shaded to show the darker parts... If you want an example of my work:
This was my last one, from the cover of Fallout: New Vegas.)


6:15pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Those be cool.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:17pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(You like it? 0.o)


6:21pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Yep. It is way better than mine.
tle="" href="">

(The first one isn't mine. A friend let me upload it for her.)

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:24pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(That's a better bird than I could draw, amico mio, I only do people and buildings, cars at a push. And I do A Level Art, so I'm sure there's a bit of a difference. ^.^)


7:32pm Dec 27 2011

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Posts: 3,809

[[Ty apologises for being a butt. As anyone who rp's with her should probably know by this point, she does normally reply quite regularly, but she sometimes has these like. Long slumps of... Well, it ain't quite writer's block, but the only thing she can produce suck and even she admits that a group of monkeys with typewriters could do much better. :I]]

A dracolian. That was what stood before the young warrior, clear as day, although a pathetic excuse for a dracolian is what it was. Most dracoliani had scales that gave off a metalic lustre, and eyes that glowed bright, even in the day. The scales of the once-mighty beast that dared to attack Damien Frescalt, however, were dull, it's eyes dim and lifeless. Even the talons and horns, usually as dark as pitch on a moonless night, were more grey than black.

Despite the fact that he figured he could easily take it, Damien kept his distance, standing about a dozen feet down the road from the beast. When it advanced, he retreated, and so on and so forth. He did not do it out of pity for the great beast, but more out of caution. The creature was obviously sickly, and whatever disease had enough influence to affect a beast that towered two dozen feet off the ground when standing upon it's hind legs and eight feet when not, had enough influence to affect a human being, no matter how strong said person may be.

With that thought in mind, Damien grew curious. Dracoliani were common in the small mountainous village where he had once resided with his family, but they were an exceptionally rare sight outside of the village. So to see one so far South, and with a disease he'd never seen before, led him to believe there was something going on. He had planned to observe it longer, but the creature reared it's head back and he heard the tell-tale clicking within it's throat that signalled a burst of flames was about to come, and rolled to the side.

If the creature was well enough to breath fire, it was well enough to cause a threat the small town he had come from, and that meant it had to be disposed of. Damien wouldn't normally be so taken to helping random strangers, but there was someone in that town that he held dear, and did not wish to see harmed. So, with that thought in mind, he reached his hand back and gripped the hilt of his sword.

Drawing his blade with a faint 'whoosh', he ran full pelt at the beast, running silently so as to hear the tell-tale clicking. He did hear it once or twice before he reached the beast, dodging first to the left, then to the right, and somehow managed to reach the scaled monstrosity unscathed. Swinging his blade in an almost-swirling motion, first left, then right, then right again, he succeeded in landing three deep scratches upon the creature's neck, before jumping back again until he was as far away as when he started.

The creature of course was not going to stand by and allow itself to be slain, and bellowed loudly, before charging the young warrior with it's jaws wide open. Damien took by the creature's posture that it was not going to breath fire, and took a shot in the dark. If he was wrong, he would be burned alive, but if he was right, he would effectively 'slay the dragon'.

Running forth with a speed that matched that of the almighty beast, he held his sword directly out in front of him, gritted his teeth, and prayed to the gods his hunch would be right. When he came directly before the impact, he closed his eyes instinctively. He was not aware it had been right until he felt warm liquid spurting over his hands, and when he felt that he jumped back, his blade still jammed in the creature's throat.

Somehow, it remained upright, gargling and choking, a river of blood streaming to the earth. An old legend once said the blood of a dracolian is so poisonous it will not seep into the earth, but Damien had learned by that point that that myth was far wrong.


Isis Dubh was walking slowly along a forest path, her keen senses alert to all that was around her. She hadn't stolen anything in a few days, surviving upon the bounty of the forest as she did in such times, but was growing restless and bored. She already knew this forest well, and was looking to hitch a ride to another, but had not yet found any suitable people from which to hitch that ride.

She had, of course, seen quite a few warriors and adventurers passing through, which was normal. Warriors and the like did not usually promise very good sleeping conditions or much loot, so she didn't tend to go with them unless she was desperate and bored out of her mind. It was, however, getting exceptionally close to that point, when she heard the sound of a cart trundling down the road.

She ran to the nearby river, figuring anyone with any sense would head off the trail and go to there. She sat in the water, figuring it added a better effect, her hood over her eyes and her head down, whimpering softly but with an unseeable grin upon her face. She heard snickering of men, and immediately realized she'd been wrong about who she suspected it was.  Glancing up with eyes wet, not from tears but from cleverly placed river water, she saw a pair of men that looked to her to be utter brutes. They were merchants, but not the kind with any honour. The thieving kind. Behind them was a pair of horses and a cart, and she immediately decided it was the horses she wanted.

''Why, 'ello thar, petal! Y'look cold. Wouldja like to come ger warm with us?'' One of them asked, smirking. Without waiting for a response, he reached out a hand to pull up her hood. Isis did not take kindly to this, however, and having already unsheathed her dagger, swung her arm up and sliced a long and deep gash down his hand.

Grinning an evil grin and enjoying the look of horror upon his face, Isis stood and tore off her cloak and robes at the same time, showing her true nature. ''I'm afraid I can't, boys. You see, I'd love to stop and chat, but I really must be going.'' Not bothering to see if either of them had enough wits to run back and grab their horses, she ran and did an absurdly acrobatic flip over their heads, landing perfectly on the horse.

Gripping the reigns tightly, she sped off as fast as she could, not stopping even when she realized that the cart was attached to the horse and had been tipped over on it's side. It was currently being dragged along by the horse, but was slowing it down, so Isis reached a her dagger back and cut the chord connecting beast and contraption. She glanced back just long enough to see the merchants' goods scattered all over the road, and slowed her pace after a distance, laughing still.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

10:35pm Dec 27 2011 (last edited on 10:35pm Dec 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Eventually, the silver-gray hound stopped and sniffed at the air with her quivering black nose before said appendage hit the ground in an attempt to pick up the scent she had be following... Before it disappeared. Her ears cocked behind her as she watched the black stallion ride up before slowing to a complete stop. The woman atop did not look pleased.

Star offered a small, whimpered apology and the woman sighed before dismounting from the stallion's back. When her feet touched the ground, she ground tied Galaxy -- knowing the horse wouldn't wander off -- and moved towards the wolfdog. An uneasy feeling settling into the pit of her stomach.

"Something awful has happened here," she murmured, her ice-blue eyes closing. The magic in one of her swords had made itself known to her. It was Death. A black sword with a giant, crimson eye in the center of the guard. As she unsheathed it from her right hip, the eye opened half-way. She sighed and moved to slice her thumb on one of it's many ridges before letting her blood trickle down the flat of the sword.

"Shi... No sh!tai wa ikite modottekita hōhō o oshietekudasai," she intoned in the language of spells as she pushed the tip of Death into the ground. Closing her eyes again, she let the scenes fill her head. Which made her frown. Her eyes opened again and she pulled Death from the ground and quickly wiped off her own blood with a spare rag she had stuffed into one of her boots.

Apparently somebody had used a spell of resurrection to bring dead corpses back to life. And said dead corpses had scattered. Though some seemed to have joined a troupe underneath the person who raised them. Oh joy. She would have to go chase them down since Death had finally decided to input its own rage at having the dead resurrected without its knowing. In fact, the blade was quivering in her hand.

"Fine, I will!" she half-muttered. "But on my own terms." Death seemed appeased by this and ceased its quivering. The woman quickly sheathed the black blade and headed back to Galaxy. When the reins were back around the stallion's neck, she vaulted up into the saddle and whistled to Star. The wolfdog bounded up; tail wagging slightly.

The woman smiled slightly and turned the black stallion in the direction they had came from. This time moving at a slower pace. Star had no objections to this and slowly trotted beside the horse.

[[ What she said; "Death... Show me how these corpses came back alive." ]]


The shadowed man had made it back to his own home without a problem. He had seen several of the town guard running down from the richer sections to investigate what happened to the fat merchant. Though, once he was behind closed doors of his sanctuary, he pulled back his hood and grinned. His brown eyes sparkling with dark amusement. Pulling out the encased hand, he set it on the small table before him.

The person who hired him would arrive shortly since he had been given a week to carry out the assassination. Today was the last day he could've killed the merchant, and he did. Oh, it was so fun to watch the light fade from the other man's eyes. It was almost as fun as watching a person realize their purse was gone. Pulling out one of the few chairs at the table, he sat down in it and leaned back as he kicked his feet up into the table; crossing them at the ankles. Now, all he had to do was sit.

And wait.

To be paid by the person who hired him.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:14am Dec 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
((I know this'll be my third post, but I think I could do with getting at least a few of the characters together to try and add a little plot to this Roleplay. ^.^)

Jory and Rodrik had been plodding along in perfect silence for what must have been coming up to half an hour when the veteran's stallion reared and refused to go any further. "Something has him spooked..." He patted the warhorse's neck and whispered in his ear to calm him down, before dismounting and tying the reins to the ones on Rodrik's mare, which was surprisingly calm. "I'm going to scout ahead, keep an eye on the horses, mine has always been good at sensing the unnatural." He removed his helmet and great-sword, tying them to the side of the horse that did not hold his shield.

He unbound an ebony longsword with veins of red said to be the blood of demons that was in its sheath, grey leather with a golden trim. "A gift from my king, never let me down." He strapped the scabbard to his belt, before crouching low and staying close to the ridge that was slightly off to their left. Edging around the rocky face, he popped his old, grizzled head around the corner, spotting several more un-dead than he had ever wished to see. He jumped back behind the ridge and put his head back, his eyes drifting closed. "Kai'lah narum takhar..." He said in the old tongue, a rather old prayer, 'May the gods guide my blade true,' before gesturing for Rodrik to join him.

The young knight waisted no time in dismounting and tying the horses to a nearby tree, before jogging over to the old warrior's side. He peeked around the corner, cursing lightly with a smile on his face. "Looks like I get to prove myself to you sooner than I had hoped, good Ser." He drew his katana, the dark black blade shining in the orange of the setting sun.

Jory put a hand up to him, beckoning for him to stop. "With all respect, Legate, I believe this calls for some degree of cunning and subtlety, you need to learn to use your environment to your advantage if you wish to make it to my age." He gestured for him to follow, before hoping up and grabbing the edge of the ridge, pulling himself up and staying low as he crouch-ran to a large pile of boulders, no doubt shifted to create a camp of sorts for the corpses below. Thinking, he cursed. "I should have brought my other sword..." He kicked out hard, sending the rocks flying down the ridge, pounding into several of the unnatural beings below.

The old warrior fell to one knee as an almighty roar caused the earth to tremble. Rodrik jogged to his side, gripping his arm and pulling him to his feet. "That roar was no un-dead, if its what I think it is we need to back off now." Jory did as he was told, following the young knight with a fear in his heart. As they dropped down off the ridge once more, they panicked and fell low as flames licked the edge and singed away any grass that remained. Rodrik took the opportunity to peek his head around and steal a glance, before spinning back around. "Well, there's good news and there's bad news... Which would you like first?"

Jory gave him a tired look, before Rodrik smirked slightly. "Good news is its not as bad as I thought it was, bad news is its still pretty bad... Its not a dragon, its a drake." there were few ways to tell a drake from a dragon, one beings that drakes were smaller, and their horns were a pure white, rather than the black horns of a dragon used to forge ebony.

"You know, I could really grow to dislike you." The old man groaned, before taking a glance down the road, "We back track, we're not going to be able to take a drake on our own, not without more preparation, there are bound to be some on this road." He was right, it was the main road, and he very much doubted the scene he had left with the corpses would go long unnoticed. 

The two mounted and fell into a gallop, wanting to avoid drawing the drake's attention by lingering.


3:27pm Dec 28 2011 (last edited on 3:28pm Dec 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
The once silent forest was now filled with sounds that only made Ousna's eyes widen. Her hand quickly reached over to her belt for her sword. Here she was thinking that things would get better, what a laughable thought that had just become. Standing perfectly still she listened to the sounds around her more closely. Were those... horses? Right now the last thing on her mind was to run into anymore people, especially now that the thought of creatures in this forest was likely. 

Muttering under her breath she stared at the path ahead, lingering off the path would be a terrible idea, especially since she had no idea where she was. The only way she could ever expect to return to the city was by following the path backwards. Ousna didn't take time to make stupid decisions like this, she dashed off of the path and into the shadows of the trees. She didn't go too far, keeping the path in sight, sword in hand, and an irritable look on her face. 

She continued along more slowly now, every step taken with caution and glanced back once or twice to see if the path was still there, as if it would disappear if she looked away for too long. In her head she only complained about how she should have just stayed in the city, maybe even get into an argument with those women she saw earlier. I could always go back... But she dismissed the thought when she realized that she had already gone this far, there was no turning back. Plus, Ousna was no coward... well at least she wasn't going to be one now. She just tightened her grip on her sword and continued forward, head held high for whatever she might encounter ahead. 


3:49pm Dec 28 2011 (last edited on 4:51am Dec 30 2011)

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Posts: 2,378
Jory saw a glimpse of a flicker of a shadow in the forest, but that was enough for him. Pulling up hard on his reins, he barked an order at Rodrik for him to hold. He hopped off his stallion, patting him on the neck to let him know to stay. "I saw you... Look, I'm a warrior, the right hand of king Algruin. If you're half as good with a blade as you are hiding in the shadows, we could really do with your help." Rodrik slid off his mare, sauntering over to the side of the knight.

"I've slain dragons before on my own, Ser, I'm sure we do not need to enlist the help of some shadow you may or may not have seen, your eyes are most likely playing tricks on you." Jory unsheathed his blade, blood runner, and stabbed the tip of it into the ground, a sign that if the knight did not keep his mouth shut he would be forced to teach him a lesson, unarmed.

"Step forward if you wish to be paid, this young man that knows how to run his mouth before his brain is a Crown Legate, I'm sure he has access to plenty of gold to pay for your services."

Rodrik bristled slightly at the blatant challenge the veteran laid before him, but knew better than to push it too far. "I have ample funds to pay mercenaries, but as I said, we do not need one, I have seen your skill in combat and couple that with mine and we will be more than a match for that drake if we could just get close enough!"

Jory turned around, once again forgetting his place, but once again not caring enough to stop himself. "You will know when to push a matter like this and when to close your mouth and accept that, for once, you are not in charge here! Experience is far more valuable than a ti
tle, and we all know yours was most likely given in pity!" He collected himself, patting the neck of his horse as he started to get restless. "Shh, all will be fine."


5:20pm Dec 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

-random arm flail-

Dunno what to post...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:25pm Dec 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Have the character with the swords run into Jory and Rodrik and offer to lend a hand, I assume it was their trail she was on?)


5:27pm Dec 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Maybes... Hrms...


Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:56pm Dec 29 2011 (last edited on 9:57pm Dec 29 2011)

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Posts: 5,310

Star stopped. As did Galaxy. The ears on both horse and wolfdog tilted as they heard loud voices off in the distance. The woman could also make out the voices. One of them sounded completely staged, the other; furious. She smirked slightly. This might be interesting to watch. Galaxy bobbed his head in agreement below her as he sensed her amusement. The stallion needed no urging as he danced forward a few steps before breaking out into a trot.

As she came closer, she saw that the shouting match was between an older male -- a knight wizened by may years of experience -- and another male who looked slightly older than herself. A sword was stuck in the dirt and she noticed the older male's scabbard was empty so she assumed it was his.

Galaxy had stopped as soon as she had caught sight of them. But she urged him closer in a slow walk so she could see their features a little more clearly. Something about this looked so amusing to her. The older man was busy calming his horse, and seemly unaware of the younger man's rage. A smirk curved her lips and she attempted to stifle a giggle. Though, she failed. Star wagged her tail slightly before giving a small bark.

[[ Imma post for Ayk when I feel like it... ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:41am Dec 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(I'ma add a female to get this balance right and give me a little more skeleton to work with.)

Name: Abigor Deumos(Blast from the past)

Age: 27

Height: 5'8''

Class: Battle mage, always preferring to stay at a safe distance to cast her spells, but not afraid to bloody her sword.

Personality & Attributes: 
Abigor, much preferring to be known as Abi, is usually dressed with a little more protection that shown in the above picture, often option to wear chain-mail leggings rather than the leather bands around her lower legs here. The head she holds is what gave her her ti
tle of giant-breaker, the feat of beheading an un-dead giant with one swing gaining her vast respect.


4:07pm Dec 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
Abigor was wandering down the road, barefoot as always, when she spied a woman spying on someone ahead. The giant's head strapped to her belt by its hair, she stood and gazed at the woman for a few moments, four strange swords adorned her person. She sniffed, before padding along once more, pulling the hood of her brown, ragged robes up and over her head. She patted the woman as she sauntered past her, grinning ridiculously at her. "Rain's coming."

Taking a few more steps, she smiled when she saw the man she'd been looking for. "Jory! You old dog! You're still kicking?" The warrior looked up from his horse, smiling when he saw the red head, taking on a serious ex
pression when he spoke.

"Aye, and I plan on out-kicking the lot of you pups!" His façade broke, as he ran and hugged the mage. "How in the seven hells did you find me way out here? Not exactly somewhere I venture often."

She hugged him bag, a broad grin upon her face, before tapping the bridge of her nose. "Never as a witch her secrets, old man..." She looked over his shoulder, and past his mount, "When I got a fix on you I didn't sense anyone else, who's that young knight?"

"That's Rodrik, he likes to think he's the big man because he's a Crown Legate, though I think he's beginning to understand what I think of authorities." She giggled softly, before walking up to and petting the stallion Jory had rode since he was new to the game. "He's always liked you, strange how he remembers you after all this time."

"Its only been a year."

"Is that all? Gods, seems longer." She smiled, looking over her shoulder at him, before pointing at the girl with four swords.

"Oh, I meant to mention, she's watching you."


9:56am Dec 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

When finally the unhealthy dracolian collapsed, Damien reluctantly stepped forward and withdrew his blade from the creature's gaping jaws. He hoped he would find a river soon so that he could wash off the blood of the obviously-sick creature, but supposed it could wait. For now, he just had to travel quickly until he was as far away from the corpse as possible. It wasn't unheard of for drcoliani to burst into flames after death, and if such a thing were to happen with hm as close as he was, it would possibly result in infection of the same disease the beast had carried.

So, sheathing his sword, the young warrior walked quickly away from the scene, heading off the little side road and back the way he'd come. Obviously, he'd taken the wrong fork; if that beast had been down there after only a short period of walking, he didn't want to think what would be lurking further down there. Besides, sickness spread fast, and there was a chance all the creatures in that direction were ill.

After some time, Damien eventually reached the main road once again, and this time took the right fork rather than the left, even if he was still unsure of where it would lead him. He walked with a light step, but quickly all the same, and figured he was covering a lot of ground. That was good. He didn't have his horse with him, so was unused to how long it would take to travel distances he would normally know.

[[And Ty has no clue what to do for Isis. = .=']]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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