Shattered Souls

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8:17am Dec 25 2011 (last edited on 1:20pm Dec 25 2011)

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Posts: 2,378
Selected adventurers from across the nine kingdoms have been selected to venture forth and find the Hall of Ancients, a place where it is undecided whether the souls of the Old Ones themselves dwell there, a source of unlimited power, vivacity and invulnerability lays there... Or a vast horde of treasure, just waiting to be found. It is up to these adventurers to go to this hall and claim what belongs to the people of the kingdoms, simple, right? 

Not so much, there are hordes upon hordes of enemies, ranging from the dead to the un-dead, from dragons to demons, and everything in-between. So, it is up to them to cut their way through all the nasties that want to kill them, and pick their way through vast ruins and wastelands, bogs and marshes, all to claim their glory. Lets look at it from their point of view, it will make for many a great song in the taverns upon their return.

My bio:

Name: Jory Cassel

Age: 49

Height: 6'3''

Class: Warrior whom began as a pesant, dragging his way up the ranks from a common street urchin to one of the most revered fighters in the lands.

An old warrior, though his eyes are aged far beyond his many years, worn out by all the horrific things he has been made to see, fight and endure. 
Silver hair tied back into a ponytail,  with a face that never seems to be clean shaven.

Personality & attributes: The type to wade into battle without fully thinking it through, likes to wave his greatsword until it
cleaves clean through someone... Or something. His heavy armour blocks most attacks, though slows the old warrior
down due to its tremendous weight. 


Name: Crown Legate Rodrik Nah'Tar

Age: 21

Height: 5'10''

Class: Knight, elevated to the status at 16 when he showed bravery even in the face of his parents' deaths, slaying the bandits who butchered them in front of him. Earning the ti
tle of 'Crown Legate' when he slew the first of the dragons, using some of its scales and bones to contribute to what little armour he wears.

(Not the best of pictures but just a basic reference.)
Often wearing black and red, rather than the navy and purple shown in the picture, the plate that isn't dragon bone being forged from ebony, and more often than not wears a shirt of chain-mail underneath his robes for some degree of light protection. The parts of his armour that are made from dragon bone are the purest white, the scales a bright, scarlet red.

Personality & Attributes: Known more commonly as the Drake-Knight in his lands, his weapon of choice is an ebony katana, with the jewels of his mother's favourite necklace embedded in the hilt. He does not believe in mercy for those who stand in his ways, though protects his friends with the most fierce loyalty, leaping to their side should the situation call for it.


9:20am Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378


9:54am Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 3,809

Name: Isis Dubh

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8''

Class: Rogue, ran away from home when she was arranged to marry a man who she did not love.


Isis has dark blue eyes, normally full of energy and life. Her long hair reaches down to her waist, so she normally has it either plaited or tucked into her hood. She likes to wear dark flowing clothing like seen above while travelling, so as to seem less suspicious. Nothing she wears, however, will take very long to take off, and she wears a sleeveless top and 'shorts' underneath it for easy fighting.

Personality and Attributes: Isis is a very docile person. She is normally quite calm, although she has no mercy for those who betray her. Her preferred method of stealing is rather sly; she will approach a travelling merchant wagon, with tales of how she was attacked and got lost. After that, she would travel with the merchants, perhaps for even days, before slinking off one night with a good portion of their goods with her.
She is small, fast and lithe, rather like a fox in many ways. Her weapon of choice is a smooth dagger, with a wooden hilt carved with latin deions that she cannot understand. She is not very strong, so it is quite easy to over-power her, once you get past her tricks and dodges.


Name: Damien Freskalt

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 6'

Class: Warrior. His father was a warrior, and so it was always Damien's greatest ambition to follow in his footsteps.


[Ignore that gun plzkthnx]

Damien has a lightly toned build and tanned skin. His icy blue eyes are often hidden by his shaggy brown hair, which eaches down to the base of his neck at the back. He does not normally wear armour, preferring to have the bonus speed to the protection.

Personality and Attributes: Damien is not one to really think about protecting himself at all. If protection ever crosses his mind, it's usually about protecting others. He normally rushes into situations with little to no planning, and often inadvertently gets himself into tricky situations.
His preferred weapon is the blade visible in that picture, and he has rather good swordsmanship, if not quite the same amount of force as some men might.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

2:23pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
Name: Ousna Ustani

Age: 18

Height: 5'6"

Class: Loner. Ever since her family scattered and split, she's had to live on her own. 



Personality & attributes: Ousna is the quiet silent type, she uses her facial expressions to speak more than her words. When she does speak, it's usually sarcastic or very important, either way she knows that people will listen since it's rare for her to say anything. She isn't very good with other people however, because of her past and how she's had to live. Survival is what matters to her most, and she'll help anyone who needs her help... depending on her mood. Her weapon of choice is the one in the image above, her father had given it to her before he suddenly disappeared. 


2:52pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Lets's get started then!)

Jory was mounted, his huge stallion taking a deep breath out against the strain the warrior and his armour caused it. The veteran was on a hill, looking out over his lands for what might be the last time, as he very much doubted he would return from this venture. "Although I leave you all now, I shall wait for you in the next world, with a drink for you in my hand and a smile on my face." He saluted his city, his voice echoing within his heavy, winged helm, before turning and digging his heels into the horse, causing it to take off into a gallop.

He did not get far, however, several un-dead swordsman cutting off his path before he got even 100 feet. "I knew this trip was going to be troublesome." He unsheathed his huge great-sword from his back, before dismounting and unstrapping the huge steel long shield from the side of the strider. "You know what to do." He slapped the backside of the horse, grinning as he galloped into the trees to wait for his master's victory.

He slammed the base of his shield into the ground, causing a thunderous roar. "Come on then you filthy, soulless curs!"


Rodrik strode through the vast iron gates of his city as if he had all the time in the world, his sheathed katana strapped firmly to the side of his belts. "If you think that pig-sticker is going to do you any good hunting the treasure of the ancients, you should think again."  The voice came from behind him, slightly over to the left.  The knight id not have to look over his shoulder to know it is.

"Insult my blade again, James, and we'll see just what a stuck pig looks like." He carried on walking, mounting his personal horse from the stables just outside the walls. She was a beautiful mare, her hair as silver as a steel blade's edge, Her main the perfect white, matching the dragon bone on his helm, gauntlets and boots. He then began to gallop off towards the moon, confident in his abilities and looking forward to his return.


3:11pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

[[ -lurks- Looks good... ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:12pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Still open for a limited time if you're literate enough. ^^ Many hands make light work and an intriguing read.)


3:19pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

[[ So wanna join though... Ugh... Alright I'll join. >.<

Lemme go scrounge up some characters that'll fit this theme. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


3:46pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Alrighty then, I look forward to seeing your characters. ^.^)


4:01pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
[[Ty'll post her intro when she ain't braindeaded~]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

4:10pm Dec 25 2011 (last edited on 4:12pm Dec 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Mizuki Naraku



Mizuki became a warrior despite her parent's pleading. She was determined to show her family that she could do this. Eventually she succeeded, just as along as she didn't show herself to them in public; as it would ruin their reputation as a Noble family. Mizuki also knows a little magic and can only preform it through her four swords; Snowstorm, Volcano, Death, and Poison.

Mizuki has striking ice-blue eyes with a ring of gold around black pupils. Her hair is black, hip-length, and has platinum stripes about an inch apart. Though, it is always up in a ponytail that ends at the small of her back. Covering her torso is a deep black tunic with a crimson jerkin covering it. The tunic ends below her hips while the jerkin ends at her waist. Lightly hugging her hips are pitch black breeches that do down her long, slender legs before ending in the middle of her shins. The breeches are skin-tight. Covering her feet are black metal boots that end right below her knees, and the front is curved down into a sharp point. Mizuki has brown rags covering them so they don't make any noise on floors. Black arm guards cover her lower arms. Al long black cape with steel lining is fastened at the hollow of her throat. The pin is shaped like a curved talon while the cape is emblazoned with a flying phoenix. Her skin down is a very dark tan since she is rarely indoors. Also, she has absolutely no fat on her body; it is all solid muscle.

Personality & Attributes
Mizuki is very fierce on her own. She loves to fight and be in the middle of a battle; but that does not always make her bloodthirsty. She doesn't take direction well from others and because of that, she is considered headstrong. Protective of her friends and anybody new she meets. Mizuki can be sweet and kind when she wants to be because most of the time she comes off as cold and distant.
Snowstorm -> A three foot long sword with a pure white blade. The cross-guard is a pair of open phoenix wings. The hilt of the sword is the phoenix's tail feathers. They stay together so a cow-hide leather strip can be wrapped around the steel. The pommel is the end of the tail feathers curled up so the tips are touching each other.
Volcano -> tle="" href="">xXx
Death -> tle="" href="">xXx
Poison -> tle="" href="">xXx


Aykinthrein Fleetfoot



Thief/ Assassin
Ayk is very good at thieving despite his tall frame and he is as quick and quiet as the shadows. He has also taken to killing people for money and as turned out to be very good at that.

Ayk has dark brown eyes and very light blonde hair that seem to contradict themselves whenever he has his hood down.

Personality & Attributes
Ayk is well, Ayk. He is sneaky and conniving and often playing jokes on those who can't see him when he is doing his thing. Though, he can be very passionate to special people. But that is only a few and the other list of people he hates is very long. Ayk is also very cold and won't speak. When he does talk, one of his favourite sayings is "Assassins are always thieves, but thieves are not always assassins."

I give full credit to the artists who have made these pictures.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:03pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
{Has DragonStar ever read Game of Thrones?}


5:04pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Just the first one. My Aunt lent it to me. I still need to send it back and read the others. ^^'

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:20pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(I'm most of the way into it, and can't believe Littlefinger! Hope Ned gets him back!)


5:21pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

He was a butt, and I know how it ends... But I won't spill...

Want me to post an intro now?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:23pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(Sure, I'm not going to introduce a posting order unless it turns into chaos, I'll just try and govern it as best I can for now. So go ahead. ^.^)


6:19pm Dec 25 2011 (last edited on 8:36pm Dec 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

The gait of the slow-moving black stallion gently lulled the rider into a waking sleep. The reins were held gently in her hands and where slowly starting to slip from her fingers, but the stallion hit a protruding rock and stumbled forward a little, causing her to snap her ice-blue eyes open. She blinked a few times and tightened her hands around the reins before removing one to rub her eyes. Gods, she was tired. Spent all night on the road -- riding the road -- which meant no sleep and a very irritable woman.

The stallion below her wickered and turned his neck so he could lip her knee with his velvety muzzle. This small motion of affection caused her to smile and reach down to gently stroke one of his flicking ears. Her fingers remained on the white-dotted fur before he head snapped up a loud bark. The stallion stopped and pulled his head up, letting his ears lay flat.

The woman smiled and shushed the frightened animal. "Hush, Galaxy," she crooned. The stallion calmed down slightly. "Its only Star." Star was a wolfdog she had befriended and partly trained. Now, the silver-gray hound came running up to her, mouth open and tongue lolling out one side. She could also see drool along the side of the wolfdog's face. Ugh... Geez.

Slowly, the wolfdog came to a stop before her and barked once; tailing wagging like a domesticated dog before trotting off slightly. Only to stop again and look at her with pleading amber eyes. The woman sighed, adjusting the contraption that held her four swords to her back, before turning Galaxy in the direction Star was and spurred the stallion forward. Star barked again and bolted off; leaving her to urge the black stallion into a gallop as they raced after the seemingly crazed wolfdog.


A black shadow moved through the slums of a town. Mud covered everything in sight, including the man's boots. He, of course, didn't care and kept his dark brown eyes on his target. A wealthy merchant traveling to the docks. Perhaps to see if his products were ready to ship, or where here to be sold. It didn't matter to the figure. The only thing that mattered was the payment he was going to be getting once he returned the man's hand to the person who hired him to do this.

Taking careful, well-measured strides, the black shadow half-clung to the darkness the close-built houses made; no matter how crudely built they may be. Turn into an alley so I can steal your life away, he thought, anxious to get on with this. Then he stopped short and snorted softly. Anxiety was not something he was used to feeling, but this was new and he welcomed the small experience before banishing it away.

Then, as if his thought had been planted into the fat merchant's mind, the wealthy man turned his struggling horse down a small alley that was a sort of short cut to the docks. The shadowed man smirked, his lips twisting his face into an evil glower before he slipped in behind the merchant as he slowly unsheathed one curved dagger. The alley way was small only because it was a couple yards until it opened up again. It was wide enough to have crates piled up in levels and he smiled when he saw those.

How generous, he thought with a smile that once again made him look like he was glowering. With ease, he hopped up on the boxes; barely making a noise. But as he stopped at the top one, the fat, wealthy merchant was now level with him (his horse had obviously refused to go any further since its hooves were firmly planted in the ground) and the shadowed man whistled softly.

But as the merchant turned his head to the shadowed man, the shadowed man struck; swiping his blade against the pudgy jowls. The sharpened edge cut easily through the fat to the large vein hiding beneath. Blood spurted from the wound and the merchant fell backwards off the horse. The animal had enough sense to give a startled nicker and move forward slightly; dancing away from the bleeding out body.

The shadowed man acted fast. Wiping the blood of his curved dagger, he sheathed it before bringing out another. This one, straight as a sword. Jumping off the boxes, he landed easily beside the dieing merchant; his cloak fluttering down behind him. This time, he smiled as he watched the light go out of his eyes before moving to slice of the man's hand at the wrist. Though, it took a few solid slices to get the damned thing off. Making sure the man's insignia ring was around his pinkie, the shadowed man wrapped the dismembered hand in a dirty rag and placed it into a hidden compartment in his cloak. Then, he wiped off this dagger, sheathed it, and was gone in an instant.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:29am Dec 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(I don't do this to offend, but it was done for me and it really helped. Rode should be road, and whipped I'm guessing should wiped. It was a very well written post though, and I really look forward to seeing how our characters interact. ^.^)


1:49pm Dec 27 2011 (last edited on 1:49pm Dec 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
The sound of whispers disturbed Ousna's thoughts. She opened her eyes and frowned automatically, today wasn't getting off to a good start. Everywhere she went she could hear the rumors that the townsfolk spread about her and since she was always alone they found her as an easy target to pick on. With a glare at the two women whispering together in front of her, there was a silence that followed. Oh how wonderful it was to hear absolutely nothing! Ousna stood up from where she sat, under the shade of an apple tree, and walked past them, giving them each a cold stare before disappearing into the forest. Sighing deeply she walked deeper and deeper still until the only thing that she could hear was the occasional rustle of the leaves from the trees. Ousna yawned loudly, sleep hadn't been coming easily lately and she hated it. She could name a whole bunch of things that bothered her, but hey, that would be one heck of a list if you were to write it all down!

She let her mind wander, but kept her awareness of everything around her. It was common for a thief to pop out of the bushes in these parts, and she wasn't in the mood for such foolishness. Ousna took in the scents of the forest and let out a small smile, she was one to let go of things easily. The more she walked, the less she remembered about the silliness that had occurred earlier. She didn't care where she was headed, as long as it was anywhere but here. ~


3:09pm Dec 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,378
(I'ma progress my characters a tad while we're waiting for Ty.)

Two of the un-dead in sparse armour broke from formation and came sprinting towards Jory. Lifting his shield and slamming it once more, he embedded it in the ground, leaving it stood for cover of his left flank. He swung his two-handed great-sword in a sideways arch, towards the area between the foe's breastplate and armour plated thighs, where there was little more than mere flesh and spine. It cleaved through clean, bringing with it a line of grey-green dust.

He carried the swing through, arching it up above his head and bring it down through the pauldron of the second enemy, dragging it through and pulling the blade clean just under its ribs, leaving it in two, a clean line cut. He then lifted the large, two handed weapon above his head come more and flung it through the air and through the chainmail and chest of another un-dead, before dragging his shield clean and crushing the fourth's skull with a heavy shield bash.

He punched hard to the face of the final one, hearing a satisfying crunch and snap, before pulling his sword back out and sheathing it once more. He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled, his horse galloping to his side, before he mounted and continued with his journey.


Rodrik was mounted, atop his beauty of a mare, watching a rather dusty scene unfold not too far ahead of him. He had to admit, he was impressed by the warriors performance, Not only did the large man dispatch the un-dead, but he did it in terrific time. He spurred his horse, catching up with the other man - who he then spotted was significantly older than he - in very little time. "A valiant fighter and a veteran? Now that is rare. Mind if I travel along-side you a while?"

Jory eyed the scaled man suspiciously, patting the neck of his stallion as he rode, both men having slowed to a trot. "The company I keep are all as I, tested in the heat of battle and able to handle their own... You look a little too fresh-faced to be anything of a warrior." He glanced his surroundings, ensuring he was safe. "Though I will have your name, if I may." He bowed his head respectfully, never forgetting to apply the pleasantries instilled into him by the academy.

"I am Rodrik Nah'Tar, Crown Legate of Frahland Rock, known more commonly as the dragon knight, due to my choice of protection. Now, sir, if I may have yours?"

"I am Ser Jory Cassel, knight of fallen darkness. I am honoured to meet one of your rank and undoubted prestige, though I am curious how one so young achieved this?"

"Oh, please dispense with the formalities, I'm am a few years far of a babe in arms, I know, but I have taken it upon myself to prove myself to my city and superiors, as I will attempt to prove myself to you, Ser, if you  will allow me to accompany you for a short spell."

I am hunting for the final resting place of the ancients in search of their souls, you may not like where my path will lead." Although Jory did not like the way the young knight threw away the gifts of politeness that came with his ti
tle, he did not want to be responsible for the man's death.

"Oh, it seems our destinations are one in the same even if our goals are different. I wish to seek the treasure that truly lay in that tomb, knight... I think it best if our blades travel closely, better to protect each other, after all, you don't want to become on of those things you just dispatched, do you?" The slim knight gestured with his head at the corpses the two had left behind.

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