Roaming Those Cold Streets (Stray Cat roleplay with whoever comes along)

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2:08pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 2,763
" Well here you go bud!" she exclaimed gleefully. She then sat down as she chewed on her sasuage. "So sorry I came late just had a little run in with the pound.." she lied. Shade didnt want her friends to question her about where she had been and why she was there. They would think she'd gone sft


3:06pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 1,188
Josh devoured his sausage and looked back up at shade. "the pound? i have no trouble with them. they think i have a human, as im wearing glasses."


3:13pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 2,763
"Cool but they're not very fond of me though." she joked. "So what do you like to do for fun?" she asked eargly. Shade was bored all day in the alley with nothing to do so it was great having a new friend there with her


5:47pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 1,188
"I don't know." Josh managed to fit in between licks of his lips.


7:18pm Nov 17 2012

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Posts: 2,763
"Hm well lets get some fresh air you've been cooped up in here all day." Shade said gleefully as she made her way towards the exit. She then waited for Josh to follow so she could show him around HER way.


1:26am Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Shadow watched her and put her head down. "You two go have fun. I have to stay here and aviod getting hurt anymore than I already have.",she said and then grabbed her stuffed dragon with her right paw.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

1:31am Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 2,763
Shade turned her head towards Shadow. "Ok Shadow you watch yourself then." Shade said as she walked out waiting for Josh to follow


2:03am Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 9,781
Shadow nodded her head and cuddled with her dragon.

(Where's Manx?)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

5:16am Nov 18 2012 (last edited on 5:19am Nov 18 2012)

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Posts: 1,188
(minnie isnt here :(   )

Josh watched as shadow hugged her teddy, then walked after shade. he wasn't sure what he was doing, he just wanted to stay out of danger.

(so many names beginning with shad)


8:16am Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 4,211

(Manx is sitting next to Shadow. The whole time. Like a leaf. With peanut butter. And noodles.) (WHATCHOOMEAN I AIN'T HERE!!!)

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10:40am Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( oh lol sorry Minnie your charries just been quiet))

Shade led Josh to the bck of a Italian restaruant and showed him an old abandoned part of town. Everything was extremly dangerous, which is why she liked to go all the time. "Just dont stare at any of the cats there or they'll think your challenging them." Shade said as she jumped over the chain fence. "Come on!" she exclaimed


7:04am Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 9,781
(Oh. Sorry Minnie and Manx!)

    Shadow looked around and then at Manx and said,"That Josh kid is way to jumpy."

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:47am Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 4,211

(Eh don't worry. People forget my characters all the time. Like the unicorn roleplay, er... That old roleplay you made that had tons of people in it, I think it was some kind of mystic town rp?)

Manx shook his head. "Well, we all have something like that inside of us. It's always been inside us, some of us more than others. Those who like to hurt people and laugh at it have an extra dose of this medicine their whole life. But when we are kind and respectful, it just starts to blow away. Kittens usually start off with a ton to wear away as they age."

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11:52am Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( still waiting on elmo))

Shade looked around at all the other tough stray cats that she didnt want to fight with. They were much older and stringer than her AND Josh combined. "Hurry up Josh!" she exclaimed waiting for him


12:15pm Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 1,188

"ok!" Josh shouted and padded after Shade. "Are you sure it's safe? These cats look strange, and this doesn't look too fun..."


12:40pm Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 2,763
"Its safe as long as you keep your distance.." Shade said quietly. She then climbed over a dumpster into an abandoned cafe. "This is my home!" Shade said happily. She then showed Josh around the big cafe "Careful with the glass could cut your paws." she commented as she walked around


12:44pm Nov 19 2012

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Posts: 4,211
(Heh... Great to see you too, emo... O_o)

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10:27am Nov 20 2012

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Posts: 1,188
( soz i just love to see you, you are just so awesome. you are also one of my very few friends)

Josh watched his feet as he walked into shades cave. 


10:33am Nov 20 2012

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Posts: 4,211
(Yeah and that's a heck load of kiss-up, but okay.)

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10:37am Nov 20 2012

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Posts: 1,188
(   :)

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