Reincarnating Time (Wolf's Rain Roleplay- Open)

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9:34pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 3,426
((I want everyone to follow the rules and play fair. :/ That's all.))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:35pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 148
((Yes! That would be lovely Vinnii.))


9:36pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 11,785
((All we want is for you to follow the rules that have been set like everyone else. :/ No need to get fussy.

Anywho characters possibly coming tonight. Probably in deions though. On my phone.))


9:38pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 74
((Dragonstar, No one is trying to make you leave. But what is the point of making rules if no one abides by them? It isn't fair to everyone else if we let you slide with your wolfs' color. I understand if you are busy, and by no means am I or anyone else rushing you to change anything. But when you get the chance, on your time when you are ready, would you please find a different wolf? If you need, I'll gladly help you.))


10:22pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 1,786
Name: Leah Jenson
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf / Human
Personality: Leah is quick to assume. She's the cold, calculating type; As in, if you provide no use to her, she will not acknowledge your existence. Leah is not quick to like anyone, unless they are like her. She doesn't have a 'soft spot' for pups or children, but she does respect the elderly. They have had experiences that she has not, and respects that. So, if you are not old, don't expect anything from Leah.
Mate: No.
Family: She has parents, but hasn't talked to them in years.
Human form:
brown haired anime girl 
Wolf form:
black anime wolf
Other: Erin travels with her usually.


Name: Erin Goslin
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf / Human
Personality: Erin is very secretive with herself. She is a great listener, and will give great advice, but when it comes to herself, she has nothing to tell you. Erin seems to be very mature in her actions, and seems to be a very motherly type towards anyone who will accept it. Erin doesn't mind giving up things for other wolves or people, even if she needed them. Often times, she gets on Leah's nerves, but they always end up traveling together.
Mate: Nope.
Family: She has some, somewhere. She isn't really interested in them though.
Human Image:
anime blonde girl 
Wolf Image:

Other: None of this art is mine. I do not claim it.


11:23pm Feb 12 2012

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Posts: 11,785
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: He's quite feline. ;3
Personality: Michael is one of those sweet guys who hates having to hurt anyone or any thing. He would rather eat plants and berries rather than kill something himself. He acts like a little kitten most of the time, and he loves to play and playfully pounce on whatever he can! <3
Mate: None yet.
Family: He was actually abaondoned when he could live on his own. :<

Other: Heterochromia is sexy I apologize. XD

Name: Goze
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Canis Lupus yo. :U
Personality: He's a calm individual is doesn't like getting pulled in the middle of battles and doesn't seem to react to much. HE does, however, get a little worked up by seeing someone being unfairly bullied or seeing someone get killed for no reason. He will attack and kill to defend that which is precious to him.
Mate: Non, but open. :U
Family: Nope hehehe.

Other: Yes those markings on his legs are scars. And...and...can he be bisexual or is that not okay? XD;


7:41am Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 43
(grr... sorry my computer was being stupid) 

Name: Nix

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Wolf

Personality: Quiet, Calm, but can be fierce in battle 

Mate: None, nor is she interested.

Family:(If Any) All Died




Other: None


7:47am Feb 13 2012 (last edited on 6:11pm Feb 13 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 144
Name: Aaron
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Doesnt talk much, Will attack at any animal or human if they come near him
Mate:Not interested.
Family: None. Abandoned him when he was born
 (as a wolf)

Other: None


5:51pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 148
((Alright cool thanks to everyone who joined and of course it's okay Rika. Okay! Whoever wants to start first go ahead.))


6:10pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 148
((I'm really sorry Mochi, but no one is allowed to be the Lunar Flower maiden. I'll be sure to add that in the rules, please remove the character.))


6:11pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 144


6:22pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
((I see you don't want to go first, Jer ;) I'll go on and post for mon personnageee.))

The near silent pitter patter of rain on a thick glass window was all the drowsy young woman could hear. Elegant fingered hands, connected  to its almost porcelain ivory colored arm, reached out blindly for her bright red-retro like alarm clock. A raven haired head popped out from under a thick blanket. When the long fingers gained grasp of the clock, she pulled it under the blankets and it didn't take more than two seconds before a petite body shot out of bed. Xuan Ai, single daughter of a married elderly couple, was supposed to be gone before sunrise. She was only hiding in this home. With shaky hands, she pulled her shiny black loafers on her feet, one of them not even completely on her foot as she bolted out the door into the rain. As there were no human beings in sight, she assumed her natural form. A sleek black cat with eyes a pale yellow color, like the moon itself. Though more natural and common in color. Xuan Ai was glad she was not unique in any extreme ways. She was glad just being the alley cat she was, and that was that.


6:46pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 148
      Many people walked up and down the town covered and sheltered from the rain by clothing and umbrellas. The rain didn't look like it was going to lighten up anytime soon, which for some, wasn't bad news. Between two shops in a dark alley a large dog-like figure sat watching the people go about their lives with amber eyes. Water splattered the walls of the alley when the large brown dog-like figure stood and shook it's fur free from the water. A dark haired male exited the alleyway, shoving into some people as he did. They complained and gave him a few dirty looks, though he ignored them and continued to walk with his hands shoved in his pockets. Rahim always loved to be out when it rained for some odd reason, not even he knew why. Forcing his way past a few more groups of people, he finally made it to the small park he always liked, even when he was a cub. Picking out a bench, he sat with his head back, letting the rain drip down his face with a sigh.


7:03pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 43
The quiet sound of footsteps was near impossible to hear in the thunder of the rain. Dimly lit street lights flickered on and off aimlessly. A scrawny girl wandered around, without a purpose. . Nix sighed softly. She rested her umbrella handle on her shoulder and looked around. People were very busy today. Nix sighed again when someone bumped into her. There were too many people there for her liking. Slowly she closed her umbrella. The rain fell quickly on her hair, pressing it to her cheek. Nix's jacket was already heavy with rain, and sticking to her arm. Nix stopped suddenly. She found herself in a small alleyway. When she turned around people were walking like a river's current. Fast and impossible not to loose yourself in it again. Nix leaned against a brick wall and groaned. She turned into her wolf form and flopped down on her belly with a small Thud.

7:20pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 74
Tiny paws hit the pavement in near silence as her black form sped down a concrete sidewalk, it's cracks filled with weeds and small grasses of many kinds that she avoided without given attention to them. It wasn't long before she was presented with the center of the bustling city, for the home she'd been hiding in for the night was in the quiet, dangerous slums of Freeze City itself. Xuan Ai didn't take to her human disguise. As she figured that getting around being a tiny, lithe black cat would get her out of harms way and into small hiding places if she needed. The feline made her way down a busy sidewalk, weaving between legs and copious amounts of people. Xuan Ai made her way into an alley. There, she caught sight of a large, but thoroughly soaked cardboard box. It was enough for now, as she was to do well-deserved and needed grooming on her pelt.


7:34pm Feb 13 2012

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Posts: 1,786
Two girls walked side by side in the rain: one having an umbrella and looking extremely cold to the world, and the other happily trotting next to her, soaking wet. They were total opposites, one being tall, athletic and fierce looking, while the other was shorter than average with a petite frame and a soft face. 

"Erin, you know I hate the public." The dark-haired one hissed to her friend. "And I hate the rain."

"Oh it's just some water, Leah!" Erin said with a grin, embracing the gloomy weather in a pleasurable manner. 

".... You're too happy." Leah said simply, gripping the umbrella tighter than before. She hugged her jacket closer, wanting to get out of the cold. She watched as a black cat swept by her feet and cringed. "Cat's are awful too."

Erin rolled her eyes and kept walking, pausing at a park entrance. She grinned before pulling Leah with her into the muck and grass.

((Sorry, I'm slightly braindead at the moment. -.-))


7:50pm Feb 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 43
Nix let out a small Huff. The rain was easing up, but not enough. How long do i need to stay here?  she wondered. Nix placed her head on her paws, Looking off into the dark alley. It seemed endless. Her stomach growled and she looked at a trash can. The stench of some slightly rotten bread, spoiled meat, and dead rat was revolting, but she was willing. Quickly, Nix hopped onto a trash can and leaned in and grabbed the meat. She then began to chew carefully, watching out for any harm.

6:28am Feb 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
[[Omg. Is it like. Too late to join? :C Ty's been wanting a Wolf's Rain rp, but she like. Missed this thread completely. Dx -walks around with eyes closed-]]

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:51pm Feb 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 148
((Oh no lol anyone can join at anytime.))


6:59pm Feb 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

[[Omg then I love you. -sits on as she writes bio-
And Loki. Zomg. Ty's li'l bro is named Darius. o _ o]]

Name: Gelu
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf
Personality: Gelu is a bit of a loner wolf. He doesn't generally speak to others, but he isn't ignorant to them. If someone wishes to talk, very well. If not, it doesn't change much for him; he just carries on. He makes no attempts to make friends, but he doesn't go out of his way to be rude or violent. In fact, violence is probably what he dislikes most. Being a pacifist, he depends upon his light build and above average speed to survive, and tends to try and stay aware at all times, to avoid confrontations.
Mate: None.
Family: Gelu has spent his life, since he was a young pup, alone. For the very beginning of his life, he was looked after by an old woman, who treated him with dignity and respect. She did, however, eventually discover he wasn't an ordinary dog, and kicked him out, leaving him to fend for himself. When he tried going back to her a few months later, after finally gathering up enough courage to do so, it was to discover she was gone.

Other: None of this artwork is Ty's.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥
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