Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Protectors From Death

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5:48pm Mar 16 2009

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Posts: 3,265

Name: Maybell

Gender: Female

Age: 18 (is the king's eldest daughter) 

Persona: Will develop

Other: Has a sheathed sword hidden in the folds of her dress for protection



10:27am Mar 17 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea rolled up the parchment and slipped it into her pouch. "Now, can we continue. I don't want to alarm you guys." She smiled and looked around the Great Hall. I wonder where the other princess is.....


3:40pm Mar 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 532

Jay frowned. "I want you to keep checking on it." He told her quickly when Leita turned around.


"No, we can stop. I still have to introduce you to my sister, Maybell." Leita told them over her shoulder. Walking towards the stairs, she started up them without waiting to see if anyone was following.


5:27pm Mar 17 2009

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Posts: 3,265


 I walked through my bedroom door, on my way to the great hall to meet my new gurdians. I opened my door, and walked smack in to Leita. "Oops!", I cried, surprised that my sister had been coming up here while I had been going down.


9:58pm Mar 17 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea followed Leita and saw Maybell. "You must be the eldest daughter." She bowed in respect, also out of habit at house she had lived. "So, are you going to give us a little help on knowing our way around?" She asked Maybell


5:38pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,265
Maybell nodded and replied, "That's my room that I just came out of. One door to the right is Leita's room, and one to the left is father's room. The hallway below us is the Great hall, and the large room to the North of it is the dining hall."


8:01pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea payed a little more attention, but her focus was somewhat still on the figure on the outskirts of her sight.


8:03pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,265
"Rukiea, what are you trying to look at?", Maybell asked. She had become used to people averting their vision, and knew hw to identify it.


8:14pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea looked quickly at Maybell. "Oh it's nothing. I am sorry princess." She smiled and looked out the window. If only I could go farther than one mile. I must train tinight. She looked back at Maybell and bowed. "If I may, is there anyway for me to be outside tonight or must I stay inside?"


8:17pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,265
"We must have two guards inside at all times... But yes, you may go outside.", Maybell said, dismissing Rukiea.


8:28pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea bowed and ran down the stairs. "Thank you mistrees." She bounded out the doors adn began to practice. This sucks. If i can only get to one mile, what use am I. That thing could be a human assassin or a weird animal. She concentrared and her vison extended to one mile and a few yards.


8:50pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,265
((*needs iger to post*))


9:13pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542


9:17pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,265


9:23pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542
((Haha, we need iger to get on right now...... Jay needs to get back into the RP))


9:57pm Mar 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 532

OoC: Sorry. I explained on the other board.


Bic: Jay watched Rukeia leave. He was left alone with the two princesses. Swallowing uncomfortably, he shifted from foot to foot. Finally he cleared his throat. "So. What do you two do around here exactly?"


Leita smiled at Jay's uneasyness with being left alone with the two sisters. "If you think that all we do is lie around all day, you're dead wrong. We have tudors come and teach us proper ediquite and manners. It's pretty boring actually."


10:01pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542
Rukiea practiced for only a few minutes, but she was able to see three miles from where ever she stood. She rushed back in. Rukiea was breathing a little hard. "Sorry.... for.... leaving... you Jay..." She said inbetween breathes.


10:10pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 532

"Oh no, I love being left alone with people I don't know. It's a favorite pasttime of mine." Jay retorted then walked over to her. "Rukeia, I want you to caught your breath then explain what you saw."


"How do you know she saw something? Maybe she just felt bad for leaving you alone." Leita piped up.


Jay glared at her. "Excuse me, but I've worked with Rukeia for awhile now and I know when she saw something. And she would never come back from training because she felt bad for doing something. That isn't her style. No, she would only rush back if she saw something." Usually something bad. He added in his thoughts.


10:19pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 5,542

Rukiea looked up at Leita and nodded. "Jay's......right.... i ...usually... do... that.." She was still well out of breath. She took a few deep breathes and sighed. "Okay. Im all better." She took out a parchment and a pencil. She drew the castle and a very large circle around it. (Larger than the first) "Okay, my sight is much farther. So i saw something just in between the circle." She drew a line to represent the human. "I think it may be an assassin, but it could also be just a person. But, then I saw something else." She whispered in Jay's ear what it was.

((I'll tell you in the another post. dont want to make you read a while lot.))


10:24pm Mar 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 532

"What are you two whispering about? I demand to know!" Leita said, slightly annoyed.


"If we wanted you to know, Rukiea would have said it out loud." Jay retorted. He turned his back to the princess and looked at Rukeia. "You sure?" He asked but moved on. Rukiea was usually right anyways. "Well, tonight, both you and I will guard outside. You two will be fine considering all the guards in here already. Plus, it will be safter for you if we are out there. If an assiassin is really out there and they try to come for you, the two of us will stop them. We are pretty much an unbeatable team."

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