I'm Random and I Know You Love It(Open RP)

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7:25am Dec 13 2011

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(( It did to me. Tn the first part They are at the door of Parkers place O.o. In the 2nd one it is Parker remember his crazy meds . He was like luni but his was less advanced and had a cure.))


8:38pm Dec 13 2011

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"Why do you think we're mad Parker?" Paige practiclly yelled as she took a step forward ready to stick her foot in the doorway if he decided to shut the door in their faces again. She folded her arms over her chest again not impressed with what she thought was an attempt at acting like what he did had never happened. Paige thought of things to say to him many of them laced in profanity and others not so much things to say as things to do to him but decided against all of them seeing as Luni was around. She ended up just standing there glaring at Parker waiting for him to say something.


7:31am Dec 14 2011

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" Yeah! Why Do you! Why do you. Its what I've been asking myself. I fall all over , i would die for you! And you give me this in return?" Said Luni choked up.

" Why are you guys mad? Did i do something?" Parker asked back not knowing what happened.


11:20pm Dec 14 2011

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Paige rolled her eyes at Parker, "This whole 'I don't know what your talking about' thing is obviously transparent Parker. You know what you did. I can understand blowing up on me...well no I can't but I find it just utterly disgusting how you would leave your own sister just because she talks with Nyy and I." Paiges voice was still getting higher and higher and she was getting angryer and angryer as she kept on talking. Finally she took in a breath and stepped back for Luni to speak her bit and so she could cool off a bit and not have this descution end up in a fist fight.


7:17am Dec 15 2011

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" You jerk!I hate you!" Luni screamed. Her rage fired up and she punched him. Then she slapped him and said" Come on Paige lets go I don't need him and neither do you" Luni said walking away with Paige.


7:41am Dec 15 2011

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Name: Luke Desin
Gender: Male
Personality:Sweet , Charming.  He understands efficiently how people feel. He is kind and not a heart breaker. He is trained in self defense and can be fierce .The rest rp out
Looks: Luke is 6'4 . He has brown eyes and light brown shaggy hair. He has natural dirty blonde highlights. He doesn't have any Facial hair . He has a bit of muscles but not like those body builders. He likes being casuel and hates the boys that are too mean. He likes sports and he  has a scar on his arm from an incident. 

Extra: He is friends with luni.))

Luke Desin was already awake early in the morning. He liked to wake up early because  he could get more things done. Luke brushed his hair in his room. His room was pretty lighted with dark blue carpeting and walls with a tint of white. He was already put on some clothing. He was walking down his wooden steps when he heard his cell phone ring." Hello?" He answered. He checked caller I.D and it was Luni." Hi Luni. How are you?. Do you want to come to my house?" He asked her. 

" Hi Luke! Im good! Yeah i will be right over! I've got somebody i want you to meet!" Luni told Luke. Luke was his other best friend. But just a best friend of Luni." Paige , ill drive. I want you to meet somebody. don't worry, he is not a jerk like Parker. Come on" Said Luni hopping into the car.

" Okay, Byye" Luke said as he hung up. He drank a cup of cold water and his dog, Sparks walked over tiredly." Aww , your tired aren't you? You should get some rest" Luke said walking Sparks to his bed. He walked on his wooden flooring and walked over to the living room. He cleaned his white couch from dog furs and fluffed the light blue pillows. He was exited and wanted to see Luni. He also wanted to meet her friend. He waited in the large home.


6:13pm Dec 15 2011

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Paige had to hold in a bit of a laugh as Luni slapped Parker and walked off. Part of her wanted to make sure he was OK but the other part told her to just walk away and that he wasn't worth her time. She decided to get into her car letting Luni drive her to wherever they were going. She was a bit hesitent to have such an emotional and obviously crazy at the wheel while she was in the car but figured as long as she was on her meds she would be fine.

"Where does this person live? The middle of no where?" Paige asked as she leaned her head out of the open window as they started to head to the outskirts of town.


7:20am Dec 16 2011

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" No, he lives really close. He is my neibour. He is really nice. I'm sure you will like him. " Luni said as she drove down the streed. she hit some big bump and continued. She finnaly parked in her parking lot. Then she got out of Paige's amazing car. " Come , Paige" She said as she started to walk to  Luke's house. Now Luke was her first Best Friend. She knocked on his wooden door. " Hello? Its me, Luni and my friend"Luni said.

Luke was excited that Luni and a friend were coming over. He was busy cleaning last touches and then heard Luni. He smiled and walked over to the door and Opened it. " Hi Luni!" Luke said. " Hi, What is your name? Im Luke." Luke said to Paige. " Come on in" He said again to assure them they can walk inside now. He shut the door when they walked inside his very clean home. " Don't worry. Im not scared of germs. I just wanted the house t be cleaner for you guys so we can catch up and have fun" Luke said. He understanded how awkward it was for Paige around a welcoming person like him.


10:32am Dec 17 2011

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4:46pm Dec 19 2011

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7:41am Dec 21 2011

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6:21pm Dec 21 2011

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((Sorry I was gone my cousin graduated and then I was kind of sick and yeah now I'm back on. If I don't come on after tomorrow it's because at my grandmothers house for christmas.))

"Alright I guess." Paige said as she absentmindedly picked at the threads that made her seat belt. She watched the road a head of them through the front window watching small distant houses get closer as they seemed to step aside to make way for the two of them. Soon Luni and Paige pulled up into the drive way of  yet another two story house the white exterior giving the place a modern feel even with out ever being inside. Paige unbuckled and got out of the car seeimg the side of the car getting a bit dusty, 'I guess it's time to wash it again.'  She thought before walking up to the front door with Luni. Luni seemed to be excited maybe even a bit more so than usual but Paige hardly noticed as she looked around the front door seeing an empty flower box outside the big window that would let you see into the house if the cream colored drapes were open.The front door opened catching Paiges attention as a guy came into view. He had a bright smile on his face as he welcomed Luni and Paige into his very clean house. Paige looked around as she entered the thresh hold of the house taking in the new scenery before looking back to the guy who's house it was.

"Oh yeah I'm Paige." she said simply before taking a seat on the couch. She was a bit cautious seeing as how clean it and the rest of the house was but she remembered he said he wasn't afraid of germs so sat right down.

"So uh,...what now?" Paige asked her eyes still wandering around the room.


3:51pm Dec 22 2011

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" Well What do you want to Do? Well First can i get you two some drinks and Snacks? Luni and Paige what would you like?"  Luke said as he turned to Paige. " After you decide we can watch a movie or do something if you like. Do you guys like horror films?" Luke asked Again. The Truth is he loved horror films.


5:38pm Dec 22 2011

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Paige shook her head as Luke asked if Luni and her wanted a drink or a snack and couldn't help but smile a little as he mentioned a scary movie, "I love scary movies." She said looking over at him, "Is it one of those ones with juts mindless murders in it?" she asked a bit cautiously.


6:14pm Dec 22 2011

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" I have tons! So If You want one like that. Wait here ill bring them. "Luke said Walking Up The Stairs. He walked into his room and took out his big box of horror films. Then He walked down the stairs to Paiges Staring eyes and the huge box of movies. " So, Whats your favorite one From here?" Luke Asked Paige.


6:19pm Dec 22 2011

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"Yay..." Paige said the fake enthusiasum in her voice quite clear once Luke had left the room. She wasn't one much for gorry horror movies since they never had a good plot line. She could handle the blood and the guts and shieks of pain as someone is being tortured to death but she found that many times the more gorry the movie is just shows that the director was trying to cover up for his lack of a plot. Paige put on a fake smile as Luke walked back into the room with a box of horror movies and she looked about inside the bow for a good movie. She ended up pulling out one of the older movies in the box and got up putting the disk into the player before sitting down and turing off the lights in the room.


12:18pm Dec 30 2011

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4:48pm Dec 31 2011

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4:55pm Dec 31 2011

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Luke detected Paige's fake smile. "You don't want to watch this movie? Well I think I have a movie you will like " Luke said as he grabbed the movie. It was Paiges all time favorite and He saw it in her face. Luni lit up as she saw how Luke got Paige so well. She smiled at that fact.


4:59pm Dec 31 2011

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Paige opened her mouth as she was about to say it was fine but suddenly Luke brough out what Paige thought to be the all time best movie ever created, "You...I..this is...."Paige was at a loss for words. For all she had know she was the only person who she knew that owned this movie after all it had been made before she was born. Paige's face lit up and she sat back down on the couch pulling her legs underneath her as she sat indian style like how kids did on carpets, "Well put it in!" she practically shouted.

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