I'm Random and I Know You Love It(Open RP)

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9:18pm Oct 15 2011

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" Yes. How did you die and what is in the future for us. " Luni said as she held on to Nyy's hand. " Don't worry Nyy it is kind" Luni said to calm Nyy.


9:23pm Oct 15 2011

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The triangle started moving across the board slowly and ended up spelling out her death which was being caught in the middle of a gang fight and ended up getting shot. The ghost hesitated about the second question before it moved the triangle to point at the word no. Paige wasn't suprised about the answer to the first question since she had read up on all the local deaths that had happened with in 20 years. The second answer Paige had to think about before she got it, "Ghosts can't tell the future of the living." Paige said.


12:04pm Oct 16 2011

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" ohh. Ask her what she asks of me" Luni spoke seriously.


8:25pm Oct 17 2011

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"You mean what she thinks of you?" Paige asked. She could see how Luni had messed up a bit what she spoke. It was getting late but Paige never really got tired. Nyy did a wide yawn but quickly got a glare from Paige.


8:26pm Oct 17 2011

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" Yeah!" Luni exclaimed!" Nyy! Wake up!" Luni exclaimed as she shook him awake.


8:31pm Oct 17 2011

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Nyy's eye's got wide a moment befor a smiled a bit at Luni, "I'm up I'm up." He said. "Alright then." Paige didn't need to ask before the triangle started moving. The ghost said that she reminded her of her older sister whom she got along with quite well. Paige smiled at Luni and nodded.


7:43am Oct 18 2011

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" Thank you ghost!Nyy ask her something" Luni told the ghost and Nyy.


6:10pm Oct 18 2011

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"Uh..."Nyy thought a moment. Aparently the ghost was nice but that did nothing to ease his worry. He was still talking to a ghost. "Uh...um....would you like some cake?" He asked cautiously. The triangle imediatly pointed to the word no. "Why not?" Nyy asked. If cake was good in the human world wouldn't it taste good in the supernatural world too? The triangle pointed to various letters and finally said because she wasn't allowed. Nyy dropped the subject and looked to Parker, "Now you ask a question." He said.


6:34pm Oct 18 2011

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" Ok. What can you eat ghost? And are you happy to talk to us?" Parker asked cautiously.


6:42pm Oct 18 2011

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Again the triangle moved towards different letters spelling out sentances to answer the questions. The answers were I don't need to eat and yes. "Are we ready to send it off?" Paige asked looking around at the others.


7:15am Oct 19 2011

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" No! It likes to talk to us!!! When is your birthday" Luni asked the ghost looking at Paige.


6:11pm Oct 19 2011 (last edited on 6:20pm Oct 19 2011)

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Posts: 5,578

((I was snooping around one of your other rp's because I had nothing to do XD and I saw that it's your B-day! So...HAPPY B-DAY DOG!))

"Alright then." Paige said a slight smile on her lips as the triangle started moving again, "April 23rd." Paige said allowed looking up from the board. Her hand whent to move her bangs out of her face before she remembered that they were still spiked up with hair gel.


6:56am Oct 20 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( Thanks! I didn't get to go on much tomorrow!))
" Let me fix that" Parker said as he took water and wet her bangs. Then he comed them down. " Perfect!" Parker said. " How do you like Paige's bangs ghost?" Parker answered.


9:03pm Oct 20 2011

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"Thanks." Paige said looking at Parker a different kind of smile on her lips as she looked at him. She looked back to the board as the triangle started moving, "I guess my bangs are over used now a days acrording to the ghost." Paige said a slight laugh in her voice.


7:05am Oct 21 2011

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Luni and Parker laughed. " That's funny!"Luni exclaimed laughing. She pulled everyone onto the bed and said bye to the ghost.


7:00pm Oct 21 2011

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Paige sent the ghost off and the light glow from the letters stopped. She put her board away into her bag, "I'm going to change into my P.J's real quick." Paige said grabbing her clothes and jogging out of the room and down to the bathroom. She quickly changed into her baggy gray T-shirt that said 'Fox Racing' in frayed red cloth that was sewn on. The red of the letters matched the short sleeves of the shirt. She also was waring flanell red plaid P.J pants and her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. She stuffed her clothes into her bag as Nyy ran into the bathroom and came back in fuzzy P.J. pants with red bow ties all over them and a bright green T-shirt.


9:26am Oct 22 2011

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" Nice P.J's!" Luni complemented Nyy and Paige. " One sec" Luni said as she raced to the bathroom and put on a comfortable fluffy pajamas. They were baggy too and she ran to the room and tripped on her clothing. " Oww" Luni said as she got up and sat on her bed. " Your turn!" Luni exclaimed to Parker who silently walked and changed into his " However you want you cannot change me. I am who i am and i am me" T-shirt and matching pants and walked into the room. " Wait one sec!" Luni told everyone. " You guys  are going to laugh your heads off!" Luni said as she walked out of the room. She put on a funny snooty girl face and walked like a snotty girl to make fun of them." Yeah I'm the best!" Luni said sarcastically as she purposely tripped and sarcastically said " Ohh no! I broke an nail!" As she started to laugh.


1:12pm Oct 22 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige couldn't help but laugh as Luni started pretending to be the majority of the kids at their school.

((Grr brain dead...sorry))


9:05am Oct 23 2011

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Posts: 2,836
(( Thats okay!!))

Luni couldent say anything as she laughed. neither could parker.


9:56pm Oct 23 2011

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After the laughted subsided mostly Paige wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at the nalog clock at her bedside table, "11:30. I guess we ought to get to bed." Paige said. Her cheeks hurt from laughing but she didn't mind. This had been the fist time she had laughed like that in a long while, possibly a year or so and it felt good.

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