Dear Agony

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6:14pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557


Gender: Male

Age: 20

 Species: Vampire


Crush: No one

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No one

 History: Blarg

 Looks:CuTe_aNiMe_gUy.jpg eric image by bella_cullen750

 Other: Blarg. >_>'  I want CAKE!

Isn't this fun?

6:16pm Jan 22 2010

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Posts: 1,895

((I think that's a bad idea, but I'll make a phail attempt anyways!:D  Go me!))

Zynonia was sitting there.  Hurray. O3o

((That good?X3 I can make a better one if I need to, but I kinda like dis one.))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

6:17pm Jan 22 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Jan 22 2010)

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Posts: 3,991

((Heres my bio))

Name|| Alissa (Uh-lee-sa) 'Ali' Carter

Gender|| Female

Age|| Well, she doesn't talk much so I dom't really know. But you can guess.

Species|| Human-ish

Personality|| Ali is a very quiet shy girl. She tends to keep to herself. You might say she is even kinda vunerable considering if you pick on her she wn't fight back. But if provoced enough she will lash out. She also won't stand up for someone if they are being picked on or talked about. She bormally doesn't look people inthe eyes and tends to look down at her feet or hands. If this isn't good enough you shall see.

Crush|| None

Boyfriend/Girlfriend|| None

History|| Nothing all that important.

Looks|| Ali has green eyes as you cant tell from the picture. So Alissa stands about 5'5 which is average height nowadays. She has fair light brown skin. She has a slim yet curvy body. Her black hair goes a few inches past her shoulders. She has blue and purple streaks in her hair.  She usually dresses in black,purple or dark blue clothing to go with her hair streaks

Other|| Nothing else I can think of

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:28pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Siren found herself wlaking down the street, hearign the cars rush by, which proved ever-so annoying.  She was gettign restless.  She needed a fight.  And bad.  She knew she couldn't just lash out at human's, and it was abotu three hours until her boss called, so no killign spree's for a few hours.

"..How boring..."  He growled to herself, smackign one fist into the other.  "Where is that Spade kid.  I wanna spar..."  She growled.

Isn't this fun?

6:30pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
(Serenity, you never posted on DirtyLittleSecret! DX  Are you still there, or should I ifnd someone else?)

Isn't this fun?

6:37pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,835




Age: 19


Personality:She has a opinion but never shares it. She is kind of crazy and can get into trouble a lot. 



 History: She only tells people she trusts.

 Looks:Aurora has white hair that is curly and goes down to her shoulders. She has ice blue eyes with light eyebrows.



6:42pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

Damon walked beside Logan, trailing a girl in front of them

"What did you say her name was again?"Damon asked, turning to his "Brother"


"Siren."Logan answered,picking up his pace

"The professor wants her" 


6:45pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

((Now for an actual intro for me. X3))

Zynonia sat in a park under a tree, doing nothing other than lkooking nervously around herself for any signs of trouble and muttering to herself about odd little things.  She looked up as she heard the sound of sniggering.  She saw some of her tormenters approaching her, obviously planning to do something terrible again like they did everyday.  She just stared at them while they approached.  When they stopped and stood, she stood up as well, glared at them and trying to figure out what they were here for.

Suddenly, they all pulled rocks out of their pockets and threw them at her.  They were rather large and a few were thrown very hard.  She turned her back so that her face wasn't hurt.  The rockls thudded painfully against her back as they began to taunt her.

" What's wrong Zy?  Can't fight back against a few little pebbles? "

Zynonia just tryed to ignore them and began to walk away, hatred for them burning inside of her.  She really wanted to hurt them, to make them feel the pain she felt every day, but she knew better than to cause trouble in such a public space.  If only she was in a land where getting revenge was acceptable.  Sadly, all she could do without getting arrested was yell angrily and storm away.

The people picking on her weren't exactly smart, and continued to throw whatever insults and taunts they could think up at her, as well as a few left over rocks.  Zynonia decided that things would be easier if she ran instead of walked.  The sooner she was in a calm place without other people, the better.  She dashed off with that decision made, glad that she was a pretty good runner and could outrun them.

((Ah.  Much better than my first one. :3))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

6:48pm Jan 22 2010 (last edited on 6:51pm Jan 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,991

((Lol, Chance I like how you put Damon. Isn't he like not even in this rp?))

Alissa quickly pulled on her black skinny jeans. She was about ot run out for a milk shake. She really wasn't like other people her age. Most people get coffee but she likes her chocolate milk shake. She pulled on a dark purple hoodie and put in her iPod headphones and headed out.

 She saw some people who used to go to her school and she quickly ducked into a store and hid her face behind a magasine. She heard laughter then a knock on the gl*censored* window of the store. She moved the magasine and saw a couple of boys and a few girl they were pointing at her and laughing. Some of them making face. She blinked tears away quickly and headed back furthing into the little book store.

She waited until they left and headed back out. Normally they were meaner but she was lucky she dodged them. She hated the fact she couldn't defend herself.

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

6:51pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

"Siren?....She's my boss...."  Spade muttered.  "What do you want with her?"  He asked, lookign at Logan.  "..Who are you guys?!"

Isn't this fun?

6:53pm Jan 22 2010 (last edited on 6:56pm Jan 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

((I didn't put him?? XDD I'll change that))

"Don't worry about that,kid"Bobby sneered,pushing him out of his way

Logan,Damon, and Duke laughed at the same time,shaking his head. They kept following her, gaining on the girl with every stride 


6:56pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,895
Zynonia finally reached a nice place.  Her favorite place to calm down actually.  It was a knarled old tree that had plent of little animals running around on it all the time.  Her favorite animal was a cat who occ*censored*ionally could be found in the tree.  She quickly scaled the tree and hung by her knees upsidedown while she looked around at a few birds.  Suddenly, she heard a soft meow and a furry face rubbed against her leg.  She looked up and saw the gray cat had come like normal.  She got upright somehow and began to stroke the cat while it purred loudly.  Her rage had pretty much vanished now.  Being around her cats always had a nice calming effect on her.

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

6:58pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
"..Siren, do you knwo these guys?"  Spade asked quickly rushign to her surprisingly fast.  "Wha..?"  Siren drunkenly replied, starign at him annoyed.  "Hey, toerag, I tohught I told you to shwo up on time."  Sher muttered.  'Know, probably just some idiots.  Now, c'mon, boss calls in three hours."  She said, then went off to a jog.

Isn't this fun?

6:59pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
(Typo city. O_O' I'm sorry abotu this, my Gl*censored*es are still gettign repaired, and I can barely see the keys.(

Isn't this fun?

7:13pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

All of a sudden, Damon was grabbing Siren, and throwing her over his shoulder.

"C'mon princess,"He sneered, before returning to his brothers' side.

"Let's go, Charles wants us back quickly,"Bobby rushed, as they all started running at speeds no normal human,or mutant should be able to run. 


7:19pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557
"Hey!" Spade yelled.

"..Hmm, not how to treat a ladt, boys," She said near-seductive. She grabbed Damon's neck and snapped his neck, droppign the the ground. "..That thing....Ain't human...." She muttered, flipping her hair, and standing up, crackign her knuckles. "Ladies, and particular reason you want me so badly?" She asked, takign a cautionary three steps back.

Spade was runnnig from behind, and arrived right after Siren stood up. "Siren, you okay?! Who are these people?!" he asked alarmed. "Oh, shut up," Siren snarled. "Who the hell is C harles?" She barked, unoticing to Spade, who was shakign slightly.

Isn't this fun?

7:30pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

Damon only laughed,snapping his neck back into place.

"That's not right. You just made me very angry"He ended with a snarl.Bobby layed a hand on Damon's shoulder, just barely shaking his head.


"My name's Duke Hauser. These are my brothers, Damon Salvatore, Bobby Mercer, and Logan Wolverine."Duke stated, pointing to the respected people.

"Charles is the head of an academy. The academy is prized of the top soldiers and A.ssa.ssins in the world. Charles is just a cover name for General Hawk." He informed,standing at attention

"Why are you telling them this?"Damon sneered,earning a smack for Bobby

"Shut up." 


7:34pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

Siren rolled her eyes.  "I don't give a rat's  I'm already in employ, and making quite a bit of money.  So, I sudgest you back off.  Obviously you're not human, but I'm not either."  Spade's phone began ringing.  "..Uh...Speak of the devil...."  He muttered, wlakign off with the phone. 

Siren then looekd at the three.  They weren't bad looking.  But none of them were someone she's hang out with on a regular basis.  "...What does this guy want with me, and hwy do I rate so damn special?"  She asked, talking more to Damon than the other's.

Isn't this fun?

8:01pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067

"You rate so damn special because you are one of the top three best killers in the nation."Duke answered,cocking his head. All of a sudden, a gun appeared in his hand. A scary looking one, that had a clocking device which worked by copying what was behind it and putting in it front of it.


"We know you're not human. But that just makes you better. Oh, and trust me, you get paid way more than you are now."Duke ended with a smirk that all the boys shared.


((May I remind you how these men look??

Bobby -


Duke -

Logan -


Damon -



8:48pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
Kayla opened her book-some lame one that she couldn't remember the ti
tle of since the cover had been torn off-and sipped her coffee at the hole-in-the-wall cafe she was at. Ew, this coffee had no falvor. She crinkled her nose and reached for a sugar pack.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

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