A Dragon's Tail ( See What I Did There?)

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6:57am Jan 3 2012

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Posts: 306
(( Graveyard: Yeah. I understand. I guess it's alright. :) ))

((Rika: Fashion dragons never mess up their fashion sense, so maybe they could discover their power by getting hired by some fashion company? And technology dragons are geniuses with machines. So probably something like they easily fix something wrong in their house that could have cost lots of money? Just throwing out ideas. It's really up to you. Be creative. 83))

(( Dragon: You sure you can't let it drop one year? :(  Maybe I could make one exception, but it really wouldn't be fair if someone else wanted to join...))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

7:21am Jan 3 2012

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Posts: 11,785
((Also, it is okay for Abby (Abdiel) to be gay, right? XD; I just wanted to have a pretty pink gay dragon just because it's a hilarious stereotype that gay guys have great fashion sense. XD;rnrnThings like that that come from people amuse me. :UrnrnAnd are just allowed one dragon each? O:))


8:08am Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 8:12am Jan 3 2012)

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Posts: 158
[[May I join as the plant dragon please? I also agree with Dragonstar on the tails and I think the idea of having skinny ones is good. I don't think I've ever RPed with you before, so if you want a link to any of the ones I have done just ask :) ]]

Currently looking for an Albino Myotis for Kir

7:06pm Jan 3 2012

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Posts: 5,310

I dun think so, Trancegirl.

Oh, and you haven't answered my question about the Draconic form...

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:03am Jan 4 2012 (last edited on 7:06am Jan 4 2012)

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Posts: 306
((Rike: Yeah. It's fine with me. That actually is pretty funny, isn't it? And you're allowed as many characters as you're certain that you can handle.))

((  Yvaine: Sure. Just send me a section of your usual RPing on rmail.))

(( Dragonstar: Yes, they have skinny, easy-to-hide tails, no, they do not have a draconic form, and I would really appreciate it if you followed my rules. This is my RP.  *Points at rule # 11* XD))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

12:17pm Jan 5 2012

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Posts: 158

Name: Brandwyn [Brand-win] Jones (Wyn or Winnie to those who get to know her)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Dragon type: Plant
Personality: Brandwyn is very gentle and kind. She always has a smile on her face, even on the darkest, rainiest day. Despite her likeable nature, Brandwyn doesn't have many close friends, but she is extremely loyal to those she has. She barely ever raises her voice, and if she does it's only because she's trying to make herself heard over the noise of something else. Outwardly, she's a very practical person, but inwardly she's always been a bit of a romantic. She secretly hopes that one day a handsome prince will come to sweep her off her feet (or at least, the modern day equivalent). Sometimes people get irritated while speaking to her because they think she's not listening; this is because she has a tendency to daydream. Brandwyn is also a vegetarian; this is actually because she has never liked the taste of meat, not because she has any real objection to people eating animals.
Appearance: http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd496/AishaKC90/Brandwyn.jpg She wears normal clothes to start with, this would be a picture from when her wings etc start developing, so she has to wear clothes to accomodate them.
History(Optional): Brandwyn has been an orphan since she was 10 years old. While she was at summer camp, her parents' house burned down in an electrical fire - with them trapped inside. It hit her hard, but has stayed optimistic and practical. She was able to move into a place of her own a year ago; she now lives in a small detached cottage on the outskirts of the suburbs. She doesn't use electricity for fear of what happened to her parents, but she still uses gas. She also has her own vegetable garden and chickens that she keeps for eggs.
Other: N/A

Currently looking for an Albino Myotis for Kir

5:37pm Jan 10 2012 (last edited on 5:37pm Jan 10 2012)

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Posts: 306
     Closing the door behind me, I let out a deep sigh. Good thing I had no homework this weekend, I could just sit and read. I trudged up to my room, grabbed a random book from my shelf and started reading. After a while, though, my eyes started to swim. One of the many problems with my albinism. I didn't really mind the pale skin and white hair, but I hated all the problems I had with my eyes. Maybe that was why Mom and Dad hated me so much. Taking care of me cost a bunch of extra money. Hmm... I walked over to the mirror and frowned at what I saw. Same pale skin, white hair, deep mauve eyes. And... what was that? I leant over to brush whatever it was off the mirror, and something sparkled in a different spot on it. Brushing my hand at the spot did nothing. Bending back, yet another spot. It looked like it was on my face. When I put my hand to the spot, it felt bumpy. What was on my face...?

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

5:49pm Jan 10 2012

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Posts: 158

Brandwyn eventually decided to get up and try to fix the chair. She had been reading outside in the afternoon sunshine, but she couldn't get comfortable. Something was sticking in her back and no matter how much she wriggled, she just couldn't seem to get rid of it. With a sigh, she placed the book face down on the table next to her and got up. Her ex
pression of vague irritaton was soon replaced by one of puzzlement. The chair looked perfectly fine, as it always had done. Just to make sure, Brandwyn ran her hand down the back of the chair, expecting to feel some bumps in the wood that she couldn't see. But there was nothing. Frowning, she sat back down and leaned back. Almost immediately she stood straight back up, a small huff of annoyance escaping her lips. She tried scratching her back and pulling the fabric of her t-shirt around; maybe it had gotten bunched up somehow?

What the...?

Brandwyn hurried inside to her bathroom and pulled off her shirt, suddenly terrified at what she might see. She had felt a strange lump on her back, and her immediate, panicky thought was Oh my god, what if I have a tumour? She steeled herself and looked in the mirror, twisting her head awkwardly to see. She closed her emerald green eyes tightly and opened them again. Nothing had changed, those two long ridges were still there, right between her shoulder blades. What's happening to me?

Currently looking for an Albino Myotis for Kir

2:29pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 306
(( Bump. {I'm back.}))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

7:25pm Jan 24 2012

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Posts: 306
(( Bump))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

4:26pm Jan 25 2012

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Posts: 306
(( Bump))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.

5:23pm Feb 2 2012

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Posts: 306
(( Up^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^))

Current Kir Quest: Silver Valabex.\r\nPlease R-mail if you can help.
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