A Dance With the Villain {{Teen Romance}} Shall Be the Victor's Reward

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9:56am Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 2,668

What the Hello Kitty! Holy Shiitake Mushrooms! -Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara... -Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/

8:49pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// When can we start? *Waits for East*


8:52pm Sep 18 2010

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[She's on. D:]


9:04pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 2,842
OoC; I am on. We can start if you want. First day of school. Mmmmkay?


9:05pm Sep 18 2010

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9:06pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Sounds good to me. ^.^ Although I don't want to start. I'm horrible at intro's and it takes me a while to get my thoughts in order. So i'll be patient and wait. ^.^


9:06pm Sep 18 2010 (last edited on 9:08pm Sep 18 2010)

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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// >.> Double post. Sorry.


10:26pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 2,842

Annika awoke in her purple room, a circle of sunlight shining down onto her bed. She grumbled ad slipped out from under the covers unto the cold hardwood floor. glancing at her clock she saw that it read 4:23p.m. and she knew it wasnt right. "Crap. Now I need to buy new batteries." She  trusdged down the hall to the bathroom and began her morning routine.


Sarah walked back into the house at 7:03a.m. After her morning run Sarah always felt so good, she heaed upstairs and showered, before doing her hair and makeup, and getting dresssed. After that she went back downstairs to eat, and kissed her father goodbye and headed out the door and drove to school.


10:33pm Sep 18 2010

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Jesca could feel soft feathers against her cheek and grumbled with annoyance, shifting her body so that when she opened her eyes she could see the culprit, though she already knew who it was. 'Sab,' she moaned tiredly, poking his small body. 'It's not time....oh crap!'

She pulled back the covers swiftly, ignoring Sabbatical's squawks of distress, and began pulling clothes out of her closet. 'Jeans, shirt, sweater, shoes,' she muttered for each article of clothing she tossed onto her bed, the shoes narrowly missing Sab. 

Stripping off her boxers and tank-top she dressed as quickly as she could, keeping her shoes off but keeping hold of them as she ran down the stairs leading to the kitchen. She quickly poured herself a bowl of cereal and gobbled it down as quickly as she could,almost choking on the dry cereal.

'Thanks for waking me,' she said softly to her pet hawk, patting him gently before breezing out the door.


10:51pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 2,668

Sara woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. The caller id said it was her mom. She pushed the talk button and raised the phone to her ear. "Hello?" She asked angrily, her alarm clock hadn't gone off yet.

"Hi, Sara," her mom said.

"Hi, Mom," she said back.

"Did you talk to that photographer that worked for that modeling agency?"

"No, Mom," she said yawning. She didn't feel like being plastered to the front of a magazine and have hundreds of people stare at her.

"Well, okay," she said disappointed, "I'll call you later." Her mom only cared about Sara because of her devilishly good looks. Sara truly didn't care about her looks though.

She pulled the covers off of her bed and got up. Her slender figure walked across her room and stopped at the bathroom door. She entered and took a shower. Her alarm clock went off and she pushed the off button. She put on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. She looked in her mirror and put her hair in a loose braid.

On the way out of her room, she grabbed a muffin. She chomped on the muffin while walking to her first cl*censored*.

What the Hello Kitty! Holy Shiitake Mushrooms! -Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara... -Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/

11:00pm Sep 18 2010

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Instead of being awoken by a loud buzzing of his alarm clock, Da.mien was awoke with the slam of his father's apartment door. He groaned softly pushing himself off the matress resting on the floor. Still a little tired he made his way to his room door and locked it quickly before digging through his dresser looking for something to wear. He quickly threw on some jeans and a black regular t-shirt. He struggled into his socks as he bounced into his bathroom. He quickly brushed his hair and teeth before running to his door unlocking it. Swiftly he snatched his shoulder bag from the floor and climbed out his open window onto the fire escape. "Jump or skip...oh what the heck" he muttered jumping over the rail of the fire escape and landed on the ground. "Ow. Okay I should have walked" he muttered standing up heading towards the school.


Radulf had already been up for hours working on his hair. He perfectly poofed it out just a little bit but not to much to where he looked like a mop. He gave a slight laugh walking out of the bathroom snatching up his book bag and running out of his house. "I wonder who else I'll run into--" Radulf's spoken thoughts were cut off when he noticed a familar black hair friend walking towards the school. "Nathaniel!" Radulf called running forward and wrapping his arms around his friend, hugging him from behind.

"Eh" Nathaniel muttered trying to pry Radulf's hands off his waist. "Okay, Okay!" Nathaniel laughed slipping out of Radulf's grip. "We have to get to school. Hey look a your hair. It's perfectly fluffed" He smirked with a light laugh as he turned around continuing walking to school.

"Really? You think it's perfect?" Radulf asked shoving his hands into his own pockets and walking next to his friend. "I worked on it for hours. Getting up extra early. It's school so I have to look hot" Radulf said grinning from ear to ear.


11:19pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Jesca was now riding her bike down the road, which was devoid of traffic. She felt a little self-concious as she rode for her bike was painted a bright orange, her favorite color. Other than that, she felt pure bliss at the feeling of the wind rushing through her short black hair, whipping off her hood.

Glancing to her left she noticed with some distaste two boys from her hair. One with a ridiculous hairstyle, all poofy and idiotic, and the other...the boy who was always so polite and kind to everyone.

Fraud, she thought disdainfully.


11:25pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 2,842

OoC; Two boys from her hair> Just saying...


Upon arriving at school Sarah headed straight to her homeroom from the previous years. She knew they would meet their, and get their as.signed lockersfor the year, before heading off to clas.ses.


Annika groaned, she was running late, 'Sranje!' She thought, 'Sranje! Sranje! Sranje'

"Momma!" she called out, "Momma! I need a rde today!" Her mother came down the stairs and Annika went outside to start the car, to take her daughter to school. Her car was an aold 1996 For Windstar van in Barney purple and she knew she would be laughed at, "Momma. Did my us pas.s cometoday?" she asked in her thick Croatian accent.


OoC; Sranje menas crap, In croation btw


11:27pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 9,641
[What? O__O]


11:52pm Sep 18 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// East is pointing out a typo in your post Det. ^.^ It was funny. You made it sound like the boys were comming out of her hair.


Da.mien sighed slipping his bag over his left shoulder letting the actual bag sit on his right hip. He let out a sigh glancing down at his watch. His eyes widened as he seen the time. "I am never making it on time" he frowned speeding up his pace as he began running. He didn't think he was going to get there on time but did it really matter? If he showed up late it was only one day and he had a million others to arrive on time. He let out a sigh flinching a little bit before noticing something. He glanced down to his black t-shirt and noticed something missing. His black jacket. "Crap" he muttered looking back at the appartment building behind him. "Nope" he shook his head a little lazy to go back and face his father just to grab his jacket. It's not like he was going to strip in school so as long as he kept his shirt on he was fine, although he did feel slightly naked without it.


Nathaniel laughed and shook his head lightly hitting Radulf's arm. "Weirdo" he laughed with a warm smile gribbing his backpack's strap that was acrossed his left shoulder. He tilted his head to the right noticing the orange bike and Jesca looking at them. With a warm smile he brought up his right hand and waved at her. "Morning" he called out with a slight nod of his head.

"What are you looking at Nathaniel?" Radulf asked looking to the side noticing Jesca. "Oh. Hello" he smiled but didn't wave a little lazy to pull his hands out of his pockets. "You know we are going to be late" Radulf frowned looking ahead of him at the school towering in front of them. "or not" he laughed realizing his mistake. They wern't that far from the school and since he knew Nathaniel he would take his sweet time and arrive just in time. He was never late which really annoyed him at times.


12:00am Sep 19 2010

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Posts: 9,641

Jesca scowled at the polite Nathaniel and peddled harder, drawing ahead of the slow boys. She stopped by the bike racks and chained her bike up, picking up her backpack from the convenient  holder in the back of her bike and strode into the school without a backwards glance.

She stopped by her old clas.sroom and sighed before walking in. Giving her teacher a sour look she sat down in the back of the clas.sroom, slining her bag over the back of her chair.

[I just saw that. That was a stupid typo, so I'm keeping it. xDDD]


9:58am Sep 19 2010

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Posts: 2,668

Sara got on her bike and pedalled up the street to her school. She rode by a trashcan and flipped her muffin wrapper in it.

When she got to the end of the street, she spotted two guys walking together. She p*censored*ed them up and put her bike on the bike rack. She pulled a lock out of her bag and chained her bike to the bike rack. She walked up the front steps to the front door. "Okay, I'm gonna have a good first day," she said taking a deep breath in and letting it out.

She pushed the doors open and saw how busy the hallways were. She already felt sick to her stomach. She walked to her *censored*igned locker and opened it. It was empty, for now. She would eventually fill it up with stickers, photos, stuff like that. The claustrophobia was starting to get to her, so she walked into the girl's bathroom. She didn't care if she was late, she just didn't want to have a freak out attack in the middle of the hallway because of her stupid claustrophobia.

What the Hello Kitty! Holy Shiitake Mushrooms! -Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara... -Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/

10:20am Sep 19 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Nathaniel watched Jesca peddle faster to the school not saying a word. He frowned and placed his hand back on his bookbag strap sort of pouting. "Seriously that was mean" he sighed glancing down at his feet as he walked. "She could have at least said bye or hi. Either would have suficed" Nathaniel muttered but glanced up feeling Radulf lightly punch his arm.

"Nathaniel...do you seriously blame her?" Radulf laughed walking into the school. "You are way to nice sometimes. I mean who is a morning person? Obviously you not others" He grinned glancing back at Nathaniel and slipped into the homeroom sitting at close seat waiting for Nathaniel to take hs somewhere near him.


Da.mien sighed finially making it to the school. He glanced around the halls before quickly slipping into the cl*censored*room and into a random empty seat. He glanced over at Sarah for a moment before laying his head down on his desk a little bored not really wanting to wait for everything to be as.signed to them.


3:23pm Sep 19 2010

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Posts: 2,668

Sara walked out of the bathroom a couple minutes later and was fine. She walked into her first cl*censored*. She was late. Luckily, she slipped in without the teacher seeing her. She took an empty seat towards the back. Her tall stature greatly contrasted with the short person in front of her.

She spotted a guy that was pretty cute. He would've looked even cuter with a black jacket on though. She propped her head up on her hands and observed the teacher.

What the Hello Kitty! Holy Shiitake Mushrooms! -Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara... -Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/

7:40pm Sep 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,668

What the Hello Kitty! Holy Shiitake Mushrooms! -Ah, the many gurbled words of Sara... -Oh, join this rp... http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/we-were-meant-to-be-but-i-just-can-039-t-do-it-/~page/1/
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