A Clan of Kittypets? (Warriors) Has StarClan Gone Mad?!

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7:53pm Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 2,097

((Yes she is. Aww... I shall miss you. >.<))

Stormblaze didn't notice. "Sorry!" he mewed. He immediately looked sad and as if someone had just died. He slunk off to his nest and curled up tightly.

Gorsepaw opened an eye, "Eh?" Someone was calling for Applesong. But it was a soft cry. Not soft, but far away. Gorsepaw sprang out of her nest and pelted towards the sound, kicking up grit and mud as she rushed to whoever cried. She crashed through the dark forest and tried not to slip. "Gladestar!" she gasped. "A kit! You found a kit!" Gorsepaw exclaimed.

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

7:54pm Jul 30 2010

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Posts: 2,097
((I have to go, too. :( I don't know when I'll be back, or if it's tomorrow... Bye, guys!))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

12:52pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 12:54pm Jul 31 2010)

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Posts: 3,318
((xD Lets just pretend Hawkshadow never left the medicine cat's den Lolz))

(Purple)Hawkshadow nodded"I-i keep remembering stuff about my parents and...I try to forget but the memories just slip back into my head anyway."She said the words in a low whisper hoping no one else had overheard.Hawkshadow was actually surprised that she even shared this with another cat,she hoped that she didnt have to regret it.She stared at her paws as if they were the only thing to look at as she waited for Applesong's response.


1:41pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
Shadowscar crossly closed his eyes as he suddenly bent back to groom his tail, and then nodded. "Thank you." he muttered softly, nodding at the approximate area where Applesong stood. Then he stiffened in alarm. "No heavy exercise? How about patrols? Hunting? Battles!" He snarled, as if frightened that he might miss any of these c*censored*s. Sighing, Shadowscar stood and stretched, and padded coldly away from the medicine cat's den. But then, he heard Hawkshadow's whispered comment. Tossing a comment over his shoulder, he said coldly, "Block them out of your head. Pretend they didn't even exist. That's what I do."
Willowstar was confused, thoughts running through her head as if they were rabbits being chased by cats. Thoughts of trust and loyalty, of deputies, and of kits. Sighing, she padded towards her den and then, disliking the solitude there, she padded once again towards the medicine cat's den. She needed to speak to Crookedheart. She needed the wisdom of her medicine cat.


1:51pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 3,469
((I'll post for Foxheart later. For now, I've gotta go. Bai.))

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


2:06pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Crookedheart’s ears twitched as she sensed the advance of another cat. He got to his paws and padded to the mouth of the den. “Willowstar?” he asked as he saw a familiar figure padding towards his den through the rain. His tail twitched slightly, he could sense something was up.

“Thanks.. No one has been this friendly since my arrival,” the tip of Sadie’s tail twitched slightly, “In fact, I’m sure most of the other cats dislike me due to the fact that I used to be a kittypet.” she started to growl softly, “Even if it wasn’t my choice to become one. Or maybe it’s because I wasn’t born in HailClan.” she shrugged, her birthplace didn’t affect her loyalty to Hailclan whatsoever.


2:10pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
((Hey Shadowolf, gotta ask you a quick question. Are you alright if Willowstar and Crookedheart knew each other from like, kithood? And maybe they're like, something close to best buds? 8D))


2:12pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,060
ooc; I don't mind. x3
Lol, I never mind. 


2:16pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446

((Thanks, this'll help me find a way to address Crookedheart easier XD))


Padding into the clearing, Willowstar, once again, was soaked to the bone. Coughing softly, she stared at Crookedheart sadly, hesitating on how she was going to put this. She knew him ever since they were apprentices, and from the early stages from their kit-hood. Sitting down on the ground, Willowstar sighed, and spoke to Crookedheart in a soft, rasping tone. She didn't know it, but she had caught the early stages of greencough. "Crookedheart? Do you ever regret being chosen as a medicine cat? With everyone's trust in you, have you ever worried about breaking that trust?"



2:17pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Hawkshadow looked up,shocked to hear Shadowscar's response instead of Applesong."Is that really what I should do?Just block them out forever?"Hawkshadow questioned herself.She shook er head to clear it,"All that matters is being loyal to my clan"she thought as she padded over to the warriors den.


2:23pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
Curling into his nest near the edge of the circle where the senior warriors slept, Shadowscar fell into an instant dream, dreaming of the old days, when his mother was still alive. Alive, and well. Images flashed through his sleeping mind, suddenly seeming to stop at one scene. Her death. A kit, no more than 5 moons old, nearing his apprentice hood, was stalking his mother. A turn, a mischievous grin that he loved so much. Flinging him into the air playfully, landing on her back. A sudden gust of wind smelling of his sister, who loathed his mother. A few, quick, unsteady steps, nearing the path where the Monsters roamed. A screech. A thud. "NOOOOOOOO!" Shadowscar yowled, still not waking. "Falcontail! Don't leave! MOM!" He stopped yowling, still in his fitful dreams, twitching occasionally, baring his fangs in a battle snarl that so many recognized.  


2:29pm Jul 31 2010 (last edited on 2:34pm Jul 31 2010)

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Crookedheart looked thoughtful for a moment. “No, I do not regret my choice,” he began, “And as for trust, I don’t see how I would ever have a real reason to betray them, they are my clanmates. They rely on me to heal them. And how well would I be able to do my job, and protect my clan, if I did not have their trust? ” he was silent for a moment before speaking again, his eyes taking on a worried look, “Do you feel alright?”
Wolfgang growled lowly, stalking towards Shadowscar until he stood above him. “Shadowscar!” Wolfgang growled, prodding the cat with his paw, “Wake up.” he hid the worry in his eyes as he recalled who Shadowscar was calling for.


2:34pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
Smiling grimly, Willowstar shook her head, and spoke, this time in a soft, gentle voice. "Crookedheart, I'm not sure what to do anymore. One of my most trusted warriors I feel I cannot trust anymore, and if I lose trust in one, how long will it be until I lose all the other's too? I feel unworthy for the task, and yet I cannot bear losing this Clan to another leader. I seem old and insane, but everyone tells me I'm at the peak of my health. I've lost so many fine warriors.... And yet I haven't even lost my first life ye-" Willowstar suddenly broke off into a long, rasping cough, the rest of her sentence trailing off as she saw the droplets of blood staining the soft floor....


2:49pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 3,318
Hawkshadow heard Shadowscar scream and she rushed over to him."This is all my fault!"she wailed silently to herself."This is why I never share my thoughts with anyone,Im never gonna share my problems with anyone EVER!"She didnt bother to whisper that part


2:53pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Crookedheart hissed angrily, “Greencough!” he growled through his teeth before disappearing quickly into the crevice. He searched frantically for the needed herbs, feverfew and juniper berries. He had the feverfew, but he was without the juniper. “Mouse dung!” he growled, but then he remembered that catmint could also be used to treat greencough. Luckily, since Terraclan’s forest had such an expanse of plants, catmint was still easily found, even in cold weather. He clutched the catmint in his jaws and returned to Willowstar. He was thankful that she still had all her nine lives, but he wouldn’t risk any of them. “Here.” Crookedstar said, sounding as calm as he could, placing the catmint right in front of Willowstar.
ooc; Lolol feverfew sounds funneh.


2:54pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 15,067
((Ello there Dj.))


3:05pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
Pushing away the catmint fiercely, Willowstar stood up and swayed a bit. "I do not have greencough!" She hissed, as another racking cough shook her frame. "It's.." Another cough, then "just some fresh kill stuck in my throat." Shaking her head, Willowstar's eyes were clouded with sickness and unreason. "Just some freshkill." She repeated, then mumbled, softly, "I can't afford to lose my Clan now...." And fell with a soft thud to the floor, blod trickling out of her jaws. 
Shadowscar woke with a start, just to find Wolfgang and Hawkshadow standing over him. there was no sign of pain in his voice, but a glimmer of it in his eyes. "What's wrong?" He said in his growl of a voice. "Am I dying? Or are you just interested in staring at me." He snarled, a deadly question in his tone. But his eyes shone with heart-wrenching pain, one that even his cold, frosty demeanor couldn't hide.  


3:37pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(Purple) Hawkshadow let out a sigh of relief "hes back to his,grumpy,grouchy self again!"she thought happily as she answered"Just standing here,but if theres something wrong with that then Ill be going"Her whiskers twitched with amusement as Hawkshadow stood up and padded over to her nest where she curled up unable to sleep, but in a more cheerful mood.


5:15pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 1,446
Snarling, Shadowscar, got up and stalked out of the warriors den, and brushed his way out of the camp. "Stupid dreams" He snarled, paws pounding against the familiar earth. "Why can't I block them out like I use to?!" He snarled, continuing to run, paws thumping, pelt soaked with the rain. "Humiliating." He snarled as he came across the abandoned fox den he had discovered 6 moons earlier. Using his claws to scrape away the dirt, Shadowscar cautiously scented the air. Dry. Old fox scent, being replaced with the scent of worms, dirts, and, Shadowscar's heart skipped. RABBITS. Wriggling in, he lay there, trying to get the wetness out of his skin, trying to avoid white or greencough, which was so deadly in these moons. Suddenly rolling around in the dirt, he soon rid off all the wetness and his fur color, looking like a dirt brown cat. Hissing, he circled in a patch of dried gr*censored* that was in the burrow, and lay down, cautiously still scenting, in case there was a fox in the den. If he was, he was dead


7:10pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 2,097

Guys, I just lost it. I have no idea what's going on. o.0 I don't get it. XD Can anyone tell me if my chars have been involved in anything? >.<))

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3
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