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3:24pm Nov 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Calyx giggled, letting the rabbit slide off her head. "Thank yew," She laughed, finished off the rest of the rabbit and curled her tail confortably over her paws. "Can't we just vote?" She suggested. "Yeah, but it takes the fun out of it," Kohaku chuckled, stretching his legs.

"Oh, yeah," Nyght said, embaras.sed. He picked up speed and sniffed the air. "We're in luck, there's an elk herd nearby!" He yipped excitedly.



5:37pm Nov 2 2010

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Leto nodded. "Yeah, no fun!" She echoed, flapping her wings again. "Come on, let's do something fun! It'll get boring after awhile." Leto started cantering around in circles, bursting with energy.


5:46pm Nov 2 2010

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Calyx flopped on the ground. "I'm to tired," She murmered. "I'm going to take a nap...." She woofed. "I'll play later," Once Starfrost had quenched her thirst, she padded around camp. Something sparkled in the bushes. "Shiny!" Sh yipped, darting toward it. Calyx opened one eye to see Starfrost bound into the brush. "Wait, Starfrost--" the words barely left Calyx's lips before a shriek pierced the air.


3:12am Nov 3 2010

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[[Shriek... Starfrost'? ]]

Halphas turned around when he heard a scream. "Calyx? Starfrost?" He said uncertainly, quickly dashing to where the younger wolves were. Was something disturbing their territory? He sighed. Starfrost always had the knack for finding trouble.


Vorlos ran past Kohaku and Calyx. "What are you waiting for?" He howled when he pa-ssed them. "Come on, let's go!" Leto was up in the air again, gliding by her brother.


Basira did not hear the scream. "Already?" She asked Nyght. "That was quick." She grinned and trotted by a few trees, making the wind send her the scent of elk. Basira's eyes sharpened slightly. "Move west." She whispered, stalking forward. "They're near."

[[Let's just say Basira and Nyght didn't hear it xP ]] 


6:26am Nov 3 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( Dun duuuuuuun xD ))

"Damnit, Stafrost!" Snarled Calyx. "She's over here," she darted into the brush, careful not to trample over Starfrost's unmoving body. Was she dead? Calyx looked closer at the rise and fall of her chest. No, thank God. Starfrost's back leg was wedged into a trap of some kind. "Starfrost? Can you hear me?" Calyx whimpered. And to make matters worse, small shiny wire wrapped around her tail and other leg. "Help!" Howled Calyx.

"Great!" Chirped Nyght, but not too loud. He didn't want to scare the elk. He followed Basira to the location where the elk herd was to be. "There they are!" Nyght whispered.



7:49am Nov 3 2010

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Basira flicked her ears. "Knew it." She whispered back triumphantly. One elk female looked rather young, perhaps just before mating age. "Let's get that one." She pointed at the young female with her nose. "Easy prey." Basira wagged her tail excitedly.


"Shhh, Calyx!" Halphas tried to calm the she-wolf down. "Starfrost will be fine as soon as we get her out. When Basira and Nyght come back, Starfrost can eat some of their prey while Basira tends to her wounds. If she has any." He added hastily. "Come on, let's try to break the shiny stuff." Halphas nervously flicked the shiny wire with the tip of his claw. No reaction. "It's not alive, I don't think." He said.


Leto felt like howling along with Calyx. How could Halphas be so calm? "Starfrost, you'll be alright!" She whimpered, trying to help Halphas rip off the wire as quickly and gently as she could, to avoid wounding Starfrost. Vorlos shuffled on to help, being the first one to finally snap one wire.

[[What is it? o-o ]] 


11:04pm Nov 3 2010

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6:57am Nov 4 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( A freaky trap I made up. xDD ))

Nyght eyed the elk suspiciously. "Yeah, but that takes the fun out of it," He grinned. He pointed to the herd leader, the bull elk. "What about that? It could last us for months!" He said eagerly.

Calyx whimpered. "She won't last until they get here!" She woofed patheticaly. She pawed at the metal wire. "We need to ask now!" She whimpered. Starfrost groaned. "She's still concious?" She gasped. Starfrost's paw twitched. "She's lost alot of blood....." Kohaku sighed.


7:17am Nov 4 2010

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Halphas nudged Calyx. "Don't get worried, Calyx." He reas-sured her. "We'll get Starfrost out, alright? I promise." He bent down again to tear at the metal wiring. Leto also rose. "Come on, you two!" She snapped at Kohaku and Calyx. "Standing there are observing won't help!" Without waiting, she returned to help Halphas and Vorlos, biting violently at the shiny wire. Leto felt a wire cut at her mouth making it bleed. "Ow." She yelped, licking at the wound. 


Basira rolled her eyes. "Such as show-off, Nyght." She murmured. "Two wolves taking on the strongest elk? That's a bit crazy. Usually it takes a whole pack to bring him down."  


7:22am Nov 4 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Nyght huffed. "Fine." He said dramaticaly. "I just wanted to help feed the pack," He pretended to cry. "Well, I guess your right," chuckled Nyght. "I'll go around and scare it to you?" Nyght suggested. "One swift bite to the neck.." He wondered off.

"I'll go and get Basira!" Calyx woofed. "The shouldn't be to far away!" She bounded off. Starfrost hissed, the wire tightening around her leg. She groaned. Kohaku stepped back, "I think we're hurting her," He whimpered.



7:32am Nov 4 2010

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"Calyx!" Leto howled. Now how were they going to help? Vorlos had torn three wires, and Halphas had gotten through four. "Why won't you help?" Leto rounded on Kohaku, then turned away, lashing her tail. She had torn through two wires, and they seemed to be relenting. "We're not hurting her." Leto told Kohaku. "Help me get the one around Starfrost's leg." Leto started tearing at it.


Basira rolled her eyes. Confident idiot. She nodded and stalked behind a bush near the female elk, watching as Nyght snuck off. Her eyes narrowed as she waited, muscles tensed to jump anytime.  


6:17pm Nov 5 2010

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Posts: 17,364

"I might hurt her....Are you sure it won't hurt her?" He whimpered. He stared down at his sister's limp body, her snow white fur now matted with blood. Kohaku let out a sigh, swishing his tail irritably. though he was still nto sure, he bent down and nipped at one of the wires. Starfrost's leg flinched and Kohaku whimpered. "See, I'm hurting her!" He wailed.

Nyght's heart raced. His first elk hunt! Boy was he excited! He swished his tail happily, his belly fur scraping the ground as he crouched. Something rustled in the bushes, so he was forced to jump up and attack. If he didn't, it was possible what ever was in the bushes would scare them off. He latched onto the elk's back and sunk his teeth into its neck. He glanced around, it was heading right toward Basira. Everythign was going according to plan.


6:17pm Nov 5 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( sorry  I haven't been on! -grounded- I'm only online on the weekends. :( ))


8:57pm Nov 5 2010

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Posts: 5,998

[[S'okay, Zozo :d ]]

"Stop being such a pup!" Leto snapped irritably. "Either we get these things off her, or we watch them kill Starfrost!" Vorlos nodded in agreement with his sister. "Kohaku, we have to get these things off." He told Kohaku quietly.

Basira narrowed her eyes as she saw Nyght latch onto the female elk, making it charge straight to her hiding spot. When it was close enough, Basira sprang out, skidding to the side of the elk and jumping for its throat. She missed, landing on its shoulder. Basira scrabbled on, clinging onto the female with her claws and teeth. The female elk was being dragged down by both their weight, while the rest of the elk herd had fled. 


9:49am Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Kohaku layed his ears back against his skull. He ket out an unsure hiss and continued to tear at the shiny wire. "Get. Off." He mumbled. The wire let out a small tweaking sound when it finally popped. "Yes." He said triumpthiantly. Oh wait...He glanced at the 20 or so more wires. He snarled softly and started to tear at the others. This is going to take forever!

The elk let out one last bloodcurdling cry before falling to the ground in a big thump. "Yeeesss!" Nyght howled. He turned to his side to see a black wolf padding out of the bushes. "Calyx?" He tilted his head. "Starfrost got stiuck in a trap," Calyx panted. "we need help." "Well, once we get this thing back to camp we will," "How long will that take?" "well, umm...I don't know?"


9:56am Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 5,998

Basira looked from the elk to Calyx. "We can't just leave it here!" She said. "This can feed the pack for weeks! We have to drag it back to camp." She picked up one leg of the elk and started dragging, making a little bit of progress.

"Good job, Kohaku." Leto said, briefly glancing up from her portion of the wires. She pushed her nose against his fur in rea-ssurance, but only for a moment. Then Leto continued tearing at the wires again, with Halphas and Vorlos. 


10:29am Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 17,364

"Here, I'll help," Calyx stuttered, pulling the elk with all she was worth, but only managed to move it a few inches. She flapped her wings irritably. Nyght sighed, helping the two she-wolfs drag the elk. "Dang, I'm glad we didn't go for the bull elk," He muttered. Calyx rolled her eyes and continued to drag the elk. "I know! I could fly it out of here," Calyx suggested. Nyght tilted his head. "I'm not sure, Calyx, It might be too much for you," Nyght woofed. "Well, one way to find out," Smiled Calyx.

Kohaku got through two more wires. Something wet, but warm, touched his fur. He flinched, turning around to see Leto encouraging him. It felt nice. "T-thanks," He stuttered. He bent down and chewed at the wires some more.


6:45pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 5,998

"Keep on dragging." Basira muttered through her mouthful of elk. She bent down and continued dragging, glad that the elk herd chose to graze so close to the camp.

Leto glanced up at Kohaku and nodded in acknowledgement. "I got another one off!" Halphas and Vorlos said at the same time. "I got mine... half off." Leto said, chewing through the wires. 


6:52pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Kohaku glanced at Leto, bending over and chewing the last bit of the wire. Kohaku sip out a small piece of metal and continued to chew. "This hurts my teeth," He muttered through gritted teeth.

Calyx and Nyght sighed, dragging the Elk. "This is going to take forever!" Calyx huffed.

((Wanna time-skip to where they're at the camp?))


11:03pm Nov 6 2010

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Posts: 5,998

"I cut my mouth." Leto grumbled to Kohaku. "So don't complain." Vorlos and Halphas were helping Kohaku out on the last piece of wire. "See, Starfrost?" Leto said, out of breath. "We told you we'd get you out of this mess.


[[...H'okai :d ]] 

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