Ata x Ranni [Private]

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12:59pm Aug 10 2010

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Sesshomaru thought it over a moment, he was right. He was done talking here and turned away, but not before telling Rin and Jaukin to hurry up and coem along. Jaukin replied with teh usual,"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." and Rin,"Comiung, Lord Sesshomaru."

Inuyasha crossed his arms and let them go. Besides, what Sesshomaru did wasn't his problem.


1:01pm Aug 10 2010

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{{Gotta go...}}


1:03pm Aug 10 2010

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The large wolf demon turned and walked forward a large circle of light forming around his paws.

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1:09pm Aug 10 2010

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(k bye)

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4:04pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin simply yawned and decided to take a nap through all of this.


4:12pm Aug 10 2010

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He looked back at inuyasha"You must fufil your destiny"He said before disappearing

Senshi raised an eyebrow and huffed

Koga turned around hearing senshi huff"Alright cat just who the hell are you?"

Senshi rose his head a litte"Ooh not so friendly are we"His tail flickered as he made a low chuckle

Koga balled up his fists"Dont toy with me!"

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4:21pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin yawn and brushed the dirt form her hair and got up. She headed in Koga and Senshi's direction but just before, got a copy of a map of the area in this time(though it was a mental map). She ignore dteh twos quarrels and walked right between them, the Jewel of Greed now gave an odd aura of red light, though only a priestess could see it, oddly, Taelin could too.


4:26pm Aug 10 2010

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Senshi just chuckled at him noticing the jewel was was red as well but didnt care at all.

Koga growled and aimed to punch Senshi whos reflexes were abnormally fast he caught kogas punch in his hand without looking at him.Kogas eyes bucked in astonishment then grunted as Sesnhi started to crush his fist in his hand

Senshi looked at him with an emotionless ex
pression then let his hand go"If you want to keep that hand dont try that again"He said simply then turned to walk off.

Koga growled"And just where do you think your going"

Senshi turned his head to the side eyes looking at koga"Its not of your concern mutt"

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4:28pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin decided she wanted to see the ocean, maybe find a waterfall to take a abth in. Man, so may refreshing options but so many little hours....


4:32pm Aug 10 2010

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Koga growled and turned away from senshi"Look whos talking"Before he knew it Senshi had him by the throat"What was that"Senshi smirked.Koga growled trying to remove his grip.Senshi threw him knocking him throught a tree.Senshi sighed"How weak."

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4:35pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Aug 10 2010)

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Taelin popped the jewel in her mouth and drained a little power form it but just barely any and walked over to Koga and Senshi,"Leave him alone, or i'll make you."


4:37pm Aug 10 2010 (last edited on 4:41pm Aug 10 2010)

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Koga got up"Oh a challenge"Then he looked at Taelin.Senshi huffed and kept walking.He didnt know why she was bugging him Koga started it in the first place.

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4:39pm Aug 10 2010

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{{woops, misread... let me edit.}}


4:41pm Aug 10 2010

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Lol i did too

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4:44pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin then rolled her eyes and gave the borrowed energy form the jewel back and continued through the woods, she was going sight seeing and no one was going to stop her now.


4:46pm Aug 10 2010

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Koga looked at her with a raised eyebrow 'what is up with this girl'He thought to himself then looked back at Senshi'and this guy ooh i want to kill him soo bad i love a good challeng..i wonder where kagome and that mutt are'

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4:52pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin ran into Sango and the rest of the gang and a loud yell was heard as soon as Miroku asked his usual question and Taelin drop kicked him over the trees.

Miroku sighed,"I'll take that as a no."

The rets fo the gang was laughing their heads off. Though Talein imitated Kagomes voice extremely well and said,"Sit." and he fell into teh dirt then she was amused. His"WHAAA?" was loud enough to be heard from a mile away and then a loud thud.


4:54pm Aug 10 2010

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Senshis ears perked a little as he heard inuyasha.He chuckled then leaped into a tree while koga went off in his own direction.Senshi put his head against the base and sighed.

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4:57pm Aug 10 2010

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Taelin said,"Now, i'll continue on my own." Shippo protested,"BUT, what about Naraku? he might try and get that jewel from you!" Talein replied,"No he won't"  and without another word she headed out but she said over her shoulder"Tell Miroku he's a Perv."


5:01pm Aug 10 2010

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Senshi managed to fall asleep in the tree.His ears were cute layed flat and his tail hangign from the tree.His mouth closed and blue eyes closed.The blue around his eyes shun in the light.He didnt snor at all just layed there seeming almost dead.

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