[Ru] Beauty burns in the sun [Wolfie]

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4:08pm Dec 30 2012

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Chaston was surprised at Kentaro's crooked grin. Most people thought it was weird that she could hack into a computer. She was about to explain herself further when Traine interjected. She didn't understand how it was rude. She was pretty sure that Traine was just looking for a way to dislike this man. Disliking someone made it easier to believe that they were lying.

She let out several giggles as Kentaro talked about licking frogs. Soon those giggles turned into laughs, and she found herself bent over the table in a fit of giggles and laughter. She wiped her eyes shortly afterward, hiccuping, and snickered.

"You should be glad that you can't remember some things, now, Traine," she said, giggling again. She then rolled her shoulders, and spoke again.

"Well, my house is a ways away from where we are now, and my bike can't really hold all three of us. It'll carry two people. So, I don't know where else we could go."

Love is all we need~


4:27pm Dec 30 2012

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Kentaro laughed along with Chase, while Traine sat there with his mouth agape and eyes seriously angry. He scowled and pouted. Kentaro smiled and wiped his eye of a nonexistent tear. He nodded. "Chase, you can take my brother and I'll meet you guys. I'll take a more.... High route. If you remember the way we got to your house this morning. Plus, it's not that hard to follow your scent. Just give yourself a little prick."

Traine blinked and finally noticed the red eyes and fangs that were poking out while he laughed. Kentaro may be his twin, which he hadn't decided yes or no on, but he definitely wasn't completely humans. That, he knew.


4:43pm Dec 30 2012

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Chaston still had a smile plastered to her face, mentally still giggling at what Kentaro had said earlier. She looked over at Traine as Kentaro mentioned him as his brother. If he could so seamlessly call him 'Brother', then he must not be lying. She was sure of it then.

However, she stopped smiling, a bit of curiosity showing on her face as he mentioned taking a different route. She had been really sleepy earlier, and she'd had her eyes closed when Kentaro was jumping through the trees, so she couldn't remember him doing just that.

When he said that he could follow her scent, she cocked her head to the side, and widened her eyes slightly when he said just to give herself a prick. She wasn't a fan of blood, but she could stand it if it was her own. However, when she saw others bleeding, her maternal instincts kicked in, and she would try to help them with all of her might.

She looked over to Traine, grabbing his arm and tugging it lightly, gesturing for him to follow her. "C'mon, Traine. Let's go..." She was contemplating what had just happened. She hadn't seen the fangs, and everything was just odd to her.

Something was going on, and she was bound and determined to figure it out.

Love is all we need~


4:57pm Dec 30 2012

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Posts: 5,542
Traine allowed himself to be taken off the seat and he followed her as she headed to the exit. He could already see that the rain was just starting. It was just a drizzle right now, but based on how the clouds were, it was going to be a rain shower or a storm. Either way, he didn't want to be outside when it started. He yawned and opened the door for Chase to walk out. He looked back at Kentaro, who was still sitting at the booth. He didn't know what to believe. Was this man really his twin brother? But, why didn't his parents say anything about? Then again, Kentaro said their parents died horribly. Maybe his foster, adoptive? parents just didn't wanna tell him. Make him think he was alone.

He sighed and waled out into the drizzle. He pulled his hood up and looked at Chase. "So, are we going back to your bike? I mean, you said you lived a ways from here. "He shrugged and looked at her. He looked down and bit into his finger, maybe Kentaro really did need a scent.

Kentaro sat there after the duo left. He smiled to himself slightly and nodded. That was definitely his brother, their blood smelled the same and even their voices were similar. His was a bit deeper than Traine's, but Traine was the younger of the two. He smiled to himself and held the pendant in his hands. He finally found his brother, even if Traune wouldn't believe him when he said they were brothers. He giggled to himself and a girl came up to him, saying something about sparkling in the sun and loving humans.

Kentaro laughed and showed his fangs at the same time. How naive can these humans be?! "Listen, I don't sparkle in the sun idiot. I burn. My skin burns like leaving toast in a toaster for too long. I don't get lovey-dovey with humans. We eat them. And another thing. I can drain your blood aster than you can say "my mistake". Get it?" He stood up and walked towards the exit,


6:37pm Jan 22 2013

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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// a;lsdjf Mess. Crap. Ugh. I was going through my subions and spotted this one. I completely forgot about it. Would you like to continue? ^.^'

Love is all we need~


2:49pm Jan 23 2013

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Posts: 5,542

ooc:// if you'd like to. I wouldn't mind continuing it. Seeing as Traine is different from before.


4:21pm Jan 23 2013

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Posts: 6,409
Ooc:// Okay. :D I'll post some time later. I'm on my phone now...

Love is all we need~


7:49pm Feb 15 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Bump... If you still plan on continuing.


9:05pm Feb 16 2013

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Posts: 6,409
(( Oh, I'm so sorry!!! I keep forgetting this one. I'd love to continue it. ))

Chase felt tense at the sight of the sky. Though it was before noon, it was darkening- hinting at a thunderstorm. She had ne'er liked thunderstorms. They frightened her for some reason. They reminded her of gunshots, and growls. And the rain she saw seemed to look like blood.

Her hands shook slightly as she approached her bike, not answering Traine. She got on, and gestured for him to get on behind her.  "We're taking a shortcut to my house." She didn't want to be outside durin the storm.

"Hop on. I hope Kentaro will meet us there, like he said he would." She cranked her bike at that, and revved the engine.

Love is all we need~


11:20pm Feb 16 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine nodded. "He should be able to meet us there is he says he is. I don't know why, but I feel like I can trust his words." Traine smiled slightly and hopped on the bike behind Chase. He didn't really know what to do or what to hang onto. He rubbed his hands on his jeans and put his hands on Chase's  shoulders. He felt like he would be fine, but he didn't wanna make her uncomfortable by grabbing her waist. He nodded.

"Alright then. Lets's head to your house before we the rain starts to come down. I don't wanna get wet and I never really liked the rain. It reminds me of bad memories." He looked up at the clouds and shook his head. He didn't like it one bit. It bugged him in more ways than one. Maybe he had some really bad experience that initially made him hate the rain. He shivered. "can we go?"

{s'okay. And I'll post Kentaro once they reach the house.}


7:24am Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 6,409
(( Okay. ))

Chaston was a bit surprised at how Traine said that rain brought up bad memories. However, she was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't think much on his words. She slipped on the helmet that she had, fully conscious of Traine's hands on her shoulders.

She pulled up the kickstand of the bike and stepped on the gas, cutting a U-turn in the middle of the road and going out of the town before turning into an obscure path in the woods. It made the bike shake quite a bit.

Chaston couldn't remember the last time she'd traveled down this particular path, but she was an experienced driver. She just hoped that Traine knew how to hold on tight. He wouldn't be thrown off, but if he didn't find a good hold, he'd get one hell of a bumpy ride.

After about ten minutes, she arrived at her home- near the back of the house. She cut off the motor of the bike, her helmet still on. She would have spoken to Traine- told him that this was her home, but the thunder was closer, and Chaston could feel flashbacks burning in the back of her head. Bad memories of murdered people. Memories that she couldn't quite remember, and that she would never, ever forget.

Love is all we need~


3:08pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine held on tighter when Chase started onto the dirt road. He was still bouncing a little, which was a bit uncomfortable, but he didn't mind really. He was somewhat used to it. He jolted a bit when Chase stopped and got off the bike. He slid himself off the bike and dusted his hands off before he moved to dust off his jeans from the ride. He hissed slightly and stretched his legs out, which were a little cramped. He looked at the house and smiled slightly. It looked like something that would be rather homey. It gave him a nice sense of being at home. It was something he didn't really feel while he was at his own home. The people there weren't all that nice, but still. He yawned slightly and walked towards the house's front door. 

The thunder sounded and Traine actually jumped, causing him to latch onto the first thing around him, which happened to be his brother. How the hell did he get here?! He grabbed his brother tighter when another thunder sounded, which freaked him out again. He liked the rain, but he hated the storms. He yelped and clutched his brother's arm. He looked at Chase, who seemed to also be scared of thunder.

Kentaro chuckled and let his brother hold onto his arm. He remembered when they were little that Traine would do the exact same thing whenever there was a storm. He couldn't help but to pat his brother's head like he would when they were little. He sighed at the memory before he started to see the rain fall. His eyes widened just a tad and horrible memories flashed in his mind. There was the time when Traine fell from a tree, ending up in the hospital. The time that man tried to grab Traine when their mom wasn't looking. The times that Traine and Kentaro had both fallen into the river and Traine ended up almost drowning. He hissed slightly when the memory of the day they were separated. That memory was one he never wanted to see again.

He snapped himself from the memory when Chase was near him. He looked at the house in front of him. "so, Chase this is your house right?" He smiled slightly, already remembering the time, not too long ago, that he brought her here on his back. He hissed slightly and yawned. That was one hell of a time he had doing that.


5:51pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 6,409
As the thunder sounded again, Chase began to see the rain as nothing but blood. She looked down at her hands, which were wet. To her, they looked like they were covered in blood. Like she'd had someone's blood poured all over her. It was a common occurrence, and she wasn't nearly as disturbed about it as she used to be. What frightened her was that she couldn't figure out why they scared her so badly- Why the storms gave her these hellish visions of blood, gunshots, and of people with fangs, ripping two people apart, while she hid under a bed.

She was broken from her trance as Traine asked her if this was her house. She bit back a sarcastic remark, and nodded.


She pulled the keys off of her side, and walked up to the door, unlocking it and looking back at the twins. Her red eyes evaluated each of them. Her irish wolfhound nosed the door open, seeing as how Chase had unlatched it already. The dog stood in the doorway, and, upon seeing Kentaro and Traine, let out a low growl. His eyes didn't leave Kentaro's, however. He stared the vampire down.

The dog didn't know what it was about the man's scent that made him uneasy, but it set him on edge. The scent seemed oddly familiar to the dog, but he recalled it as a bad scent- a scent that he had to protect his master from.

"Willow, no," Chaston said, placing a slender hand between the dog's shoulders. The dog's growling ceased as its dark brown eyes traveled up to Chaston's red ones, and then to Kentaro's, which were also red.

A loud burst of thunder sounded again, which caused Chaston to go into a shaking fit. Her hands went tremorous, and she just stood in the doorway.

Memories of blood, and people with sharp fangs devouring two others' blood.

She snapped out of the vision again, and turned into the house. She was a foot away from the threshold when she yelled over the rain and thunder.

"Come on in." The dog guarded the doorway, but he wasn't going to attack anyone without orders from Chase.

Love is all we need~


6:58pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine shuddered and followed the girl is idle, weary of her dog, who didn't seem to like his brother at all. He shimmied his way past the dog and into the house. He liked how it felt homey, but there was an odd sensation about being at this house, like he should know his way around already. He shrugged it off and walked in farther, past the dog, though he was still aware of the dog that was still glaring at his brother. He walk in and stood next to Chase, unsure of what to really do. He stood there, kind of awkwardly. 

"So, uh.. Chase are your parents at home or anything? I mean, besides you dog, it doesn't seem like anybody's here..." 

He rubbed his arm gently, unsure of what to do really. It was something he didn't expect to do. He had just met the girl after all. It was weird though, since it all happened so suddenly. He looked at his brother.

Kentaro smiled down at the dog, who could definitely tell that he wasn't human. Animals always growled, hissed, and squawked at him when he was around. His smile widened until his fangs were showing a d he bent down so he was eye to eye with the dog. His smile dropped and his eyes seemed to just glow ruby red. His lips turned into a smirk and he licked his lips before he snapped his teeth a couple times.

"little dog, little dog... Don't think you've got a chance. I'm undead, so I'm not afraid to dying or being hurt. You on the other hand, are still an animal of the human world.."

He smiled and stood up to his full height. He looked down at the dog and hissed at it before he walked inside, where he saw his bother staring at him. He blushed darkly because he had been caught making threats to a dog. He looked at the ground and walked further in. 

"That never happened Traine..."


7:30pm Feb 18 2013

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"My parents are at work. They'll come home at around seven. It's not even noon yet, so they won't be home for a while." She bit her lip, and blinked a few times. Chaston could faintly taste blood in her mouth. It was from how hard she was biting her lip- she had caused a small incision on the outside of her bottom lip, which was bleeding a tiny bit- but she thought it was merely from the illusion of the rain being blood.

She hadn't heard Kentaro making threats to her dog. In all honesty, she was a bit tuned out of the world right then- caught up in flashbacks, and trying to ignore them. She quit biting her lip, and was oblivious to the small drop of blood welling on her medium pink lip. The crimson accented her eyes.

She flipped on a light with her index finger, and the bulb lit up the room. Still, even with the lighting, it looked dim due to the lack of sunlight. The rain was falling down heavily by then, but the full force of the storm was still several miles away, judging by the faint thunder, which was getting louder by the minute.

Willow, Chaston's dog, moved away from Kentaro, a bit confused as to what just happened. This dog was Chaston's protector. He would die trying to protect her, if need be. He was definitely strong enough to take down a fierce opponent, given his humongous size, and his massive jaws, which had a full row of powerful teeth, ready to shear flesh from bone if someone needed to be put in their place.

"Make yourselves at home," she said, trying to seem upbeat, now. She realized that she must have seemed pretty boring. Though, when she looked out the windows, she saw it raining blood. Blood dripping down the windows.

The living room was expansive, and had a red theme to it. The furniture was colored with warm tones of reds, non-obnoxious yellows and golds, and browns. "Just make sure to take off your shoes."

With that, she slid off her own shoes, setting them next to the door, and took a seat on the middle of a large couch. Two lounge chairs sat on the sides of the couch.

"Just sit anywhere." Willow hopped up onto the couch, too, and placed his massive head on the petite girl's lap, his brown eyes still zeroed in on Kentaro.

Love is all we need~


8:34pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine nodded and toes off his shoes. He picked them up and set them neatly by the door, unsure if he should clean them off on the bottom. He shrugged and pushed his shoes towards the side of the little area his shoes were. He turned back around, giggling at his bother's antics. Threatening a dog wasn't something he expect of his brother, but he won't judge him. He smiled and walked into the very red room, oblivious to his brother now. He walked into the living room and sat himself down on one of the chairs to the side of the couch. He looked at the large dog as it came by and hopped up with Chase. The dog seemed to be her protector of some sort, which was a nice sight. He sighed and tried to relax himself.
Traine managed to relax a bit and laid back a little on the chair, just enough so he didn't look stiff. He smiled and nodded.

"Your dad is the police guy right? He works in the police.. I wonder if he'll recognize us if he sees us. Or me.. Or Kentaro.i mean, if he worked or knows of our case..." 

Kentaro removed his shoes before he placed them next to Traine's. He gave a deep sigh before a very familiar scent hit his nose and filled his senses. His senses were becoming hyper active and he could smell the blood like it was gushing from a deep wound. His eyes darkened to a blood red and his fangs were sharper than before. His eyes widened and he slapped his sleeve over his nose and mouth, not wanting the scent to fill his nostrils. He stood up shakily and when he tried walking, he only managed one step before he ended up falling I to the wall. His back slamming back on the wall, leaving a small dent where his el is smashed into the wall.  His mouth was watering a bit and he didn't know if he could stop himself.

A memory flashed in his head. This same house, or one that was in this same spot. It was filled with vampires and their blood laced hands and fangs. Much of the blood was on the floor and walls. It was like a bloody massacre of humans and vampires alike. The windows were no longer dripping with rain, but they were dripping with blood. He grabbed his head and hissed, wanting to dispel the memories. He but his lip, his fangs poking the skin, but no blood fell. The blood was still in the air and his breathing was becoming harsh.


9:07pm Feb 18 2013

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Chaston was about to answer Traine's question when she heard her dog growling. Willow had sensed Kentaro's discomfort before any signs were given off. The dog could tell something wasn't right. A low rumble was coming from the canine's throat, and Chaston was wondering why her dog was acting so strangely as of late.

Normally Willow was indifferent to strangers, and always stayed by her side.

When the white-haired female spotted Kentaro getting up, seemingly distressed about something, she furrowed her brows, and bit her lip again, trying to see what would happen. She was unknowingly bringing more blood to the top of the skin. When she stopped biting her lip, she tasted blood again, and licked her lips absent-mindedly. the majority of the blood was swept away by her tongue, but it soon formed again.

When he crashed into the wall, Willow let out an alarmed bark- it wasn't terribly loud, but enough to send Chaston into action. The dog wouldn't act aggressively unless he had permission from Chaston. He could tell when Chaston needed help, and he would provide it when it was needed.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Chaston asked as she moved from her seat and towards Kentaro. "What's going on?" She got quite close to him, and touched his arm lightly, worrying for his well-being. The dent in the wall would require an explanation from her to her parents, but she had no doubt that she could cook up an excuse to keep them from getting bad ideas.

"Do you need some help?" The blood was welled on her bottom lip again, shining like a dark ruby in the light.

Love is all we need~


9:26pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine jumped when his brother became suddenly very distressed. The twin actually slammed into the wall and left a dent in the wall. He sighed, knowing her parents would need one hell of an excuse so that they didn't get mad at Chase for something his brother did. Maybe he could repair it before they got here? He shrugged. Wen the dog barked, Traine jumped again, unsure if he would attack his brother.

Kentaro could smell the blood as it leaked into the surface of her flesh. He didn't mind how far she was at the moment, but when she started to get closer, he needed to get away. His senses were going crazy. His tongue could almost taste the blood as it seeped into his mouth and flooded his mouth until it was full. His fangs could just about feel the flesh as it was poked open, he growled when she touched his arm and slid down the wall, hurrying his face in his arms, wanting to keep the smell out of his nose. He hisse sand rolled onto hai side, grabbing his head as a way to keep himself in check.  Kentaro's eyes dilated and his breathing was erratic. He growled and hissed and shook his head.

"Away.... Get away.. I need you to get away!"

He didn't mean to yell at that last part, but it was too much for him. He hissed and started to crawl away from her, towards Traine. It was the only other scent in the room that he recognized in his state, he needed someone to comfort him when he got like this. His senses were too aware and he could feel the fibers in his clothing. The cotton in his shirt was now irritating in a way. He needed to get out of the area. 

"please... Please, stay away and wipe the blood. Make it go away.. Make it go away.. Go away.."


9:51pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 6,409
Chaston was shocked when Kentaro actually went away from her. She had a strong maternal nature, and she had to admit that it hurt a little to have him just walk- or crawl- away from her when she tried to comfort him. She was left with her hand hanging awkwardly in the air, and she was very confused.

This was her house. And he wanted her to go away? She didn't understand. And she was actually getting a bit angry and agitated.

As he mentioned the blood, she got even more confused.


But she wasn't even blee-


She heard the blood plop onto the floor, and it showed red against the warm beige carpet. She immediately pulled her hand up to her lip, feeling a stinging pain there when her fingers slid over the cut on the flesh. She pulled her fingers away to find that they were slightly bloody. Not enough to be dangerous, but it was enough to be noticeable.

She quickly sucked the blood off of her own lip. It tasted metallic, and this time the bleeding stopped.

Willow trotted over to Chaston, nudging her bloodied fingers, licking them clean. He could sense her emotional hurt, and he whined, tail wagging nervously, eyes portraying worry.

Chaston muttered a few words. "I... I'm so sorry."

Love is all we need~


10:12pm Feb 18 2013

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Posts: 5,542
Traine ran over to his brother, taking the boy into his arms, wanting to protect his twin, even if he was going to get hurt in the process. He hugged his brother's head to his chest, blocking his nose for. The smell of blood, even though he didn't exactly get why Kentaro couldn't be near blood. He ran his fingers though his brother's hair and looked up towards Chase.

Kentaro buried his face in his brother's chest, breathing in his brothers scent rather than the blood scent. He pulled away after his breathing was calm and the smell was gone. He still clung to his brother, wanting to keep himself aware of his brother being the one with him. He shook his head and looked at Chase. He didn't know what to really say, but he might as well.

"Not your fault. I'm still considered a bay and I can't.. Blood... It's... It's not something I can handle right now. I can't be around it.. Or.."

His voice dropped to a whisper towards the end and he didn't know if he should even continue from there. Sure, he never told them he was a vampire or that they even exist for the most part, but that.. Maybe they needed to know so they were more weary about what they do around him and if they're wounded that they shouldn't be near him. This was going to be one hell of an afternoon once he started talking about this, but it was going to be now or never.

"Do... Do you believe in fairy tale creatures?"

((Btw, Kentaro will sort of be like Marceline from Adventure time only in the aspect that he can float if he wants to. Other than that, he's a typical vampire. Blood is food. Sun burns. All that.))

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