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4:21pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Sure you don't want the impossible setting?


4:22pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Impossible :D


4:31pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163

Note: If the user wishes, he/she can start the new segment by rmail as early as Friday, November 2nd at 3:25 p.m. Restime or later before the other users can see it.
( Have to get it out of my locker)

Some info about the levels:

Easy: A little easier than your typical escape game. It is hard to impossible to get hurt, and usually includes a ridiculously easy exit to the first room.(e.g. Walk out the door)

Medium: Your average escape game. In this it is pretty easy to get hurt/caught and most exits to rooms take some careful thinking.

Hard: A little more difficult than your typical escape game that usually includes you being robbed of some of your senses. Sometimes includes a time factor.

Impossible: A difficulty to be only attempted by masters of the escape game. Almost always includes a time factor and are usually robbed of some if not all your senses.

King Mode: ??? Unlocked when you complete 5 levels of each difficulty successfully.


5:51pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Impossible. Seriously. Impossible.


7:15pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
That's what you're getting.


7:16pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Yush :D made y day right there.


7:18pm Nov 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Cool heres a riddle while you wait:

12 men were biking on a trail and stopped to rest under a pear tree. There were 12 pears on the tree. Each took a pear and left 11 hanging there. How is this possible?


7:50pm Nov 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
I have no idea o.o did 11 of them pick from a different tree?


7:59pm Nov 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163


12:25pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Read the following conversation from bottom to top.  Participation is now welcome for any users. The difficulty level is set at [ IMPOSSIBLE].

                          Moving this to the thread. :) A lot a bit late on that....


 pick my jacket back up then, and tear off a couple pieces and wrap them
 around my knees and head to stop the bleeding. I then continue onward.


What you thought was guano was actually a deformed scrape your knees and a bump begins to form on your head.


 the knife out of my overly large jacket and slip it into my pants
pocket. I wrap myself completely in my jacket, and slide down into a
large pile of guano. I then get out of the guano and toss away my


You run out of rocks to clutch onto about halfway


I use what little slop there is to slide myself to the first rock. Then, the next. All the way till i get to the bottom ^^


You see a couple rocks sticking out here and there

 thing I do? Curse, and practically pee myself. I get a hold of myself
though and look over the walls and down the incline for some sort of
climbing wall thing I can use.


The cave all of a sudden cuts off to a steep decline (86%).


Bat cave, huh? I went to Carlsbad this summer, I know how these things work.

 wipe the guano off and stick the knife in my jacket pocket, careful to
make sure it can't cut through. I walk away from the largest piles of
guano. Humans mine guano, and they generally mine closer to the surface.
 Bats also nest in the back of caves. The more concentrated areas of
guano will be where they live, so walk away from that, and you are most
likely walking towards the surface. I also look at the guano for any
unnatural scoops. The closer I get to the surface, the more there should


The knife is slightly rusted from all that time in the water.

A bat schreech frightens you and you feel some guano fall onto your shoulder.


Ooh, I love cold weather.
Get my bearings first, and clutch my knife (which I managed to hang onto)


Gradually, you make it to the rocky shore.  at about 46 degrees farenheit, the ground is cold to the touch.


 a couple really, really large gulps of air and float there for a
little. I then swim towards the shore, careful to pop my head underwater
 every once in a while to make sure I'm not being followed/chased.


Back at surface, slightly tired.


Yup, go back to the surface.


Youre so reckless XD. 
Get down 25 more feet. Turns out what you thought was air was really freshwater.
Your lungs are screaming for air as the water method was mostly insufficient. Turn back and go to surface?


Well, yes, but if it really gets that bad I am smart enough to swim up.

 only 25 feet more. Why not keep going? Seriously, 25 feet isn't that
big of a pressure difference. It will take me another 10 seconds to make
 it down there, so I take one last large breath of air and open my mouth
 to equalize the pressure. The water should keep me from bursting, and I
 am a good enough swimmer that it is likely I can make it back to the
surface if need be, cause I wouldn't be surprised if there was gl***
down there (although gl*** should break under that much pressure)


You know you could die right?

You continue down another 75 feet and feel as if you're going o burst


 The worst that can happen is I have to swim up ^^ I put in my arms and
legs so I sink faster. I keep trying to equalize the pressure, letting
water into every crevice other than my nose and mouth to help keep the
pressure away.


you are.  You venture down another 50 feet and the pressure is really
getting to you, as if people are pushing you in on yourself. Continue?


Release the pressure in my ears (so they don't burst, and it helps equalize the pressure) and keep going.

I just realized how insanely reckless i am xD


You make it down an astounding 75 feet and the pressure starts to get more intense. What now?

 pop up on the surface, and take a very large gulp of air. I also make
sure I still have my knife. I let go most of my air, and sink like a
rock (putting me in water situations is never smart, I love to swim and
know a ton of tricks) I do my breathing trick with what little air I do
have, and the lack of buoyancy because of my lack of air causes me to go
 down extremely quickly, probably 20ft per ten seconds (It really works
like this, I am not making it up ^^)


You look, and what you see makes little sense. It looks as if about 225 feet below where you are, there is air. What now?

 take a VERY large gulp of air, and poke my head under the surface. The
saltwater stings my eyes a little, but I try and see what is underneath
the surface.

Yay, I made it out of that tunnel thingy ^^


 crack gets larger and larger until finally it drags you through it. You
 fall into a saltwater-fresh water cave and land in e water 20 feet
below the hole you cracked.  The water is about 450ft  deep ( half
saltwater half freshwater) and the nearest edge is about 1 half mile
away. You notice some amethyst hanging from the caves ceiling 50feet
above you.


Keep on kicking then.


It would take too long for all the water to drain


Wait till the water gets sucked in then keep on kicking ^^, unless it takes to long for all the water to drain.


 The concrete cracks and you feel suction dragging all the water through that crack.


Keep on going baby. If I am about to run out of air, I can just turn back ^^


The wall cracks a bit and you see concrete beneath its surface.


Aw, but I like controlling everything XD

 use my very small size to wiggle around a bit, and use my ninja skills
(I do have them by the way, 2nd degree black belt) to kick the wall hard
 (I also can do this, I can break a board after jumping over an obstacle
 waist level).


Stop controlling everything XD That's the writers job.

 try that trick and it actually works pretty well. The salt sucks up the
 moisture you take in and you can ' breathe/ pretty well. Sadly, you
can't keep doing this forever as it is becoming nauseating.

The path comes to a sudden end and closes off. You can tell that it was once opened though. What now?

(Think this is hard enough to be cl***ified as impossible?)


 yes. I actually know a trick for holding breath underwater. Breath out
your mouth and suck in the air with your nose. It doesn't give you much
oxygen, but it is still air ^^

I see a little sign written in
pencil on the wall. It says "sudden death" and has an arrow pointing the
 way I am going, but I also notice that there are eraser marks on the
other side and the message has different fading than the arrow. It is
obvious someone has come by and erased the arrow pointing the way from
which I came with one pointing to where I am going.


You're almost out of breath and may faint soon. continue?

Yup, continue. What idiot would build a path that led to absolutely nowhere?


The path gets so tight and you have to suck in your breath to fit.


I continue still.


It gets so tight that water starts lapping across your chin. You flatten out in order to fit. Continue?


 still continue to crawl. The worst that can happen is I eventually have
 to turn back. I am still cautious to keep my knife held out in front of
 me, though.


The path gets tighter and tighter. Warm salt water begins to appear below your feet and you are restricted to a crawl.

Continue walking ^^ I'm actually quite small, I barely weigh 90 pounds.


As you continue the path gets tighter and smaller. continue walking?

 walk away from the pink thing. The obvious choice would be to touch it,
 yes, but the obvious choice is often the fatal one. I check the outside
 of the cylinder for any clue on how I got in there. I look around the
cylinder and see that there is another pathway back there. I go down
there with my knife held out in front of myself.


Your vision is a bit blurry,  so everything you see is fuzzy. You make out the outline of a pink option, but nothing else.

Definitely not changing difficulties. Just wanted to confirm your definition of it.

 notice my knife washed out with everything else. It is a little
charred, but otherwise unhurt. I picked it up and shake some water off
it before putting it in my pocket. I then try to get my bearings of the


everythings given on request.

A metaphorical thing is something that has to be thought of metaphorically.

For example, a metaphorical person would literally fall apart of tickled by a feather ( metaphorical or not.)

If you would like to change difficulties, you can any time you want to.


 I know that, but physics was the way I was planning on getting through
all of this. I'm not sure what your definition of metaphorical is. Is
that all I get or could you give me a little more of an explanation on
what you actually mean?


remember  what this difficulty is called(some things will defy physics)

Good job. you and the water rush out into a metaphorical room. what now?


 try again, though physics makes that impossible :P I actually thought
that that answer would be sufficient and intricate enough, but noooo

 look at the pad. it doesn't seem to be physically touching the door. I
take the knife I had in my pocket (never said I didn't still have it)
and realize that it is made of copper, a very conductive metal. It is
also very, very small and thin, much like a wire. I attach it to the
keypad and to the lock system of the door. This particular lock system
is opened by an electric shock generated by the keypad. I wait for the
water to get almost to the keypad, and I jump up and wedge myself so
that I do not touch the water, thus protecting myself from an electric
shock with the rubber soles of my shoes (electricity CAN NOT travel
through rubber, don't try to get me on that one, though it can burn it a
 little, I'll give you that). I wait for the pad to short circuit and
send an electric jolt through the door, opening it and letting me out.


 an outside force seems to have acted on the cylinder and instead of
popping off, it and the cylinder implodes, crushing you. Try again? (I'm
 getting sciency on you. Think its hard?)


 wait for the water to fill up the structure, because I can swim and it
would take an hour for myself to die of hypothermia in the water
conditions. If there is a hole in the top, I can float out. If there is
not, it seems air tight. The air pressure will cause the top to pop off
(because water is entering quickly into it and nothing is leaving. Kind
of like when you fill a water bottle to the brim and the freezes, the
top will pop off).


here it is:

 are trapped in a tall, cylindrical structure about three feet across
and seventy feet tall. Ice cold water is rushing in at seventeen points
higher than you can reach. There seems to be the outline of a door and a
 keypad about 14 inches off of the ground, but it would short circut
before you could ever guess the right combination. What do you wish to


1:02pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
You might want to post what you responded to my jacket thing, considering that even I don't know o.o


1:03pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Oh yeah XD

one sec.


1:04pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
You continue walking and get more and more tired.  you are now so far down it is pitch black


1:11pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
not like i can turn back or anything. Keep going.


1:12pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
You collapse in a heap and fall asleep.


1:12pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Well, um, wake up then ^^


1:14pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
A dream seems to want to keep you from doing so. You find it virtually impossible


1:15pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Pay attention to the dream. It might be important.


1:25pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Blackness surrounds you in the dream. The word conglomerate is being whispered into your small enclosure, which you can feel the boundaries of with your hands


2:20pm Nov 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Smack myself in the dream. I may be butt tired, but sitting here in some enclosure isn't going to help me get out.

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