Christmas mayhem

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3:09pm Dec 24 2011


Posts: 3,187
aww ally they sound beautiful (im allergic to horses and live near a 'racing' town:P' ~<3 

lol im watching that santa thing now  :P

presents  sent :D enjoy


3:19pm Dec 24 2011


Posts: 3,187
!!!merry Christmas!!!
yep that's right its nearly Christmas
and do you know what that means

i wasn't shore how to do it this year, how ever much i like firing random prezzies at random people id feel bad is i gave some one something better than another

so its time for that amazing RANDOM NUMBER SIMULATOR

post a Christmas fact a funny story about one of your Christmas experience or anything and ill zap you a number and give you a present!!

top prizes include 
and mush mush more :D 

obviously i dont have enough for everyone and some prizes are better than others. 
who gets what is completely random and they a dished out on a first come first serve basis 


3:37pm Dec 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 603
One year for Christmas I got coal.


3:39pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 15
my last real chrismas about 4 years ago i asked for boots :O because i thought it would snow in cali

it was lame hahahahaha

3:41pm Dec 24 2011 (last edited on 3:49pm Dec 24 2011)


Posts: 3,187
D: woo you must have been very naughty lol
:P once i really wanted some skis even tho there never enough snow for it in england
sent :)


3:55pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 2,184
THIS YEAR. Today, I gave my brother his present. It was wrapped in enormous amounts of tape, so he couldn't simply rip it open. xD And when he opened it, he found a single tissue inside. It was a gag gift, but he was meant to feel like Harry Potter (there's a part in the books where Harry gets a single tissue from the Dursleys for Christmas). YEAH. 


3:59pm Dec 24 2011


Posts: 3,187
:D lol awesome! harry potter is amazing :)


6:13pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 1
i gave my girlfriend a furry hat with ears for christmas :O she wears it everywhere.....

6:23pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 393
Well, just a little bit ago, my 4 year old niece came over and she got a Tinkerbell doll house and a Little Mermaid dollhouse with furniture. Tinkerbell and her fairy house came with three cardboard friends (the other fairies). She continuously asked me to play Tinkerbell with her and finally, I agreed. She told me that I could be the cardboard fairies and she was Tinkerbell and Ariel. We started to play and was like, "Okay, we're going to the mall". I was like, "Okay, let me get my purse!" She goes, "No, me and Ariel are going. You have to stay home". I said, "Okayyyy". Well, when Tinkerbell and Ariel got home. She then said that it was time to cook. I went to the stove with one of my cardboard fairies and she told my character to just go to sleep... Then she continued playing without me and I watched, still holding onto my flimsy fairy. Every time I started to get up to do something else, she was like, "You can't wake up from your nap yet..." 

O_o WT?


6:41pm Dec 24 2011


Posts: 3,187
mock-that must be an amazing hat :D 
Reaper- lmao that's adorable (and sorry for your suffering:P)
presents sent


7:00pm Dec 24 2011

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Posts: 4
When i was 6 or 7 my family and i went to colorado for Christmas with my cousins, where they owned a condo at a ski resort place. we drove all the way from michigan and i can't sleep in cars so i was awake the whole ride. We got there before my cousins but the cleaning lady was nice, and let us in. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up, what seemed to be an hour later, and realized i had been a sleep for 12ish hours. I asked my brother and cousin if they wanted to go out and play in the 2story high pile of snow in the parking lot and they told me they already had :( and then i was convinced i heard santa's reindeer land on the roof :P

1:31am Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 271
It didnt snow here, yet!Im sooooo sad!


1:41am Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 393
Skypi: Hahaha! Thanks. I just sat there and kept making sleep sounds the whole time. XD


12:21pm Dec 25 2011


Posts: 3,187
everything sent 
merry Christmas!!! 


12:31pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 14

Well, today we were like attacking presents and stuff and I wanted to have my present last. So I kept one to the side (hidden xD) because it seemed like it was a shoebox or something insignificant like that. So as we finished and my father said 'well, we're done here' I pulled out the box and shredded the wrapping paper.

My siste just graduated collage, and as a present she got a laptop. So when I saw the box, I thought they just recylced that one. I opened it, expecting a big book or something, when I saw the amazing tablet that I'm typing this on now ^^

Unfortunatly, it is slightly defected- the graphic chip is messed up and there are random pink, red, and coral colored lines randomly thrown in- but it's the thought that counts. Plus, that's what free limited warrenties are for.

Thanks for doing this, Skypi! It's really, really generous of you to send free presents for stories, especially things as nice as you're giving out :) You're really sweet! Merry Christmas/ Happy 6th Night of Chanuka! (I'm both religions!)


~Dragonwriter <3

Will do creatu art! Rmail me! ;)

12:37pm Dec 25 2011

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Posts: 15
Well, when i was nine, i always wished for having a locket with my name inscribed on a pendant or something like that (as my friends used to have them!) . So, i'd express my wish to my family to buy me some fake one from the market. They'd always say "Ok" but would end up forgetting :( My older brother, who was eighteen, always teased me and mocked me for various reasons. When it came to present giving, he'd always give me something daft like a toothbrush or a pair of socks xD
So, christmas came, and obviously everyone were excited. I was eagerly waiting for unwrapping my gifts, because i knew they'd be great! I unwrapped one by one, all the while happy yet sad for not getting what i actually wanted (the locket). I left my brother's present the last, because  i didn't want to spoil my mood with his supposedly stupid gift. But he badgered me into opening, so i complied.
I was SHOCKED! In a beautiful red velvet box was a gold chain, with my name "Annie" written in cursive. I was too shocked to move, and ofcourse burst into tears. After hugging my stupid yet loving brother, i got know he had been saving pocket money and his earned money for me =) To this day, that was my best gift ever <333

LOL..writing this made me cry *wipes tears away* MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

12:56pm Dec 25 2011


Posts: 3,187
thank you Dragon :) have a great Christmas and your tablet sounds awesome even with the lines :p  
aw Doughnut that's beautiful :) i wish my sisters got me stuff like that lol.
presents sent :P 


3:48pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 107
I bought my little brother a Penguin Happy Napper for Christmas this year he absolutly loved it then my dad got my little brother and told him he got him an iPad he gave him a maxi-pad with and eye drawn on it it was soo funny


4:57pm Dec 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 388
When I was younger, I would sometimes get paranoid that I hadn't been "good" enough that year and that I would get a lump of coal in my stocking while everyone else got presents. The thought terrified me. xD


5:03pm Dec 25 2011


Posts: 3,187
:) sent presents,
merry Christmas! 

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