The Happiness Ripple Effect

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11:41am Feb 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 272

Would like Something: Frightening
For: myself
But no: bright colored things...


3:45pm Feb 12 2014 (last edited on 12:19am Mar 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 253
AlexMassecre, Your gift can be found in the Fashion Galore Store for under 4k TU. Please keep within the TU RANGE when buying gifts and check Item Data Base to make sure if you have to.

In future also post "wrapping up a gift" FIRST then EDIT this post with the gift you sent, not all in one go as this can cause confusion as what has already happened previously. 


7:51pm Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783

wrapping up a gift! :D

Gift: kayoki eggs x5

sent to: octopusbaby

time: 7:50 res time

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

7:55pm Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 783

I Would like something: Silver creatu

For: Me :D *haha I'm so greedy*

but please no: Squishies

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3
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