Cloths Creator!

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5:01pm Dec 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
Yup. I had a awesome idea when I was using the restroom... I think there should be a cloths creator. It is a game. You have a few tools (pencil, eraser, curved line, strait line, Etc) and you could create anything you want. shirt, ring, belt, ANYTHING! And a there would be a little button that said something like this "Enter monthly contest." And the in the monthly contest there would be showing of all the cloths. The Resians (rescreatures, the people of res, Etc) would vote for the best peace (or two or three or something) and they would have a certain amount of votes per contest (not being allowed to vote on one cloth more than once). Then the one (two, three Etc.) peace(s) would be edited if wished (by staff or creator) to be just perfect, and created and say available through out the next month in say a new shop, and the owner would get to price the cloth, and he/she would get say.... 3/4 of the profit made?


5:18pm Dec 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 247
This sounds nice, though I don't know if it would be complicated in coding overall. I like the idea of us designing our own clothing, though it would have to be appropriate. And there is a problem with staff 'perfecting' the idea. Way too much work for staff. Also, you can call us Residents. (hahaha, my lame pun.)

Adopt one today! Please click me! I'm dying! EDIT: Oh crap I'm dead. Click me anyways, cause I'm awesome.

6:04pm Dec 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
Sweet name!


3:26pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 1,998


3:38pm Dec 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733

No support sorry. I've seen something suggested like this before, and no support then either. If users created the cloths, that could get seriously out of hand, I don't think I need to go into details there. It just wouldn't work. I think being able to give ideas, like and elf cloths set with a forest cloak and bow and all would be cool, but drawing cloths just wouldn't work. There would have to be serious restrictions for users, especially younger ones, and then it wouldn't be very fair.

Maybe if staff gave us a set of cloths we could color in? Then we could vote on that, and it would be a much easier process. Besides, a cloths creator would be very hard to implement. The site has artists for a reason.


4:22am Dec 31 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
I think the closest option that might possibly work would be a clothing concept contest. I don't think it could be monthly. Perhaps annually or biannually. 

Users could be provided the base lines for the human figures. Then they'd draw a clothing idea on top of them.

Clothing ideas are entered. 
(The staff would have to sort out any lame entries of full body wang costumes prior to public viewing.)

Winners picked.

Winning entry would be produced by a staff artist. 

That's the closest solution I could think of. 9__9
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